
mpdaf.sdetect.muselet(cubename, step=1, delta=20, fw=(0.26, 0.7, 1.0, 0.7, 0.26), radius=4.0, ima_size=21, nlines_max=25, clean=0.5, nbcube=True, expmapcube=None, skyclean=((5573.5, 5578.8), (6297.0, 6300.5)), del_sex=False, workdir='.')[source]

MUSELET (for MUSE Line Emission Tracker) is a simple SExtractor-based python tool to detect emission lines in a datacube. It has been developed by Johan Richard (


cubename : str

Name of the MUSE cube.

step : int in {1,2,3}

Starting step for MUSELET to run:

    1. produces the narrow-band images
    1. runs SExtractor
    1. merges catalogs and measure redshifts

delta : int

Size of the two median continuum estimates to be taken on each side of the narrow-band image (in MUSE wavelength planes). Default is 20 planes, or 25 Angstroms.

fw : list of 5 floats

Define the weights on the 5 central wavelength planes when estimated the line-profile-weighted flux in the narrow-band images.

radius : float

Radius in spatial pixels (default=4) within which emission lines are merged spatially into the same object.

ima_size : int

Size of the extracted images in pixels.

nlines_max : int

Maximum number of lines detected per object.

clean : float

Removing sources at a fraction of the the max_weight level.

nbcube : bool

Flag to produce an output datacube containing all narrow-band images

expmapcube : str

Name of the associated exposure map cube (to be used as a weight map for SExtractor)

skyclean : array of float tuples

List of wavelength ranges to exclude from the raw detections

del_sex : bool

If True, configuration files and intermediate files used by sextractor are removed.

workdir : str

Working directory, default is the current directory.


continuum, single, raw : SourceList, SourceList, SourceList

  • continuum : List of detected sources that contains emission lines
    associated with continuum detection
  • single : List of detected sources that contains emission lines not
    associated with continuum detection
  • raw : List of detected sources before the merging procedure.