Source code for mpdaf.sdetect.source

Copyright (c) 2010-2017 CNRS / Centre de Recherche Astrophysique de Lyon
Copyright (c) 2015-2017 Laure Piqueras <>
Copyright (c)      2015 Johan Richard <>
Copyright (c) 2015-2017 Simon Conseil <>
Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Roland Bacon <>
Copyright (c)      2016 Martin Shepherd <>

All rights reserved.

Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:

1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
   list of conditions and the following disclaimer.

2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
   this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
   and/or other materials provided with the distribution.

3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors
   may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
   without specific prior written permission.


from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import astropy.units as u
import collections
import datetime
import glob
import logging
import numpy as np
import os
import re
import six
import shutil

from import fits as pyfits
from astropy.table import Table, MaskedColumn, vstack
from functools import partial
from matplotlib import cm
from matplotlib.patches import Ellipse
from numpy import ma
from six.moves import range, zip
from scipy.optimize import leastsq

from ..obj import Cube, Image, Spectrum
from ..obj.objs import is_int, is_float, bounding_box
from import deprecated, write_hdulist_to
from ..MUSE import FieldsMap, FSF
from ..MUSE.PSF import MOFFAT1, create_psf_cube
from ..sdetect.sea import segmentation, mask_creation, findCentralDetection
from ..sdetect.sea import union, intersection, compute_optimal_spectrum
from import ASTROPY_LT_1_1, table_to_hdu

emlines = {1215.67: 'LYALPHA1216',
           1550.0: 'CIV1550',
           1909.0: 'CIII]1909',
           2326.0: 'CII2326',
           2801.0: 'MgII2801',
           3726.032: '[OII]3726',
           3728.8149: '[OII]3729',
           3798.6001: 'HTHETA3799',
           3834.6599: 'HETA3835',
           3869.0: '[NeIII]3869',
           3888.7: 'HZETA3888',
           3967.0: '[NeIII]3967',
           4102.0: 'HDELTA4102',
           4340.0: 'HGAMMA4340',
           4861.3198: 'HBETA4861',
           4959.0: '[OIII]4959',
           5007.0: '[OIII]5007',
           6548.0: '[NII]6548',
           6562.7998: 'HALPHA6563',
           6583.0: '[NII]6583',
           6716.0: '[SII]6716',
           6731.0: '[SII]6731'}

STR_DTYPE = 'S20' if six.PY2 else 'U20'

    # Version of the source format, see SourceICD.pdf
    'version': '0.5',
    'MAG': {
        'BAND': {
            'description': 'Filter name',
            'unit': 'unitless',
            'dtype': STR_DTYPE,
            'primary_index': True
        'MAG': {
            'format': '.3f',
            'description': 'AB Magnitude',
            'unit': 'unitless',
            'dtype': 'f8'
        'MAG_ERR': {
            'format': '.3f',
            'description': 'Error in AB Magnitude',
            'unit': 'unitless',
            'dtype': 'f8'
    'Z': {
        'Z': {
            'description': 'Estimated redshift',
            'format': '.4f',
            'unit': 'unitless',
            'dtype': 'f8'
        'Z_MIN': {
            'description': 'Lower bound of estimated redshift',
            'format': '.4f',
            'unit': 'unitless',
            'dtype': 'f8'
        'Z_MAX': {
            'description': 'Upper bound of estimated redshift',
            'format': '.4f',
            'unit': 'unitless',
            'dtype': 'f8'
        'Z_DESC': {
            'description': 'Type of redshift',
            'unit': 'unitless',
            'dtype': STR_DTYPE,
            'primary_index': True

def _set_table_attributes(name, table):
    for colname, attributes in TABLES_SCHEMA[name].items():
        for attr, value in attributes.items():
            if attr not in ('dtype', 'primary_index'):
                setattr(table[colname], attr, value)
            elif not ASTROPY_LT_1_1 and attr == 'primary_index':
                table.add_index(colname, unique=True)

def _headercorrected(hdr):
    """Handle keywords that have been renamed."""
    # COM*** -> COMMENT
    i = 1
    while 'COM%03d' % i in hdr:
        value = hdr['COM%03d' % i]
        comment =['COM%03d' % i].comment
        hdr['COMMENT'] = '[%s] %s' % (comment, value)
        del hdr['COM%03d' % i]
        i += 1
    # HIST*** -> HISTORY
    i = 1
    while 'HIST%03d' % i in hdr:
        value = hdr['HIST%03d' % i]
        comment =['HIST%03d' % i].comment
        hdr['HISTORY'] = '%s (%s)' % (value, comment)
        del hdr['HIST%03d' % i]
        i += 1
    # ORIGIN -> FROM
    if 'ORIGIN' in hdr.keys():
        hdr.rename_keyword('ORIGIN', 'FROM')
    if 'ORIGIN_V' in hdr.keys():
        hdr.rename_keyword('ORIGIN_V', 'FROM_V')
    if 'SOURCE_V' in hdr.keys():
        hdr.rename_keyword('SOURCE_V', 'FORMAT')
    # SRC_VERS -> SRC_V
    if 'SRC_VERS' in hdr.keys():
        hdr.rename_keyword('SRC_VERS', 'SRC_V')

[docs]def vacuum2air(vac): """in angstroms.""" vac = np.array(vac)
return vac / (1.0 + 2.735182e-4 + 131.4182 / (vac**2) + 2.76249e8 / (vac**4))
[docs]def air2vacuum(air): """in angstroms.""" air = np.array(air) vactest = air + (air - vacuum2air(air)) x = np.abs(air - vacuum2air(vactest)) for i in range(10): vactest = vactest + x x = np.abs(air - vacuum2air(vactest))
return vactest def matchlines(nlines, wl, z, eml): """Try to match all the lines given. For each line computes the distance in Angstroms to the closest line. Add the errors Algorithm from Johan Richard ( Parameters ---------- nlines : int Number of emission lines wl : array of float Table of wavelengths z : float Redshift to test eml : dict Full catalog of lines to test redshift. key: wavelength, value: name. Returns ------- out : (array of float, array of float) (list of wavelengths, errors) """ lbdas = np.array(list(eml.keys())) a = (wl[:, np.newaxis] / (1 + z) - lbdas[np.newaxis, :]) ** 2.0 jfound = np.argmin(a, axis=1) error = np.diag(a[:, jfound]).sum() error = np.sqrt(error / nlines) if((nlines >= 2)and(jfound[0] == jfound[1])): error = 15. return(error, jfound) def crackz(nlines, wl, flux, eml, zguess=None): """Method to estimate the best redshift matching a list of emission lines. Algorithm from Johan Richard ( Parameters ---------- nlines : int Number of emission lines wl : array of float Table of observed line wavelengths flux : array of float Table of line fluxes eml : dict Full catalog of lines to test redshift zguess : float Guess redshift to test (only this) Returns ------- out : (float, float, int, list of float, list of float, list of str) (redshift, redshift error, list of wavelengths, list of fluxes, list of lines names) """ errmin = 3.0 zstep = 0.0002 if zguess: zmin = zguess zmax = zguess + zstep else: zmin = 0.0 zmax = 7.0 if(nlines == 0): return -9999.0, -9999.0, 0, [], [], [] lnames = np.array(list(eml.values())) if(nlines == 1): if zguess: (error, jfound) = matchlines(nlines, wl, zguess, eml) if(error < errmin): return zguess, -9999.0, 1, wl, flux, list(lnames[jfound[0]]) else: return zguess, -9999.0, 1, [], [], [] else: return -9999.0, -9999.0, 1, wl, flux, ["Lya/[OII]"] if(nlines > 1): found = 0 lbdas = np.array(list(eml.keys())) for z in np.arange(zmin, zmax, zstep): (error, jfound) = matchlines(nlines, wl, z, eml) if(error < errmin): errmin = error found = 1 zfound = z jfinal = jfound.copy() if((found == 0) and zguess): return zguess, -9999.0, 0, [], [], [] if(found == 1): jfinal = np.array(jfinal).astype(int) return zfound, errmin / np.min(lbdas[jfinal]), nlines, \ wl, flux, list(lnames[jfinal[0:nlines]]) else: if(nlines > 3): # keep the three brightest ksel = np.argsort(flux)[-1:-4:-1] return crackz(3, wl[ksel], flux[ksel], eml) if(nlines == 3): # keep the two brightest ksel = np.argsort(flux)[-1:-3:-1] return crackz(2, wl[ksel], flux[ksel], eml) if(nlines == 2): # keep the brightest ksel = np.argsort(flux)[-1] return crackz(1, [wl[ksel]], [flux[ksel]], eml) def _mask_invalid(tables): tables = [tables] if isinstance(tables, Table) else tables for tab in tables: if tab is not None: for name, col in tab.columns.items(): try: tab[name] = ma.masked_invalid(col) tab[name] = ma.masked_equal(col, -9999) except: pass def _read_ext(cls, hdulist, extname, **kwargs): """Read an extension from a FITS HDUList.""" try: obj = cls(hdulist[extname].data, **kwargs) except Exception as e: raise IOError('%s: Impossible to open extension %s as a %s\n%s' % ( os.path.basename(hdulist.filename()), extname, cls.__name__, e)) return obj def _read_mpdaf_obj(cls, hdulist, ext, **kwargs): """Read an extension from a FITS HDUList and return an MPDAF object.""" filename = hdulist.filename() try: obj = cls(filename=filename, hdulist=hdulist, ext=ext, **kwargs) except Exception as e: raise IOError('%s: Impossible to open extension %s as a %s\n%s' % ( os.path.basename(filename), ext, cls.__name__, e)) return obj def _read_table(hdulist, extname, **kwargs): """Read a masked Table from a FITS HDUList.""" t = _read_ext(Table, hdulist, extname, **kwargs) h = hdulist[extname].header for i in range(h['TFIELDS']): try: t.columns[i].unit = h['TUNIT%d' % (i + 1)] except: pass return t def _remove_hdu(hdulist, name): try: del hdulist[name] except KeyError: pass def _insert_or_update_hdu(hdulist, name, hdu): try: idx = hdulist.index_of(name) hdulist[idx] = hdu except KeyError: hdulist.append(hdu) def _write_mpdaf_obj(obj, type_, name, hdulist): ext_name = '{}_{}_DATA'.format(type_, name) hdu = obj.get_data_hdu(name=ext_name, savemask='nan') _insert_or_update_hdu(hdulist, ext_name, hdu) ext_name = '{}_{}_STAT'.format(type_, name) hdu = obj.get_stat_hdu(name=ext_name) if hdu is not None: _insert_or_update_hdu(hdulist, ext_name, hdu) def _write_table(table, name, hdulist): if table is None: return hdu = table_to_hdu(table) = name _insert_or_update_hdu(hdulist, name, hdu) _INIT_FUNCS = { 'TAB': partial(_read_table, masked=True), 'SPE': partial(_read_mpdaf_obj, Spectrum), 'IMA': partial(_read_mpdaf_obj, Image), 'CUB': partial(_read_mpdaf_obj, Cube) } _ATTRIBUTES_TO_EXTNAME = { 'tables': 'TAB', 'spectra': 'SPE', 'images': 'IMA', 'cubes': 'CUB' } _EXTNAME_TO_ATTRIBUTES = {v: k for k, v in _ATTRIBUTES_TO_EXTNAME.items()} class ExtLoader(collections.MutableMapping): """Handles loading of FITS extensions. To avoid loading all the extensions of a source FITS file, this class allows to load an extension only when the corresponding object is used. """ delayed_types = six.string_types + (tuple, ) def __init__(self, type_, filename=None, data=None): = {} self.loaded_ext = set() self.deleted_ext = set() self.filename = filename self.type = type_ if data is not None: def isloaded(self, key): return key in self.loaded_ext def __repr__(self): keys = return "{} {}: {}".format(len(keys), _EXTNAME_TO_ATTRIBUTES[self.type], " ".join(keys)) def __getitem__(self, key): value =[key] if isinstance(value, self.delayed_types): with as hdulist: value = _INIT_FUNCS[self.type](hdulist, value)[key] = value self.loaded_ext.add(key) if isinstance(value, Table): _mask_invalid(value) return value def __setitem__(self, key, value):[key] = value if not isinstance(value, self.delayed_types): self.loaded_ext.add(key) if key in self.deleted_ext: self.deleted_ext.remove(key) def __delitem__(self, key): del[key] self.deleted_ext.add(key) if key in self.loaded_ext: self.loaded_ext.remove(key) def __iter__(self): return iter( def __len__(self): return len( def _ipython_key_completions_(self): return
[docs]class Source(object): """This class contains a Source object. Parameters ---------- header : `` FITS header instance. lines : `astropy.table.Table` List of lines. mag : `astropy.table.Table` List of magnitudes. z : `astropy.table.Table` List of redshifts. spectra : dict Spectra dictionary, keys give origin of spectra (``'tot'`` for total spectrum, TBC). Values are `~mpdaf.obj.Spectrum` objects. images : dict Images dictionary, keys give filter names (``'MUSE_WHITE'`` for white image, TBC). Values are `~mpdaf.obj.Image` objects. cubes : dict Dictionary containing small data cubes. Keys gives a description of the cube. Values are `~mpdaf.obj.Cube` objects. tables : dict Dictionary containing tables. Keys give a description of each table. Values are `astropy.table.Table` objects. mask_invalid: bool If True (default), iterate on all columns of all tables to mask invalid values (Inf, NaN, and -9999). default_size: float Default size for image extraction, in arcseconds. """ def __init__(self, header, lines=None, mag=None, z=None, spectra=None, images=None, cubes=None, tables=None, mask_invalid=True, filename=None, default_size=None): kwargs = locals() # Check required keywords in the FITS header for key in ('RA', 'DEC', 'ID', 'CUBE', 'CUBE_V', 'FROM', 'FROM_V'): if key not in header: raise ValueError('{} keyword is mandatory to create a Source ' 'object'.format(key)) self._logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) self._filename = filename self._default_size = default_size self.header = header if 'SRC_V' not in self.header.keys(): self.header['SRC_V'] = '' # Default tables: LINES, MAG, Z self.lines = lines self.mag = mag self.z = z for key in ('spectra', 'images', 'cubes', 'tables'): attr = kwargs[key] type_ = _ATTRIBUTES_TO_EXTNAME[key] if attr is None: setattr(self, key, ExtLoader(type_, filename=filename)) elif isinstance(attr, ExtLoader): setattr(self, key, attr) else: setattr(self, key, ExtLoader(type_, data=attr)) if mask_invalid: self.masked_invalid() def __getstate__(self): state = self.__dict__.copy() # remove un-pickable objects state['_logger'] = None return state def __setstate__(self, state): for slot, value in state.items(): setattr(self, slot, value) self._logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def __dir__(self): if six.PY2: return list(self.header.keys()) + self.__dict__.keys() else: return list(self.header.keys()) + super(Source, self).__dir__()
[docs] @classmethod def from_data(cls, ID, ra, dec, origin, proba=None, confid=None, extras=None, **kwargs): """Source constructor from a list of data. Additional parameters are passed to the `Source` constructor. Parameters ---------- ID : int ID of the source ra : double Right ascension in degrees dec : double Declination in degrees origin : tuple (str, str, str, str) 1- Name of the detector software which creates this object 2- Version of the detector software which creates this object 3- Name of the FITS data cube from which this object has been extracted. 4- Version of the FITS data cube proba : float Detection probability confid : int Expert confidence index extras : dict{key: value} or dict{key: (value, comment)} Extra header keywords """ header = pyfits.Header() header['ID'] = (ID, 'object ID u.unitless %d') header['RA'] = (ra, 'RA %.7f') header['DEC'] = (dec, 'DEC %.7f') header['FROM'] = (origin[0], 'detection software') header['FROM_V'] = (origin[1], 'version of the detection software') header['CUBE'] = (os.path.basename(origin[2]), 'datacube') header['CUBE_V'] = (origin[3], 'version of the datacube') if proba is not None: header['DPROBA'] = (proba, 'Detection probability') if confid is not None: header['CONFID'] = (confid, 'Confidence index') if extras is not None: header.update(extras)
return cls(header, filename=None, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def from_file(cls, filename, ext=None, mask_invalid=True): """Source constructor from a FITS file. Parameters ---------- filename : str FITS filename ext : str or list of str Names of the FITS extensions that will be loaded in the source object. Regular expression accepted. mask_invalid: bool If True (default), iterate on all columns of all tables to mask invalid values (Inf, NaN, and -9999). """ hdulist = hdr = hdulist[0].header _headercorrected(hdr) spectra = ExtLoader('SPE', filename=filename) images = ExtLoader('IMA', filename=filename) cubes = ExtLoader('CUB', filename=filename) tables = ExtLoader('TAB', filename=filename) lines = mag = z = None logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) if ext is None: extnames = [ for h in hdulist[1:]] elif isinstance(ext, six.string_types): extnames = [ for h in hdulist[1:] if re.findall(ext,] else: extnames = [ for e in ext for h in hdulist[1:] if re.findall(e,] if 'LINES' in extnames: lines = _read_table(hdulist, 'LINES', masked=True) for name in lines.colnames: if 'LBDA' in name or 'EQW' in name: lines[name].format = '.2f' if 'FLUX' in name or 'FWHM' in name: lines[name].format = '.1f' if 'MAG' in extnames: mag = _read_table(hdulist, 'MAG', masked=True) _set_table_attributes('MAG', mag) if 'Z' in extnames: z = _read_table(hdulist, 'Z', masked=True) _set_table_attributes('Z', z) if 'Z_ERR' in z.colnames: # Compatibility with old versions z['Z_ERR'].format = '.4f' z['Z_ERR'].description = 'Error of estimated redshift' for i, hdu in enumerate(hdulist[1:]): try: extname = if not extname: raise IOError('%s: Extension %d without EXTNAME' % ( os.path.basename(filename), i)) if extname in extnames: start = extname[:3] end = extname[-4:] if end == 'STAT': continue elif end == 'DATA': name = extname[4:-5] stat_ext = '%s_%s_STAT' % (start, name) ext = ((extname, stat_ext) if stat_ext in hdulist else extname) if start == 'SPE': spectra[name] = ext elif start == 'IMA': images[name] = ext elif start == 'CUB': cubes[name] = ext elif start == 'TAB': tables[extname[4:]] = extname except Exception as e: logger.warning(e) hdulist.close() if 'CUBE_V' not in hdr: logger.warning('CUBE_V keyword in missing. It will be soon ' 'mandatory and its absence will return an error') hdr['CUBE_V'] = ('', 'datacube version') return cls(hdr, lines, mag, z, spectra, images, cubes, tables, mask_invalid=mask_invalid,
filename=os.path.abspath(filename)) @property def default_size(self): """Default size image extraction, in arcseconds. If not set, the size from the white-light image (MUSE_WHITE) is used. """ if self._default_size is None: try: im = self.images['MUSE_WHITE'] except KeyError: raise ValueError('Size of the image is required') else: self._default_size = (im.shape[0] * im.wcs.get_step(unit=u.arcsec)[0]) return self._default_size @default_size.setter def default_size(self, size): self._default_size = size
[docs] def write(self, filename, overwrite=True): """Write the source object in a FITS file. Parameters ---------- filename : str FITS filename overwrite : bool If ``True``, overwrite the output file if it exists. """ if not overwrite and os.path.exists(filename): raise OSError("File '%s' already exists." % filename) if self._filename is None: # create and write the FITS file from scratch prihdu = pyfits.PrimaryHDU(header=self.header) prihdu.header['DATE'] = (str(, 'Creation date') prihdu.header['AUTHOR'] = ('MPDAF', 'Origin of the file') prihdu.header['FORMAT'] = (TABLES_SCHEMA['version'], 'Version of the Source format') hdulist = pyfits.HDUList([prihdu]) _write_table(self.lines, 'LINES', hdulist) _write_table(self.mag, 'MAG', hdulist) _write_table(self.z, 'Z', hdulist) for typ in ('spectra', 'images', 'cubes'): for key, obj in six.iteritems(getattr(self, typ)): _write_mpdaf_obj(obj, _ATTRIBUTES_TO_EXTNAME[typ], key, hdulist) # tables for key, tab in six.iteritems(self.tables): _write_table(tab, 'TAB_%s' % key, hdulist) # save to disk write_hdulist_to(hdulist, filename, overwrite=True, output_verify='fix') else: # update the existing FITS file if os.path.abspath(filename) != self._filename: shutil.copy(self._filename, filename) with, mode='update') as hdulist: hdulist[0].header = self.header _write_table(self.lines, 'LINES', hdulist) _write_table(self.mag, 'MAG', hdulist) _write_table(self.z, 'Z', hdulist) for typ in ('spectra', 'images', 'cubes'): obj = getattr(self, typ) extname = _ATTRIBUTES_TO_EXTNAME[typ] for key in obj.loaded_ext: _write_mpdaf_obj(obj[key], extname, key, hdulist) for key in obj.deleted_ext: _remove_hdu(hdulist, '{}_{}_DATA'.format(extname, key)) _remove_hdu(hdulist, '{}_{}_STAT'.format(extname, key)) # tables for key in self.tables.loaded_ext: _write_table(self.tables[key], 'TAB_%s' % key, hdulist) for key in self.tables.deleted_ext: _remove_hdu(hdulist, 'TAB_%s' % key)
[docs] def info(self): """Print information.""" info = excluded_cards = {'SIMPLE', 'BITPIX', 'NAXIS', 'EXTEND', 'DATE', 'AUTHOR'} for key in self.header.keys(): if key not in excluded_cards: info([key]) for attr in (self.spectra, self.images, self.cubes, self.tables): info(repr(attr)) for name, tab in (('lines', self.lines), ('magnitudes', self.mag), ('redshifts', self.z)): if tab is not None:
info("%d %s" % (len(tab), name)) def __getattr__(self, item): """Map values to attributes.""" try: return self.header[item] except KeyError: raise AttributeError(item) def __setattr__(self, item, value): """Map attributes to values.""" if item in ('header', 'lines', 'mag', 'z', 'cubes', 'images', 'spectra', 'tables', '_logger', '_filename', '_default_size', 'default_size'): super(Source, self).__setattr__(item, value) else: self.header[item] = value
[docs] def add_comment(self, comment, author, date=None): """Add a user comment to the FITS header of the Source object. Parameters ---------- comment : str Comment. author : str Initials of the author. date : Date, by default the current local date is used. """ date = date or
self.header['COMMENT'] = '[%s %s] %s' % (author, str(date), comment)
[docs] def add_history(self, text, author='', date=None): """Add a history to the FITS header of the Source object. Parameters ---------- text : str History text. author : str Initials of the author. date : Date, by default the current local date is used. """ date = date or version = self.header['SRC_V'] ttext = '[%s] %s (%s %s)' % (version, text, author, str(date)) if len(ttext) > 68: n = len(text) - len(ttext) + 68 ttext = '[%s] %s (%s %s)' % (version, text[:n], author, str(date))
self.header['HISTORY'] = ttext
[docs] def add_attr(self, key, value, desc=None, unit=None, fmt=None): """Add a new attribute for the current Source object. This attribute will be saved as a keyword in the primary FITS header. This method could also be used to update a simple Source attribute that is saved in the pyfits header. Equivalent to ``self.key = (value, comment)``. Parameters ---------- key : str Attribute name value : int/float/str Attribute value desc : str Attribute description unit : `astropy.units.Unit` Attribute units fmt : str Attribute format ('.2f' for example) """ if desc is None: desc = '' if unit is not None: desc += ' u.%s' % (unit.to_string('fits')) if fmt is not None: desc += ' %%%s' % fmt
self.header[key] = (value, desc)
[docs] def remove_attr(self, key): """Remove an Source attribute from the FITS header of the Source object."""
del self.header[key]
[docs] def add_z(self, desc, z, errz=0): """Add a redshift value to the z table. Parameters ---------- desc : str Redshift description. z : float Redshidt value. errz : float or (float,float) Redshift error (deltaz) or redshift interval (zmin,zmax). """ if np.isscalar(errz): if errz == -9999: zmin = -9999 zmax = -9999 else: zmin = z - errz / 2 zmax = z + errz / 2 else: try: zmin, zmax = errz except: raise ValueError('Wrong type for errz in add_z') if self.z is None: if z != -9999: names = ('Z_DESC', 'Z', 'Z_MIN', 'Z_MAX') dtypes = [TABLES_SCHEMA['Z'][name]['dtype'] for name in names] self.z = Table(names=names, rows=[[desc, z, zmin, zmax]], dtype=dtypes, masked=True) _set_table_attributes('Z', self.z) else: if desc in self.z['Z_DESC']: sel = self.z['Z_DESC'] == desc if z != -9999: self.z['Z'][sel] = z self.z['Z_MIN'][sel] = zmin self.z['Z_MAX'][sel] = zmax else: index = np.where(sel)[0][0] self.z.remove_row(index) else: if z != -9999: self.z.add_row([desc, z, zmin, zmax]) if self.z is not None: self.z['Z'] = ma.masked_equal(self.z['Z'], -9999) self.z['Z_MIN'] = ma.masked_equal(self.z['Z_MIN'], -9999)
self.z['Z_MAX'] = ma.masked_equal(self.z['Z_MAX'], -9999)
[docs] def add_mag(self, band, m, errm): """Add a magnitude value to the mag table. Parameters ---------- band : str Filter name. m : float Magnitude value. errm : float Magnitude error. """ if self.mag is None: names = ['BAND', 'MAG', 'MAG_ERR'] dtypes = [TABLES_SCHEMA['MAG'][name]['dtype'] for name in names] self.mag = Table(names=names, rows=[[band, m, errm]], dtype=dtypes, masked=True) _set_table_attributes('MAG', self.mag) else: if band in self.mag['BAND']: self.mag['MAG'][self.mag['BAND'] == band] = m self.mag['MAG_ERR'][self.mag['BAND'] == band] = errm else:
self.mag.add_row([band, m, errm])
[docs] def add_line(self, cols, values, units=None, desc=None, fmt=None, match=None): """Add a line to the lines table. Parameters ---------- cols : list of str Names of the columns values : list<int/float/str> List of corresponding values units : list<astropy.units> Unity of each column desc : list of str Description of each column fmt : list of str Fromat of each column. match : (str, float/int/str, bool) Tuple (key, value, False/True) that gives the key to match the added line with an existing line. eg ('LINE','LYALPHA1216', True) If the boolean is True, the line will be added even if it is not matched. """ if self.lines is None: types = [] for val in values: if is_int(val): types.append('<i4') elif is_float(val): types.append('<f8') else: types.append(STR_DTYPE) self.lines = Table(rows=[values], names=cols, dtype=types, masked=True) if units is not None: for colname, unit in zip(self.lines.colnames, units): self.lines[colname].unit = unit if desc is not None: for colname, d in zip(self.lines.colnames, desc): self.lines[colname].description = d if fmt is not None: for colname, f in zip(self.lines.colnames, fmt): self.lines[colname].format = f else: # add new columns if units is None: units = [None] * len(cols) if desc is None: desc = [None] * len(cols) if fmt is None: fmt = [None] * len(cols) for col, val, unit, d, f in zip(cols, values, units, desc, fmt): if col not in self.lines.colnames: nlines = len(self.lines) if is_int(val): typ = '<i4' elif is_float(val): typ = '<f8' else: typ = STR_DTYPE col = MaskedColumn(ma.masked_array(np.empty(nlines), mask=np.ones(nlines)), name=col, dtype=typ, unit=unit, description=d, format=f) self.lines.add_column(col) if match is not None: if len(match) == 2: matchkey, matchval = match add_if_not_matched = False else: matchkey, matchval, add_if_not_matched = match if match is not None and matchkey in self.lines.colnames: l = np.argwhere(self.lines[matchkey] == matchval) if len(l) > 0: for col, val, unit in zip(cols, values, units): if unit is None or unit == self.lines[col].unit: self.lines[col][l] = val else: self.lines[col][l] = (val * unit).to(self.lines[col].unit).value return else: if not add_if_not_matched: return # add new row ncol = len(self.lines.colnames) row = [None] * ncol mask = np.ones(ncol) for col, val, unit in zip(cols, values, units): i = self.lines.colnames.index(col) if unit is None or unit == self.lines[col].unit: row[i] = val else: row[i] = (val * unit).to(self.lines[col].unit).value mask[i] = 0
self.lines.add_row(row, mask=mask)
[docs] def add_image(self, image, name, size=None, minsize=2.0, unit_size=u.arcsec, rotate=False, order=1): """Extract an image centered on the source center from the input image and append it to the images dictionary. Extracted image saved in ``self.images[name]``. Parameters ---------- image : `~mpdaf.obj.Image` Input image MPDAF object. name : str Name used to distinguish this image size : float The size to extract. It corresponds to the size along the delta axis and the image is square. If None, the size of the white image extension is taken if it exists. unit_size : `astropy.units.Unit` Unit of ``size`` and ``minsize``. Arcseconds by default (use None for size in pixels). minsize : float The minimum size of the output image. rotate : bool if True, the image is rotated to the same PA as the white-light image. order : int The order of the prefilter that is applied by the affine transform function for the rotation. """ if size is None: size = self.default_size if unit_size is None: minsize *= image.wcs.get_step(unit=u.arcsec)[0] elif unit_size != u.arcsec: minsize = (minsize * unit_size).to(u.arcsec).value unit_size = u.arcsec center = (self.dec, self.ra) kwargs = dict(minsize=minsize, unit_center=u.deg, unit_size=unit_size) if rotate: try: white_ima = self.images['MUSE_WHITE'] except KeyError: raise ValueError('MUSE_WHITE image is required to get the ' 'rotation angle') pa_white = white_ima.get_rot() pa = image.get_rot() if np.abs(pa_white - pa) > 1.e-3: image = image.subimage(center, size * 1.5, **kwargs) uniq = np.unique( if ((uniq == 0) | (uniq == 1)).all(): image = image.rotate(pa_white - pa, order=0) else: image = image.rotate(pa_white - pa, order=order) try: subima = image.subimage(center, size, **kwargs) except Exception: self._logger.warning('Image %s not added. Source outside or at the' ' edges', name) else:
self.images[name] = subima
[docs] def add_cube(self, cube, name, size=None, lbda=None, add_white=False, unit_size=u.arcsec, unit_wave=u.angstrom): """Extract a cube centered on the source center and append it to the cubes dictionary. Extracted cube saved in ``self.cubes[name]``. Parameters ---------- cube : `~mpdaf.obj.Cube` Input cube MPDAF object. name : str Name used to distinguish this cube size : float The size to extract. It corresponds to the size along the delta axis and the image is square. If None, the size of the white image extension is taken if it exists. lbda : (float, float) or None If not None, tuple giving the wavelength range. add_white : bool Add white image from the extracted cube. unit_size : `astropy.units.Unit` Unit of the size value (arcseconds by default). If None, size is in pixels. unit_wave : `astropy.units.Unit` Wavelengths unit (angstrom by default). If None, inputs are in pixels. """ if size is None: size = self.default_size unit_size = u.arcsec subcub = cube.subcube(center=(self.dec, self.ra), size=size, unit_center=u.deg, unit_size=unit_size) if add_white: self.images['MUSE_WHITE'] = subcub.mean(axis=0) if lbda is not None: subcub = subcub.select_lambda(lbda[0], lbda_max=lbda[1], unit_wave=unit_wave)
self.cubes[name] = subcub
[docs] def add_white_image(self, cube, size=5, unit_size=u.arcsec): """Compute the white images from the MUSE data cube and appends it to the images dictionary. White image saved in self.images['MUSE_WHITE']. Parameters ---------- cube : `~mpdaf.obj.Cube` MUSE data cube. size : float The total size to extract in arcseconds. It corresponds to the size along the delta axis and the image is square. By default 5x5arcsec unit_size : `astropy.units.Unit` unit of the size value (arcseconds by default) If None, size is in pixels """ if (self._default_size is not None and size is not None and self._default_size != size): raise ValueError('size does not match the default one') subcub = cube.subcube(center=(self.dec, self.ra), size=size, unit_center=u.deg, unit_size=unit_size)
self.images['MUSE_WHITE'] = subcub.mean(axis=0)
[docs] def add_FSF(self, cube, fieldmap=None): """Compute the mean FSF using the FSF keywords presents in the FITS header of the mosaic cube. Parameters ---------- cube : `~mpdaf.obj.Cube` Input cube MPDAF object. """ hdr = cube.primary_header try: FSF_mode = hdr['FSFMODE'] except KeyError: raise ValueError('Cannot compute FSF int the FSF keywords are not' 'present in the primary header of the cube') if FSF_mode != 'MOFFAT1': raise ValueError('This method is coded only for FSFMODE=MOFFAT1') if hdr['NFIELDS'] == 1: # just one FSF nf = 0 beta = hdr['FSF%02dBET' % nf] a = hdr['FSF%02dFWA' % nf] b = hdr['FSF%02dFWB' % nf] else: # load field map, from a dedicated file or from the cube fmap = (FieldsMap(fieldmap) if fieldmap is not None else FieldsMap(cube.filename, extname='FIELDMAP')) # load info from the white image try: white = self.images['MUSE_WHITE'] except KeyError: raise ValueError('Cannot compute FSF if the MUSE_WHITE image' 'does not exist.') center = cube.wcs.sky2pix((self.dec, self.ra), unit=u.deg)[0] radius = int(white.shape[0] + 0.5) / 2. [sy, sx], _, _ = bounding_box(form="rectangle", center=center, radii=radius, shape=cube.shape[1:]) # compute corresponding sub field map subfmap = fmap[sy, sx] # weights w = np.array(subfmap.compute_weights()) w *= white._data[np.newaxis, :, :] w =, axis=(1, 2)) w /= w = # FSF ksel = np.where(w != 0) if len(ksel[0]) == 1: # only one field nf = ksel[0][0] + 1 beta = hdr['FSF%02dBET' % nf] a = hdr['FSF%02dFWA' % nf] b = hdr['FSF%02dFWB' % nf] else: # several fields nf = 99 # FSF model Nfsf = 13 step = cube.wcs.get_step(unit=u.arcsec)[0] FSF_model = FSF(FSF_mode) # compute FSF for minimum and maximum wavelength lbda1, lbda2 = cube.wave.get_range() FSF1 = np.zeros((Nfsf, Nfsf)) FSF2 = np.zeros((Nfsf, Nfsf)) for i in ksel[0]: _i = i + 1 beta = hdr['FSF%02dBET' % _i] a = hdr['FSF%02dFWA' % _i] b = hdr['FSF%02dFWB' % _i] kernel1 = FSF_model.get_FSF(lbda1, step, Nfsf, beta=beta, a=a, b=b)[0] kernel2 = FSF_model.get_FSF(lbda2, step, Nfsf, beta=beta, a=a, b=b)[0] FSF1 += w[i] * kernel1 FSF2 += w[i] * kernel2 # fit beta, fwhm1 and fwhm2 on PSF1 and PSF2 moffatfit = lambda v: np.ravel( MOFFAT1(lbda1, step, Nfsf, v[0], v[1], v[2])[0] - FSF1 + MOFFAT1(lbda2, step, Nfsf, v[0], v[1], v[2])[0] - FSF2) v0 = [beta, a, b] beta, a, b = leastsq(moffatfit, v0)[0] self.header['FSFMODE'] = FSF_mode self.header['FSF%02dBET' % nf] = np.around(beta, decimals=2) self.header['FSF%02dFWA' % nf] = np.around(a, decimals=3)
self.header['FSF%02dFWB' % nf] = float('%.3e' % b)
[docs] def get_FSF(self): """Return the FSF keywords if available in the FITS header.""" if 'FSFMODE' not in self.header: return for field in (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 99): if 'FSF%02dBET' % field in self.header: beta = self.header['FSF%02dBET' % field] a = self.header['FSF%02dFWA' % field] b = self.header['FSF%02dFWB' % field]
return a, b, beta, field
[docs] def add_narrow_band_images(self, cube, z_desc, eml=None, size=None, unit_size=u.arcsec, width=8, is_sum=False, subtract_off=True, margin=10., fband=3.): """Create narrow band images from a redshift value and a catalog of lines. Algorithm from Jarle Brinchmann ( Narrow-band images are saved in ``self.images['NB_']``. Parameters ---------- cube : `~mpdaf.obj.Cube` MUSE data cube. z_desc : str Redshift description. The redshift value corresponding to this description will be used. eml : dict{float: str} Full catalog of lines Dictionary: key is the wavelength value in Angstrom, value is the name of the line. if None, the following catalog is used:: eml = {1216 : 'LYALPHA', 1908: 'SUMCIII1907', 3727: 'SUMOII3726', 4863: 'HBETA' , 5007: 'OIII5007', 6564: 'HALPHA'} size : float The total size to extract. It corresponds to the size along the delta axis and the image is square. If None, the size of the white image extension is taken if it exists. unit_size : `astropy.units.Unit` unit of the size value (arcseconds by default) If None, size is in pixels width : float Narrow-band width(in angstrom). is_sum : bool if True the image is computed as the sum over the wavelength axis, otherwise this is the average. subtract_off : bool If True, subtracting off nearby data. The method computes the subtracted flux by using the algorithm from Jarle Brinchmann ( # if is_sum is False sub_flux = mean(flux[lbda1-margin-fband*(lbda2-lbda1)/2: lbda1-margin] + flux[lbda2+margin: lbda2+margin+fband*(lbda2-lbda1)/2]) # or if is_sum is True: sub_flux = sum(flux[lbda1-margin-fband*(lbda2-lbda1)/2: lbda1-margin] + flux[lbda2+margin: lbda2+margin+fband*(lbda2-lbda1)/2]) /fband margin : float This off-band is offseted by margin wrt narrow-band limit (in angstrom). fband : float The size of the off-band is ``fband x narrow-band width`` (in angstrom). """ if self.z is None: self._logger.warning('Cannot generate narrow band image if the ' 'redshift is None.') return if size is None: size = self.default_size unit_size = u.arcsec subcub = cube.subcube(center=(self.dec, self.ra), size=size, unit_center=u.deg, unit_size=unit_size) z = self.z['Z'][self.z['Z_DESC'] == z_desc] if z > 0: if eml is None: all_lines = np.array([1216, 1908, 3727, 4863, 5007, 6564]) all_tags = np.array(['LYALPHA', 'SUMCIII1907', 'SUMOII3726', 'HBETA', 'OIII5007', 'HALPHA']) else: all_lines = np.array(list(eml.keys())) all_tags = np.array(list(eml.values())) minl, maxl = subcub.wave.get_range(unit=u.angstrom) / (1 + z) useful = np.where((all_lines > minl) & (all_lines < maxl)) nlines = len(useful[0]) if nlines > 0: lambda_ranges = np.empty((2, nlines)) lambda_ranges[0, :] = (1 + z) * all_lines[useful] - width / 2.0 lambda_ranges[1, :] = (1 + z) * all_lines[useful] + width / 2.0 tags = all_tags[useful] for l1, l2, tag in zip(lambda_ranges[0, :], lambda_ranges[1, :], tags): # self._logger.debug('Generate narrow band image for NB_%s' # ' with z=%s', tag, z[0]) self.images['NB_' + tag] = subcub.get_image( wave=(l1, l2), is_sum=is_sum, subtract_off=subtract_off, margin=margin,
fband=fband, unit_wave=u.angstrom)
[docs] def add_narrow_band_image_lbdaobs(self, cube, tag, lbda, size=None, unit_size=u.arcsec, width=8, is_sum=False, subtract_off=True, margin=10., fband=3.): """Create narrow band image around an observed wavelength value. Parameters ---------- cube : `~mpdaf.obj.Cube` MUSE data cube. tag : str key used to identify the new narrow band image in the images dictionary. lbda : float Observed wavelength value in angstrom. size : float The total size to extract in arcseconds. It corresponds to the size along the delta axis and the image is square. If None, the size of the white image extension is taken if it exists. unit_size : `astropy.units.Unit` unit of the size value (arcseconds by default) If None, size is in pixels width : float Angstrom total width is_sum : bool if True the image is computed as the sum over the wavelength axis, otherwise this is the average. subtract_off : bool If True, subtracting off nearby data. margin : float This off-band is offseted by margin wrt narrow-band limit (in angstrom). fband : float The size of the off-band is fband*narrow-band width (in angstrom). """ if size is None: size = self.default_size unit_size = u.arcsec l1 = lbda - width / 2.0 l2 = lbda + width / 2.0 subcub = cube.subcube(center=(self.dec, self.ra), size=size, unit_center=u.deg, unit_size=unit_size) self.images[tag] = subcub.get_image(wave=(l1, l2), is_sum=is_sum, subtract_off=subtract_off, margin=margin, fband=fband,
[docs] def add_seg_images(self, tags=None, DIR=None, del_sex=True): """Run SExtractor on all images to create segmentation maps. SExtractor will use the ``default.nnw``, ``default.param``, ```` and ``*.conv`` files present in the current directory. If not present default parameter files are created or copied from the directory given in input (DIR). Algorithm from Jarle Brinchmann ( Parameters ---------- tags : list of str List of tags of selected images DIR : str Directory that contains the configuration files of sextractor del_sex : bool If False, configuration files of sextractor are not removed. """ if 'MUSE_WHITE' in self.images: if tags is None: tags = [tag for tag in self.images if tag[0:4] != 'SEG_' and 'MASK' not in tag] segmentation(self, tags, DIR, del_sex) else: self._logger.warning('add_seg_images method use the MUSE_WHITE '
'image computed by add_white_image method')
[docs] @deprecated('`add_masks` method is deprecated, use `find_sky_mask` or ' '`find_union_mask` or `find_intersection_mask`') def add_masks(self, tags=None): """Use the list of segmentation maps to compute the union mask and the intersection mask and the region where no object is detected in any segmentation map is saved in the sky mask. Masks are saved as boolean images: - Union is saved in ``self.images['MASK_UNION']``. - Intersection is saved in ``self.images['MASK_INTER']``. - Sky mask is saved in ``self.images['MASK_SKY']``. Algorithm from Jarle Brinchmann ( Parameters ---------- tags : list of str List of tags of selected segmentation images """ maps = {} if tags is None: for tag, ima in six.iteritems(self.images): if tag[0:4] == 'SEG_': maps[tag[4:]] = else: for tag in tags: if tag[0:4] == 'SEG_': maps[tag[4:]] = self.images[tag] else: maps[tag] = self.images[tag] if len(maps) == 0: self._logger.warning('no segmentation images. Use add_seg_images ' 'to create them')
mask_creation(self, maps)
[docs] def find_sky_mask(self, seg_tags, sky_mask='MASK_SKY'): """Loop over all segmentation images and use the region where no object is detected in any segmentation map as our sky image. Algorithm from Jarle Brinchmann ( Parameters ---------- seg_tags : list of str List of tags of selected segmentation images. sky_mask : str Name of the sky mask image. """ shape = self.images[seg_tags[0]].shape wcs = self.images[seg_tags[0]].wcs mask = np.ones(shape, dtype=bool) for key in seg_tags: im = self.images[key] if im.shape == shape: mask &= (~np.asarray(, dtype=bool)) else: raise IOError('segmentation maps have not the same dimensions') self.images[sky_mask] = Image(wcs=wcs, dtype=np.uint8, copy=False,
[docs] def find_union_mask(self, seg_tags, union_mask='MASK_UNION'): """Use the list of segmentation maps to compute the union mask. Algorithm from Jarle Brinchmann ( 1- Select on each segmentation map the object at the centre of the map. (the algo supposes that each objects have different labels) 2- compute the union of these selected objects Parameters ---------- tags : list of str List of tags of selected segmentation images union_mask : str Name of the union mask image. """ wcs = self.images['MUSE_WHITE'].wcs yc, xc = wcs.sky2pix((self.DEC, self.RA), unit=u.deg)[0] maps = {} for tag in seg_tags: if tag[:4] == 'SEG_': maps[tag[4:]] = self.images[tag] else: maps[tag] = self.images[tag] r = findCentralDetection(maps, yc, xc, tolerance=3) self.images[union_mask] = Image(wcs=wcs, dtype=np.uint8, copy=False,
[docs] def find_intersection_mask(self, seg_tags, inter_mask='MASK_INTER'): """Use the list of segmentation maps to compute the instersection mask. Algorithm from Jarle Brinchmann ( 1- Select on each segmentation map the object at the centre of the map. (the algo supposes that each objects have different labels) 2- compute the intersection of these selected objects Parameters ---------- tags : list of str List of tags of selected segmentation images inter_mask : str Name of the intersection mask image. """ wcs = self.images['MUSE_WHITE'].wcs yc, xc = wcs.sky2pix((self.DEC, self.RA), unit=u.deg)[0] maps = {} for tag in seg_tags: if tag[0:4] == 'SEG_': maps[tag[4:]] = self.images[tag] else: maps[tag] = self.images[tag] r = findCentralDetection(maps, yc, xc, tolerance=3) self.images[inter_mask] = Image(wcs=wcs, dtype=np.uint8, copy=False,
[docs] def add_table(self, tab, name): """Append an astropy table to the tables dictionary. Parameters ---------- tab : astropy.table.Table Input astropy table object. name : str Name used to distinguish this table """
self.tables[name] = tab
[docs] def extract_spectra(self, cube, obj_mask='MASK_UNION', sky_mask='MASK_SKY', tags_to_try=('MUSE_WHITE', 'NB_LYALPHA', 'NB_HALPHA', 'NB_SUMOII3726'), skysub=True, psf=None, beta=None, lbda=None, apertures=None, unit_wave=u.angstrom): """Extract spectra from a data cube. This method extracts several spectra from a data cube and from a list of narrow-band images (to define spectrum extraction apertures). First, it computes a subcube that has the same size along the spatial axis as the mask image given by ``obj_mask``. Then, the no-weighting spectrum is computed as the sum of the subcube weighted by the mask of the object and saved in ``self.spectra['MUSE_TOT']``. The weighted spectra are computed as the sum of the subcube weighted by the corresponding narrow bands image. They are saved in ``self.spectra[nb_ima]`` (for nb_ima in tags_to_try). If psf: The potential PSF weighted spectrum is computed as the sum of the subcube weighted by mutliplication of the mask of the objetct and the PSF. It is saved in self.spectra['MUSE_PSF'] If skysub: The local sky spectrum is computed as the average of the subcube weighted by the sky mask image. It is saved in ``self.spectra['MUSE_SKY']`` The other spectra are computed on the sky-subtracted subcube and they are saved in ``self.spectra['*_SKYSUB']``. Algorithm from Jarle Brinchmann ( The weighted sum conserves the flux by : - Taking into account bad pixels in the addition. - Normalizing with the median value of weighting sum/no-weighting sum Parameters ---------- cube : `~mpdaf.obj.Cube` Input data cube. obj_mask : str Name of the image that contains the mask of the object. sky_mask : str Name of the sky mask image. tags_to_try : list of str List of narrow bands images. skysub : bool If True, a local sky subtraction is done. psf : numpy.ndarray The PSF to use for PSF-weighted extraction. This can be a vector of length equal to the wavelength axis to give the FWHM of the Gaussian or Moffat PSF at each wavelength (in arcsec) or a cube with the PSF to use. No PSF-weighted extraction by default. beta : float or none If not none, the PSF is a Moffat function with beta value, else it is a Gaussian. lbda : (float, float) or none If not none, tuple giving the wavelength range. unit_wave : `astropy.units.Unit` Wavelengths unit (angstrom by default) If None, inputs are in pixels apertures : list of float List of aperture radii (arcseconds) for which a spectrum is extracted. """ if obj_mask not in self.images: raise ValueError('key %s not present in the images dictionary' % obj_mask) if skysub and sky_mask not in self.images: raise ValueError('key %s not present in the images dictionary' % sky_mask) ima = self.images[obj_mask] if ima.wcs.sameStep(cube.wcs): size = ima.shape[0] unit_size = None else: size = ima.wcs.get_step(unit=u.arcsec)[0] * ima.shape[0] unit_size = u.arcsec center = (self.dec, self.ra) subcub = cube.subcube(center=center, size=size, unit_center=u.deg, unit_size=unit_size, lbda=lbda, unit_wave=unit_wave) wcsref = subcub.wcs if not ima.wcs.isEqual(wcsref): ima = ima.resample( newdim=subcub.shape[1:], newstart=wcsref.get_start(unit=u.deg), newstep=wcsref.get_step(unit=u.arcsec), order=0, unit_start=u.deg, unit_step=u.arcsec) object_mask = if skysub: skymask = self.images[sky_mask] if not skymask.wcs.isEqual(wcsref): skymask = skymask.resample( newdim=subcub.shape[1:], newstart=wcsref.get_start(unit=u.deg), newstep=wcsref.get_step(unit=u.arcsec), order=0, unit_start=u.deg, unit_step=u.arcsec) # Get the sky spectrum and subtract it self.spectra['MUSE_SKY'] = subcub.mean(, axis=(1, 2)) subcub = subcub - self.spectra['MUSE_SKY'] suffix = '_SKYSUB' else: suffix = '' # No weighting spec = (subcub * object_mask).sum(axis=(1, 2)) self.spectra['MUSE_TOT' + suffix] = spec if apertures: tmpim = Image(data=np.zeros_like(object_mask, dtype=bool), copy=False, wcs=ima.wcs) for radius in apertures: tmpim.mask_ellipse(center, radius, 0) mask = object_mask.astype(bool) & tmpim.mask # spec = compute_spectrum(subcub, weights=mask) spec = (subcub * mask).sum(axis=(1, 2)) self.spectra['MUSE_APER_%.1f%s' % (radius, suffix)] = spec tmpim.unmask() # Loop over the narrow-band images we want to use. Apply the object # mask and ensure that the weight map within the object mask is >=0. if tags_to_try is not None: nb_tags = list(set(tags_to_try) & set(self.images)) ksel = (object_mask != 0) for tag in nb_tags: if self.images[tag].wcs.isEqual(wcsref): weight = self.images[tag].data.copy() weight[ksel] -= np.min(weight[ksel]) weight = weight.filled(0) self.spectra[tag + suffix] = compute_optimal_spectrum( subcub, object_mask, weight) # PSF if psf is not None: if len(psf.shape) == 3: # PSF cube. The user is responsible for getting the # dimensions right if not np.array_equal(psf.shape, subcub.shape): raise ValueError('Incorrect dimensions for the PSF cube ' '({}) (it must be ({})) ' .format(psf.shape, subcub.shape)) elif len(psf.shape) == 1: psf = create_psf_cube(subcub.shape, psf, beta=beta, wcs=wcsref) spec = compute_optimal_spectrum(subcub, object_mask, psf)
self.spectra['MUSE_PSF' + suffix] = spec # Insert the PSF weighted flux - here re-normalised?
[docs] def crack_z(self, eml=None, nlines=np.inf, cols=('LBDA_OBS', 'FLUX'), z_desc='EMI', zguess=None): """Estimate the best redshift matching the list of emission lines. Algorithm from Johan Richard ( This method saves the redshift values in ``self.z`` and lists the detected lines in ``self.lines``. ```` could be used to print the results. Parameters ---------- eml : dict{float: str} Full catalog of lines to test redshift Dictionary: key is the wavelength value in Angtsrom, value is the name of the line. if None, the following catalog is used:: emlines = { 1215.67: 'LYALPHA1216' , 1550.0: 'CIV1550' , 1908.0: 'CIII]1909' , 2326.0: 'CII2326' , 3726.032: '[OII]3726' , 3728.8149: '[OII]3729' , 3798.6001: 'HTHETA3799' , 3834.6599: 'HETA3835' , 3869.0: '[NEIII]3869' , 3888.7: 'HZETA3889' , 3967.0: '[NEIII]3967' , 4102.0: 'HDELTA4102' , 4340.0: 'HGAMMA4340' , 4861.3198: 'HBETA4861' , 4959.0: '[OIII]4959' , 5007.0: '[OIII]5007' , 6548.0: '[NII6548]' , 6562.7998: 'HALPHA6563' , 6583.0: '[NII]6583' , 6716.0: '[SII]6716' , 6731.0: '[SII]6731' } nlines : int estimated the redshift if the number of emission lines is inferior to this value cols : (str, str) tuple (wavelength column name, flux column name) Two columns of self.lines that will be used to define the emission lines. z_desc : str Estimated redshift will be saved in self.z table under these name. zguess : float Guess redshift. Test if this redshift is a match and fills the detected lines """ nline_max = nlines if eml is None: eml = emlines col_lbda, col_flux = cols if self.lines is None: raise IOError('invalid self.lines table') if col_lbda not in self.lines.colnames: raise IOError('invalid colum name %s' % col_lbda) if col_flux not in self.lines.colnames: raise IOError('invalid colum name %s' % col_flux) try: # vacuum wavelengths wl = air2vacuum(np.array(self.lines[col_lbda])) flux = np.array(self.lines[col_flux]) nlines = len(wl) except:'Impossible to estimate the redshift, no ' 'emission lines') return z, errz, nlines, wl, flux, lnames = crackz(nlines, wl, flux, eml, zguess) # observed wavelengths wl = vacuum2air(wl) if nlines > 0: if nlines < nline_max: # redshift self.add_z(z_desc, z, errz)'crack_z: z=%0.6f err_z=%0.6f' % (z, errz)) # line names if 'LINE' not in self.lines.colnames: nlines = len(self.lines) col = MaskedColumn(ma.masked_array(np.array([''] * nlines), mask=np.ones(nlines)), name='LINE', dtype=STR_DTYPE, unit='unitless', description='line name') self.lines.add_column(col) for w, name in zip(wl, lnames): self.lines['LINE'][self.lines[col_lbda] == w] = name'crack_z: lines') for l in self.lines.pformat(): else:'Impossible to estimate the redshift, the ' 'number of emission lines is inferior to %d', nline_max) else:'Impossible to estimate the redshift, no '
'emission lines')
[docs] def sort_lines(self, nlines_max=25): """Sort lines by flux in descending order. Parameters ---------- nlines_max : int Maximum number of stored lines """ if self.lines is not None: if isinstance(self.lines['LINE'], MaskedColumn): self.lines['LINE'] = self.lines['LINE'].filled('') subtab1 = self.lines[self.lines['LINE'] != ''] subtab1.sort('FLUX') subtab1.reverse() n1 = len(subtab1) subtab2 = self.lines[self.lines['LINE'] == ''] subtab2.sort('FLUX') subtab2.reverse() n2 = len(subtab2) if (n1 + n2) > nlines_max: n2 = max(nlines_max - n1, 0)
self.lines = vstack([subtab1, subtab2[0:n2]])
[docs] def show_ima(self, ax, name, showcenter=None, cuts=None, cmap=cm.gray_r, **kwargs): """Show image. Parameters ---------- ax : matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot Matplotlib axis instance (eg ax = fig.add_subplot(2,3,1)). name : str Name of image to display. showcenter : (float, str) radius in arcsec and color used to plot a circle around the center of the source. cuts : (float, float) Minimum and maximum values to use for the scaling. cmap : Color map. kwargs : matplotlib.artist.Artist kwargs can be used to set additional plotting properties. """ if name not in self.images: raise ValueError('Image %s not found' % name) zima = self.images[name] if cuts is None: vmin = None vmax = None else: vmin, vmax = cuts if 'title' not in kwargs: kwargs['title'] = '%s' % (name) zima.plot(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, cmap=cmap, ax=ax, **kwargs) if showcenter is not None: rad, col = showcenter pix = zima.wcs.sky2pix((self.DEC, self.RA))[0] rpix = rad / zima.wcs.get_step(unit=u.arcsec)[0] ell = Ellipse((pix[1], pix[0]), 2 * rpix, 2 * rpix, 0, fill=False) ax.add_artist(ell) ell.set_clip_box(ax.bbox) ell.set_alpha(1) ell.set_edgecolor(col) ax.axis('off')
[docs] def show_spec(self, ax, name, cuts=None, zero=False, sky=None, lines=None, **kwargs): """Display a spectra. Parameters ---------- ax : matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot Matplotlib axis instance (eg ax = fig.add_subplot(2,3,1)). name : str Name of spectra to display. cuts : (float, float) Minimum and maximum values to use for the scaling. zero : float If True, the 0 flux line is plotted in black. sky : `~mpdaf.obj.Spectrum` Sky spectra to overplot (default None). lines : str Name of a columns of the lines table containing wavelength values. If not None, overplot red vertical lines at the given wavelengths. kwargs : matplotlib.artist.Artist kwargs can be used to set additional plotting properties. """ spec = self.spectra[name] spec.plot(ax=ax, **kwargs) if zero: ax.axhline(0, color='k') if cuts is not None: ax.set_ylim(cuts) if sky is not None: ax2 = ax.twinx() if 'lmin' in kwargs: sky.plot(ax=ax2, color='k', alpha=0.2, lmin=kwargs['lmin'], lmax=kwargs['lmax']) else: sky.plot(ax=ax2, color='k', alpha=0.2) ax2.axis('off') if lines is not None: wavelist = self.lines[lines] for lbda in wavelist: ax.axvline(lbda, color='r')
[docs] def masked_invalid(self, tables=None): """Mask where invalid values occur (NaNs or infs or -9999 or '').""" if tables is None: tables = ([self.lines, self.mag, self.z] + [self.tables[key] for key in self.tables.loaded_ext])
[docs]class SourceList(list): """Handles a list of `mpdaf.sdetect.Source` objects.""" source_class = Source
[docs] def write(self, name, path='.', overwrite=True, fmt='default'): """Create the directory and saves all sources files and the catalog file in this folder. ``path/name.fits``: catalog file (In FITS table, the maximum number of fields is 999. In this case, the catalog is saved as an ascci table). ``path/name/nameNNNN.fits``: source file (NNNN corresponds to the ID of the source) Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the catalog path : str path where the catalog will be saved. overwrite : bool Overwrite the catalog if it already exists fmt : str, 'working' or 'default' Format of the catalog. The format differs for the LINES table. """ if not os.path.exists(path): raise ValueError("Invalid path: {}".format(path)) path = os.path.normpath(path) path2 = os.path.join(path, name) if not os.path.exists(path2): os.makedirs(path2) else: if overwrite: shutil.rmtree(path2) os.makedirs(path2) for source in self: source.write('%s/%s-%04d.fits' % (path2, name, source.ID)) fcat = '%s/%s.fits' % (path, name) if overwrite and os.path.isfile(fcat): os.remove(fcat) from .catalog import Catalog cat = Catalog.from_sources(self, fmt) try: cat.write(fcat) except: logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logger.warning('Failed to write in FITS format, trying txt', exc_info=True)
cat.write(fcat.replace('.fits', '.txt'), format='ascii')
[docs] @classmethod def from_path(cls, path): """Read a SourceList object from the path of a directory containing source files. Parameters ---------- path : str Directory containing `mpdaf.sdetect.Source` files """ if not os.path.exists(path): raise ValueError("Invalid path: {}".format(path)) slist = cls() for f in glob.glob(path + '/*.fits'): slist.append(cls.source_class.from_file(f))
return slist