Source code for mpdaf.drs.pixtable

Copyright (c) 2010-2018 CNRS / Centre de Recherche Astrophysique de Lyon
Copyright (c) 2012-2016 Laure Piqueras <>
Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Aurelien Jarno <>
Copyright (c)      2013 Johan Richard <>
Copyright (c) 2014-2019 Simon Conseil <>

All rights reserved.

Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:

1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
   list of conditions and the following disclaimer.

2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
   this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
   and/or other materials provided with the distribution.

3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors
   may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
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import astropy.units as u
import datetime
import logging
import numpy as np
import warnings

from import fits
from import Column, ImageHDU
from astropy.stats import sigma_clip
from astropy.table import Table
from os.path import basename

from ..obj import Image, WCS
from import add_mpdaf_method_keywords, copy_header

    import numexpr
except ImportError:
    numexpr = False

__all__ = ('PixTable', 'PixTableMask', 'plot_autocal_factors',

_NOT_SET = object()

NIFUS = 24
SKY_SEGMENTS = [0, 5000, 5265, 5466, 5658, 5850, 6120, 6440, 6678, 6931, 7211,
                7450, 7668, 7900, 8120, 8330, 8565, 8731, 9012, 9275, 10000]

DEG2RAD = np.pi / 180
RAD2DEG = 180 / np.pi

def _get_file_basename(f):
    """Return a string with the basename of f if f is not None"""
    return '' if f is None else basename(f)

[docs] class PixTableMask: """PixTableMask class. This class manages input/output for MUSE pixel mask files Parameters ---------- filename : str or None Name of the FITS table containing the masked column. If a PixTableMask object is loaded from a FITS file, the others parameters are not read but loaded from the FITS file. maskfile : str or None Name of the FITS image masking some objects. maskcol : array of bool or None pixtable's column corresponding to the mask pixtable : str or None Name of the corresponding pixel table. Attributes ---------- filename : str Name of the FITS table containing the masked column. maskfile : str Name of the FITS image masking some objects. maskcol : array of bool pixtable's column corresponding to the mask pixtable : str Name of the corresponding pixel table. """ def __init__(self, filename=None, maskfile=None, maskcol=None, pixtable=None): if filename is None: self.maskfile = maskfile self.maskcol = maskcol self.pixtable = pixtable else: hdulist = self.maskfile = hdulist[0].header['mask'] self.pixtable = hdulist[0].header['pixtable'] self.maskcol = np.bool_(hdulist['maskcol'].data[:, 0])
[docs] def write(self, filename): """Save the object in a FITS file. Parameters ---------- filename : str The FITS filename. """ prihdu = fits.PrimaryHDU() prihdu.header['date'] = (str(, 'creation date') prihdu.header['author'] = ('MPDAF', 'origin of the file') add_mpdaf_method_keywords(prihdu.header, 'mpdaf.drs.pixtable.mask_column', [], [], []) prihdu.header['pixtable'] = (basename(self.pixtable), 'pixtable') prihdu.header['mask'] = (basename(self.maskfile), 'file to mask out all bright obj') hdulist = [prihdu] nrows = self.maskcol.shape[0] hdulist.append(ImageHDU( name='maskcol', data=np.int32(self.maskcol.reshape((nrows, 1))))) hdu = fits.HDUList(hdulist) hdu[1].header['BUNIT'] = 'boolean' hdu.writeto(filename, overwrite=True, output_verify='fix')
def write(filename, xpos, ypos, lbda, data, dq, stat, origin, weight=None, primary_header=None, save_as_ima=True, wcs=u.pix, wave=u.angstrom, unit_data=u.count): """Save the object in a FITS file. Parameters ---------- filename : str The FITS filename. save_as_ima : bool If True, pixtable is saved as multi-extension FITS """ fits.conf.extension_name_case_sensitive = True warnings.simplefilter("ignore") if primary_header is not None: header = copy_header(primary_header) else: header = fits.Header() header['date'] = (str(, 'creation date') header['author'] = ('MPDAF', 'origin of the file') prihdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(header=header) if save_as_ima: nrows = xpos.shape[0] hdulist = [ prihdu, ImageHDU(name='xpos', data=np.float32(xpos.reshape((nrows, 1)))), ImageHDU(name='ypos', data=np.float32(ypos.reshape((nrows, 1)))), ImageHDU(name='lambda', data=np.float32(lbda.reshape((nrows, 1)))), ImageHDU(name='data', data=np.float32(data.reshape((nrows, 1)))), ImageHDU(name='dq', data=np.int32(dq.reshape((nrows, 1)))), ImageHDU(name='stat', data=np.float32(stat.reshape((nrows, 1)))), ImageHDU(name='origin', data=np.int32(origin.reshape((nrows, 1)))), ] if weight is not None: hdulist.append( ImageHDU(name='weight', data=np.float32(weight.reshape((nrows, 1))))) hdu = fits.HDUList(hdulist) hdu[1].header['BUNIT'] = wcs.to_string('fits') hdu[2].header['BUNIT'] = wcs.to_string('fits') hdu[3].header['BUNIT'] = wave.to_string('fits') hdu[4].header['BUNIT'] = unit_data.to_string('fits') hdu[6].header['BUNIT'] = (unit_data**2).to_string('fits') else: cols = [ Column(name='xpos', format='1E', unit=wcs.to_string('fits'), array=np.float32(xpos)), Column(name='ypos', format='1E', unit=wcs.to_string('fits'), array=np.float32(ypos)), Column(name='lambda', format='1E', unit=wave.to_string('fits'), array=lbda), Column(name='data', format='1E', unit=unit_data.to_string('fits'), array=np.float32(data)), Column(name='dq', format='1J', array=np.int32(dq)), Column(name='stat', format='1E', unit=(unit_data**2).to_string('fits'), array=np.float32(stat)), Column(name='origin', format='1J', array=np.int32(origin)), ] if weight is not None: cols.append(Column(name='weight', format='1E', array=np.float32(weight))) coltab = fits.ColDefs(cols) tbhdu = fits.TableHDU(fits.FITS_rec.from_columns(coltab)) hdu = fits.HDUList([prihdu, tbhdu]) hdu.writeto(filename, overwrite=True, output_verify='fix') warnings.simplefilter("default") fits.conf.reset('extension_name_case_sensitive')
[docs] def plot_autocal_factors(filename, savefig=None, plot_rejected=False, sharex=True, sharey=True, figsize=4, cmap='Spectral', plot_npts=False): """Plot the corrections computed by `PixTable.selfcalibrate`. This also works for the AUTOCAL_FACTORS table from the DRS. Parameters ---------- filename : str, `astropy.table.Table` The DRS AUTOCAL_FACTORS corrections table. savefig : str File to which the plot is saved. plot_rejected : bool Also plot the rejected corrections. This only works with the DRS AUTOCAL_FACTORS table. sharex, sharey : bool Controls sharing of properties among x/y axes. figsize : float Size of an individual plot. cmap : str Colormap. """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt t = if isinstance(filename, str) else filename fig, axes = plt.subplots(6, 4, figsize=(4 * figsize, 6 * figsize), sharex=sharex, sharey=sharey) base = palette = base(np.linspace(0, 1, 48)).tolist() cm = base.from_list('Custom cmap', palette, len(palette)) key = 'npts' if plot_npts else 'corr' # Handle the old format from MPDAF (columns have been renamed in the DRS # version) if 'slice' in t.colnames: t.rename_column('slice', 'sli') if 'correction' in t.colnames: t.rename_column('correction', 'corr') for ifu in range(1, 25): ax = axes.flat[ifu - 1] tt = t[t['ifu'] == ifu] for sl in range(1, 49): ts = tt[tt['sli'] == sl] ax.plot(ts['quad'], ts[key], color=palette[sl - 1]) if 'corr_orig' in ts.colnames and plot_rejected and \ not plot_npts and not np.isnan(ts['corr_orig']).all(): ax.scatter(ts['quad'], ts['corr_orig'], s=20, color=palette[sl - 1]) ax.set_title('IFU %s' % ifu) ax.grid(True) title = 'Number of points' if plot_npts else 'Correction factor' fig.suptitle('{} (y) for each wavelength segment (x), each slice (color) ' 'and each IFU'.format(title), fontsize=16) import matplotlib as mpl bounds = np.linspace(0, 48, 49) norm = mpl.colors.BoundaryNorm(bounds, cm.N) ax2 = fig.add_axes([0.1, 0.96, 0.8, 0.01]) mpl.colorbar.ColorbarBase( ax2, cmap=cm, norm=norm, spacing='proportional', ticks=bounds + .5, boundaries=bounds, format='%1i', orientation='horizontal') fig.tight_layout(rect=(0, 0, 1, 0.95)) if savefig: fig.savefig(savefig)
[docs] def merge_autocal_factors(flist, outfile=None): """Merge corrections from AUTOCAL_FACTORS files, with sigma clipped mean. Parameters ---------- flist : str List of AUTOCAL_FACTORS files. outfile : str Output file. """ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) hdr = fits.getheader(flist[0]) nquad = len(hdr['ESO DRS MUSE LAMBDA* MIN'])'first file has %d lambda bins', nquad) # load all correction tables corr = [] for f in flist: # The DRS stores the corrections in a column with a fixed order for the # ifu/quad/slices columns, so we suppose here that this order is always # the same and we just combine the correction columns tbl = assert len(tbl) == NIFUS * NSLICES * nquad tbl['corr'][tbl['npts'] == 0] = np.nan corr.append(tbl['corr']) # Another way to proceed: create a cube of corrections # cube = np.full((NIFUS, NSLICES, nquad), np.nan) # cube[tbl['ifu'] - 1, tbl['sli'] - 1, tbl['quad'] - 1] = tbl['corr'] # corr.append(cube) # stack corrections and compute its clipped mean/std corr = scorr = sigma_clip(corr, axis=0) nkeep = np.count_nonzero(~scorr.mask, axis=0) nrej = np.count_nonzero(scorr.mask, axis=0) meancorr =, axis=0) stdcorr =, axis=0) # use the first one to create the output table tab =[0]) tab.remove_columns(['npts', 'corr_orig']) tab['std_corr'] = stdcorr.filled(np.nan).ravel() tab['corr'] = meancorr.filled(np.nan).ravel() tab['nkeep'] = nkeep.ravel() tab['nrej'] = nrej.ravel() if outfile: out = fits.HDUList() with[0]) as hdul: out.append(hdul[0].copy()) out.append(fits.table_to_hdu(tab)) out.writeto(outfile, overwrite=True) return tab
[docs] class PixTable: """PixTable class. This class manages input/output for MUSE pixel table files. The FITS file is opened with memory mapping. Just the primary header and table dimensions are loaded. The methods ``get_xpos``, ``get_ypos``, ``get_lambda``, ``get_data``, ``get_dq``, ``get_stat`` and ``get_origin`` must be used to get columns data. Parameters ---------- filename : str The FITS file name. None by default. Attributes ---------- filename : str The FITS file name. None if any. primary_header : `` The primary header. nrows : int Number of rows. nifu : int Number of merged IFUs that went into this pixel table. wcs : `astropy.units.Unit` Type of spatial coordinates of this pixel table (u.pix, u.deg or u.rad) wave : `astropy.units.Unit` Type of spectral coordinates of this pixel table ima : bool If True, pixtable is saved as multi-extension FITS image instead of FITS binary table. """ def __init__(self, filename, xpos=None, ypos=None, lbda=None, data=None, dq=None, stat=None, origin=None, weight=None, primary_header=None, save_as_ima=True, wcs=u.pix, wave=u.angstrom, unit_data=u.count): self._logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) self.filename = filename self.wcs = wcs self.wave = wave self.ima = save_as_ima self.xpos = None self.ypos = None self.lbda = None = None self.stat = None self.dq = None self.origin = None self.weight = None self.nrows = 0 self.nifu = 0 self.unit_data = unit_data self.xc = 0.0 self.yc = 0.0 if filename is not None: self.hdulist =, memmap=1) self.primary_header = self.hdulist[0].header self.nrows = self.hdulist[1].header["NAXIS2"] self.ima = self.hdulist[1].header['XTENSION'] == 'IMAGE' if self.ima: self.wcs = u.Unit(self.hdulist['xpos'].header['BUNIT']) self.wave = u.Unit(self.hdulist['lambda'].header['BUNIT']) self.unit_data = u.Unit(self.hdulist['data'].header['BUNIT']) else: self.wcs = u.Unit(self.hdulist[1].header['TUNIT1']) self.wave = u.Unit(self.hdulist[1].header['TUNIT3']) self.unit_data = u.Unit(self.hdulist[1].header['TUNIT4']) else: self.hdulist = None if (xpos is None or ypos is None or lbda is None or data is None or dq is None or stat is None or origin is None or primary_header is None): self.primary_header = fits.Header() else: self.primary_header = primary_header self.xpos = np.asarray(xpos) self.ypos = np.asarray(ypos) self.lbda = np.asarray(lbda) = np.asarray(data) self.stat = np.asarray(stat) self.dq = np.asarray(dq) self.origin = np.asarray(origin) self.nrows = xpos.shape[0] for attr in (self.ypos, self.lbda,, self.stat, self.dq, self.origin): if attr.shape[0] != self.nrows: raise IOError('input data with different dimensions') if weight is None or weight.shape[0] == self.nrows: self.weight = weight else: raise IOError('input data with different dimensions') if self.nrows != 0: # Merged IFUs that went into this pixel tables self.nifu = self.get_keyword("MERGED", 1) projection = self.projection if projection == 'projected': # spheric coordinates keyx, keyy = 'RA', 'DEC' elif projection == 'positioned': keyx, keyy = 'CRVAL1', 'CRVAL2' else: self._logger.warning('Unknown projection: %s', projection) try: # center in degrees cunit = u.Unit(self.primary_header["CUNIT1"]) self.xc = (self.primary_header[keyx] * cunit).to(u.deg).value self.yc = (self.primary_header[keyy] * cunit).to(u.deg).value except Exception: try: # center in pixels self.xc = self.primary_header[keyx] self.yc = self.primary_header[keyy] except Exception: pass def __repr__(self): msg = "<{}({} rows, {} ifus, {})>".format( self.__class__.__name__, self.nrows, self.nifu, self.projection) if self.skysub: msg = msg[:-2] + ", sky-subtracted)>" if self.fluxcal: msg = msg[:-2] + ", flux-calibrated)>" return msg @property def fluxcal(self): """If True, this pixel table was flux-calibrated.""" return self.get_keyword("FLUXCAL", False) @property def skysub(self): """If True, this pixel table was sky-subtracted.""" return self.get_keyword("SKYSUB", False) @property def projection(self): """Return the projection type. - 'positioned' for positioned pixtables - 'projected' for reduced pixtables """ wcs = self.get_keyword("WCS", None) if wcs is not None: return wcs.split(' ')[0]
[docs] def copy(self): """Copy PixTable object in a new one and returns it.""" result = PixTable(self.filename) result.wcs = self.wcs result.wave = self.wave result.unit_data = self.unit_data result.ima = self.ima if self.xpos is not None: result.xpos = self.xpos.__copy__() if self.ypos is not None: result.ypos = self.ypos.__copy__() if self.lbda is not None: result.lbda = self.lbda.__copy__() if is not None: = if self.stat is not None: result.stat = self.stat.__copy__() if self.dq is not None: result.dq = self.dq.__copy__() if self.origin is not None: result.origin = self.origin.__copy__() if self.weight is not None: result.weight = self.weight.__copy__() result.nrows = self.nrows result.nifu = self.nifu result.primary_header = self.primary_header.copy() result.xc = self.xc result.yc = self.yc return result
[docs] def info(self): """Print information.""" hdr = self.primary_header"%i merged IFUs went into this pixel table", self.nifu) if self.skysub:"This pixel table was sky-subtracted") if self.fluxcal:"This pixel table was flux-calibrated") wcs_key = "%s WCS" % KEYWORD if wcs_key in hdr:'%s (%s)', hdr[wcs_key], hdr.comments[wcs_key]) else:'Unknown projection') try: except Exception:'No\tName\tType\tDim')'0\tPRIMARY\tcard\t()')
# print "1\t\tTABLE\t(%iR,%iC)" % (self.nrows,self.ncols)
[docs] def write(self, filename, save_as_ima=True): """Save the object in a FITS file. Parameters ---------- filename : str The FITS filename. save_as_ima : bool If True, pixtable is saved as multi-extension FITS image instead of FITS binary table. """ write(filename, self.get_xpos(), self.get_ypos(), self.get_lambda(), self.get_data(), self.get_dq(), self.get_stat(), self.get_origin(), self.get_weight(), self.primary_header, save_as_ima, self.wcs, self.wave, self.unit_data) self.filename = filename self.ima = save_as_ima
[docs] def get_column(self, name, ksel=None): """Load a column and return it. Parameters ---------- name : str or attribute Name of the column. ksel : output of np.where Elements depending on a condition. Returns ------- out : numpy.array """ attr_name = 'lbda' if name == 'lambda' else name attr = getattr(self, attr_name) if attr is not None: if ksel is None: return attr else: return attr[ksel] else: if self.hdulist is None: return None else: if ksel is None: if self.ima: column = self.hdulist[name].data[:, 0] else: column = self.hdulist[1].data.field(name) else: if isinstance(ksel, tuple): ksel = ksel[0] if self.ima: column = self.hdulist[name].data[ksel, 0] else: column = self.hdulist[1].data.field(name)[ksel] if np.issubdtype(column.dtype, np.floating): # Ensure that float values are converted to double column = column.astype(float) return column
[docs] def set_column(self, name, data, ksel=None): """Set a column (or a part of it). Parameters ---------- name : str or attribute Name of the column. data : numpy.array data values ksel : output of np.where Elements depending on a condition. """ attr_name = 'lbda' if name == 'lambda' else name data = np.asarray(data) if ksel is None: assert data.shape[0] == self.nrows, 'Wrong dimension number' setattr(self, attr_name, data) else: if getattr(self, attr_name) is None: setattr(self, attr_name, getattr(self, 'get_' + name)()) attr = getattr(self, attr_name) attr[ksel] = data
[docs] def get_row(self, idx): """Return a row of the pixtable, or rows if given a list of indices. Parameters ---------- idx : int or list of int or ndarray The row indices. Returns ------- dict The method returns a dict with a value or array of values for each column of the pixtable. """ return { 'xpos': self.get_xpos(idx), 'ypos': self.get_ypos(idx), 'lbda': self.get_lambda(idx), 'data': self.get_data(idx), 'stat': self.get_stat(idx), 'dq': self.get_dq(idx), 'origin': self.get_origin(idx), }
[docs] def get_xpos(self, ksel=None, unit=None): """Load the xpos column and return it. Parameters ---------- ksel : output of np.where Elements depending on a condition. unit : `astropy.units.Unit` Unit of the returned data. Returns ------- out : numpy.array """ if unit is None: return self.get_column('xpos', ksel=ksel) else: return (self.get_column('xpos', ksel=ksel) * self.wcs).to(unit).value
[docs] def set_xpos(self, xpos, ksel=None, unit=None): """Set xpos column (or a part of it). Parameters ---------- xpos : numpy.array xpos values ksel : output of np.where Elements depending on a condition. unit : `astropy.units.Unit` unit of the xpos column in input. """ if unit is not None: xpos = (xpos * unit).to(self.wcs).value self.set_column('xpos', xpos, ksel=ksel) self.set_keyword("LIMITS X LOW", float(self.xpos.min())) self.set_keyword("LIMITS X HIGH", float(self.xpos.max()))
[docs] def get_ypos(self, ksel=None, unit=None): """Load the ypos column and return it. Parameters ---------- ksel : output of np.where Elements depending on a condition. unit : `astropy.units.Unit` Unit of the returned data. Returns ------- out : numpy.array """ if unit is None: return self.get_column('ypos', ksel=ksel) else: return (self.get_column('ypos', ksel=ksel) * self.wcs).to(unit).value
[docs] def set_ypos(self, ypos, ksel=None, unit=None): """Set ypos column (or a part of it). Parameters ---------- ypos : numpy.array ypos values ksel : output of np.where Elements depending on a condition. unit : `astropy.units.Unit` unit of the ypos column in input. """ if unit is not None: ypos = (ypos * unit).to(self.wcs).value self.set_column('ypos', ypos, ksel=ksel) self.set_keyword("LIMITS Y LOW", float(self.ypos.min())) self.set_keyword("LIMITS Y HIGH", float(self.ypos.max()))
[docs] def get_lambda(self, ksel=None, unit=None): """Load the lambda column and return it. Parameters ---------- ksel : output of np.where Elements depending on a condition. unit : `astropy.units.Unit` Unit of the returned data. Returns ------- out : numpy.array """ if unit is None: return self.get_column('lambda', ksel=ksel) else: return (self.get_column('lambda', ksel=ksel) * self.wave).to(unit).value
[docs] def set_lambda(self, lbda, ksel=None, unit=None): """Set lambda column (or a part of it). Parameters ---------- lbda : numpy.array lbda values ksel : output of np.where Elements depending on a condition. unit : `astropy.units.Unit` unit of the lambda column in input. """ if unit is not None: lbda = (lbda * unit).to(self.wave).value self.set_column('lambda', lbda, ksel=ksel) self.set_keyword("LIMITS LAMBDA LOW", float(self.lbda.min())) self.set_keyword("LIMITS LAMBDA HIGH", float(self.lbda.max()))
[docs] def get_data(self, ksel=None, unit=None): """Load the data column and return it. Parameters ---------- ksel : output of np.where Elements depending on a condition. unit : `astropy.units.Unit` Unit of the returned data. Returns ------- out : numpy.array """ if unit is None: return self.get_column('data', ksel=ksel) else: return (self.get_column('data', ksel=ksel) * self.unit_data).to(unit).value
[docs] def set_data(self, data, ksel=None, unit=None): """Set data column (or a part of it). Parameters ---------- data : numpy.array data values ksel : output of np.where Elements depending on a condition. unit : `astropy.units.Unit` unit of the data column in input. """ if unit is not None: data = (data * unit).to(self.unit_data).value self.set_column('data', data, ksel=ksel)
[docs] def get_stat(self, ksel=None, unit=None): """Load the stat column and return it. Parameters ---------- ksel : output of np.where Elements depending on a condition. unit : `astropy.units.Unit` Unit of the returned data. Returns ------- out : numpy.array """ if unit is None: return self.get_column('stat', ksel=ksel) else: return (self.get_column('stat', ksel=ksel) * (self.unit_data**2)).to(unit).value
[docs] def set_stat(self, stat, ksel=None, unit=None): """Set stat column (or a part of it). Parameters ---------- stat : numpy.array stat values ksel : output of np.where Elements depending on a condition. unit : `astropy.units.Unit` unit of the stat column in input. """ if unit is not None: stat = (stat * unit).to(self.unit_data**2).value self.set_column('stat', stat, ksel=ksel)
[docs] def get_dq(self, ksel=None): """Load the dq column and return it. Parameters ---------- ksel : output of np.where Elements depending on a condition. Returns ------- out : numpy.array """ return self.get_column('dq', ksel=ksel)
[docs] def set_dq(self, dq, ksel=None): """Set dq column (or a part of it). Parameters ---------- dq : numpy.array dq values ksel : output of np.where Elements depending on a condition. """ self.set_column('dq', dq, ksel=ksel)
[docs] def get_origin(self, ksel=None): """Load the origin column and return it. Parameters ---------- ksel : output of np.where Elements depending on a condition. Returns ------- out : numpy.array """ return self.get_column('origin', ksel=ksel)
[docs] def set_origin(self, origin, ksel=None): """Set origin column (or a part of it). Parameters ---------- origin : numpy.array origin values ksel : output of np.where Elements depending on a condition. """ self.set_column('origin', origin, ksel=ksel) ifu = self.origin2ifu(self.origin) sli = self.origin2slice(self.origin) self.set_keyword("LIMITS IFU LOW", int(ifu.min())) self.set_keyword("LIMITS IFU HIGH", int(ifu.max())) self.set_keyword("LIMITS SLICE LOW", int(sli.min())) self.set_keyword("LIMITS SLICE HIGH", int(sli.max())) # merged pixtable if self.nifu > 1: self.set_keyword("MERGED", len(np.unique(ifu)))
[docs] def get_weight(self, ksel=None): """Load the weight column and return it. Parameters ---------- ksel : output of np.where Elements depending on a condition. Returns ------- out : numpy.array """ wght = self.get_keyword("WEIGHTED", False) return self.get_column('weight', ksel=ksel) if wght else None
[docs] def set_weight(self, weight, ksel=None): """Set weight column (or a part of it). Parameters ---------- weight : numpy.array weight values ksel : output of np.where Elements depending on a condition. """ self.set_column('weight', weight, ksel=ksel)
[docs] def get_exp(self): """Load the exposure numbers and return it as a column. Returns ------- out : numpy.memmap """ try: nexp = self.get_keyword("COMBINED") exp = np.empty(shape=self.nrows) for i in range(1, nexp + 1): first = self.get_keyword("EXP%i FIRST" % i) last = self.get_keyword("EXP%i LAST" % i) exp[first:last + 1] = i except Exception: exp = None return exp
[docs] def select_lambda(self, lbda, unit=u.angstrom): """Return a mask corresponding to the given wavelength range. Parameters ---------- lbda : (float, float) (min, max) wavelength range in angstrom. unit : `astropy.units.Unit` Unit of the wavelengths in input. Returns ------- out : array of bool mask """ arr = self.get_lambda() mask = np.zeros(self.nrows, dtype=bool) if numexpr: for l1, l2 in lbda: l1 = (l1 * unit).to(self.wave).value l2 = (l2 * unit).to(self.wave).value mask |= numexpr.evaluate('(arr >= l1) & (arr < l2)') else: for l1, l2 in lbda: l1 = (l1 * unit).to(self.wave).value l2 = (l2 * unit).to(self.wave).value mask |= (arr >= l1) & (arr < l2) return mask
[docs] def select_stacks(self, stacks, origin=None): """Return a mask corresponding to given stacks. Parameters ---------- stacks : list of int Stacks numbers (1,2,3 or 4) Returns ------- out : array of bool mask """ from ..MUSE import Slicer assert min(stacks) > 0 assert max(stacks) < 5 sl = sorted([Slicer.sky2ccd(i) for st in stacks for i in range(1 + 12 * (st - 1), 12 * st - 1)]) self._logger.debug('Extract stack %s -> slices %s', stacks, sl) return self.select_slices(sl, origin=origin)
[docs] def select_slices(self, slices, origin=None): """Return a mask corresponding to given slices. Parameters ---------- slices : list of int Slice number on the CCD. Returns ------- out : array of bool mask """ col_origin = origin if origin is not None else self.get_origin() col_sli = self.origin2slice(col_origin) if numexpr: mask = np.zeros(self.nrows, dtype=bool) for s in slices: mask |= numexpr.evaluate('col_sli == s') return mask else: return np.isin(col_sli, slices)
[docs] def select_ifus(self, ifus, origin=None): """Return a mask corresponding to given ifus. Parameters ---------- ifu : int or list IFU number. Returns ------- out : array of bool mask """ col_origin = origin if origin is not None else self.get_origin() col_ifu = self.origin2ifu(col_origin) if numexpr: mask = np.zeros(self.nrows, dtype=bool) for ifu in ifus: mask |= numexpr.evaluate('col_ifu == ifu') return mask else: return np.isin(col_ifu, ifus)
[docs] def select_exp(self, exp, col_exp): """Return a mask corresponding to given exposure numbers. Parameters ---------- exp : list of int List of exposure numbers Returns ------- out : array of bool mask """ mask = np.zeros(self.nrows, dtype=bool) if numexpr: for iexp in exp: mask |= numexpr.evaluate('col_exp == iexp') else: for iexp in exp: mask |= (col_exp == iexp) return mask
[docs] def select_xpix(self, xpix, origin=None): """Return a mask corresponding to given detector pixels. Parameters ---------- xpix : list [(min, max)] pixel range along the X axis Returns ------- out : array of bool mask """ col_origin = origin if origin is not None else self.get_origin() col_xpix = self.origin2xpix(col_origin) if hasattr(xpix, '__iter__'): mask = np.zeros(self.nrows, dtype=bool) if numexpr: for x1, x2 in xpix: mask |= numexpr.evaluate('(col_xpix >= x1) & ' '(col_xpix < x2)') else: for x1, x2 in xpix: mask |= (col_xpix >= x1) & (col_xpix < x2) else: x1, x2 = xpix if numexpr: mask = numexpr.evaluate('(col_xpix >= x1) & (col_xpix < x2)') else: mask = (col_xpix >= x1) & (col_xpix < x2) return mask
[docs] def select_ypix(self, ypix, origin=None): """Return a mask corresponding to given detector pixels. Parameters ---------- ypix : list [(min, max)] pixel range along the Y axis Returns ------- out : array of bool mask """ col_origin = origin if origin is not None else self.get_origin() col_ypix = self.origin2ypix(col_origin) if hasattr(ypix, '__iter__'): mask = np.zeros(self.nrows, dtype=bool) if numexpr: for y1, y2 in ypix: mask |= numexpr.evaluate('(col_ypix >= y1) & ' '(col_ypix < y2)') else: for y1, y2 in ypix: mask |= (col_ypix >= y1) & (col_ypix < y2) else: y1, y2 = ypix if numexpr: mask = numexpr.evaluate('(col_ypix >= y1) & (col_ypix < y2)') else: mask = (col_ypix >= y1) & (col_ypix < y2) return mask
[docs] def select_sky(self, sky): """Return a mask corresponding to the given aperture on the sky (center, size and shape) Parameters ---------- sky : (float, float, float, char) (y, x, size, shape) extract an aperture on the sky, defined by a center (y, x) in degrees/pixel, a shape ('C' for circular, 'S' for square) and size (radius or half side length) in arcsec/pixels. Returns ------- out : array of bool mask """ xpos, ypos = self.get_pos_sky() # in degree or pixel here mask = np.zeros(self.nrows, dtype=bool) if numexpr: pi = np.pi # NOQA for y0, x0, size, shape in sky: if shape == 'C': if self.wcs == u.deg or self.wcs == u.rad: mask |= numexpr.evaluate( '(((xpos - x0) * 3600 * cos(y0 * pi / 180.)) ** 2 ' '+ ((ypos - y0) * 3600) ** 2) < size ** 2') else: mask |= numexpr.evaluate( '((xpos - x0) ** 2 + (ypos - y0) ** 2) < size ** 2') elif shape == 'S': if self.wcs == u.deg or self.wcs == u.rad: mask |= numexpr.evaluate( '(abs((xpos - x0) * 3600 * cos(y0 * pi / 180.)) < size) ' '& (abs((ypos - y0) * 3600) < size)') else: mask |= numexpr.evaluate( '(abs(xpos - x0) < size) & (abs(ypos - y0) < size)') else: raise ValueError('Unknown shape parameter') else: for y0, x0, size, shape in sky: if shape == 'C': if self.wcs == u.deg or self.wcs == u.rad: mask |= (((xpos - x0) * 3600 * np.cos(y0 * DEG2RAD)) ** 2 + ((ypos - y0) * 3600) ** 2) \ < size ** 2 else: mask |= ((xpos - x0) ** 2 + (ypos - y0) ** 2) < size ** 2 elif shape == 'S': if self.wcs == u.deg or self.wcs == u.rad: mask |= (np.abs((xpos - x0) * 3600 * np.cos(y0 * DEG2RAD)) < size) \ & (np.abs((ypos - y0) * 3600) < size) else: mask |= (np.abs(xpos - x0) < size) \ & (np.abs(ypos - y0) < size) else: raise ValueError('Unknown shape parameter') return mask
[docs] def extract_from_mask(self, mask): """Return a new pixtable extracted with the given mask. Parameters ---------- mask : numpy.ndarray Mask (array of bool). Returns ------- out : PixTable """ if np.count_nonzero(mask) == 0: return None hdr = self.primary_header.copy() # xpos xpos = self.get_xpos(ksel=mask) hdr["%s LIMITS X LOW" % KEYWORD] = float(xpos.min()) hdr["%s LIMITS X HIGH" % KEYWORD] = float(xpos.max()) # ypos ypos = self.get_ypos(ksel=mask) hdr["%s LIMITS Y LOW" % KEYWORD] = float(ypos.min()) hdr["%s LIMITS Y HIGH" % KEYWORD] = float(ypos.max()) # lambda lbda = self.get_lambda(ksel=mask) hdr["%s LIMITS LAMBDA LOW" % KEYWORD] = float(lbda.min()) hdr["%s LIMITS LAMBDA HIGH" % KEYWORD] = float(lbda.max()) # origin origin = self.get_origin(ksel=mask) ifu = self.origin2ifu(origin) sl = self.origin2slice(origin) hdr["%s LIMITS IFU LOW" % KEYWORD] = int(ifu.min()) hdr["%s LIMITS IFU HIGH" % KEYWORD] = int(ifu.max()) hdr["%s LIMITS SLICE LOW" % KEYWORD] = int(sl.min()) hdr["%s LIMITS SLICE HIGH" % KEYWORD] = int(sl.max()) # merged pixtable if self.nifu > 1: hdr["%s MERGED" % KEYWORD] = len(np.unique(ifu)) # combined exposures selfexp = self.get_exp() if selfexp is not None: newexp = selfexp[mask] numbers_exp = np.unique(newexp) hdr["%s COMBINED" % KEYWORD] = len(numbers_exp) for iexp, i in zip(numbers_exp, range(1, len(numbers_exp) + 1)): k = np.where(newexp == iexp) hdr["%s EXP%i FIRST" % (KEYWORD, i)] = k[0][0] hdr["%s EXP%i LAST" % (KEYWORD, i)] = k[0][-1] for i in range(len(numbers_exp) + 1, self.get_keyword("COMBINED") + 1): del hdr["%s EXP%i FIRST" % (KEYWORD, i)] del hdr["%s EXP%i LAST" % (KEYWORD, i)] # return sub pixtable data = self.get_data(ksel=mask) stat = self.get_stat(ksel=mask) dq = self.get_dq(ksel=mask) weight = self.get_weight(ksel=mask) return PixTable(None, xpos, ypos, lbda, data, dq, stat, origin, weight, hdr, self.ima, self.wcs, self.wave, unit_data=self.unit_data)
[docs] def extract(self, filename=None, sky=None, lbda=None, ifu=None, sl=None, xpix=None, ypix=None, exp=None, stack=None, method='and'): """Extracts a subset of a pixtable using the following criteria: - aperture on the sky (center, size and shape) - wavelength range - IFU numbers - slice numbers - detector pixels - exposure numbers - stack numbers The arguments can be either single value or a list of values to select multiple regions. Parameters ---------- filename : str The FITS filename used to save the resulted object. sky : (float, float, float, char) (y, x, size, shape) extract an aperture on the sky, defined by a center (y, x) in degrees/pixel, a shape ('C' for circular, 'S' for square) and size (radius or half side length) in arcsec/pixels. lbda : (float, float) (min, max) wavelength range in angstrom. ifu : int or list IFU number. sl : int or list Slice number on the CCD. xpix : (int, int) or list (min, max) pixel range along the X axis ypix : (int, int) or list (min, max) pixel range along the Y axis exp : list of int List of exposure numbers stack : list of int List of stack numbers method : 'and' or 'or' Logical operation used to merge the criteria Returns ------- out : PixTable """ if self.nrows == 0: return None if isinstance(sky, tuple): sky = [sky] if isinstance(lbda, tuple): lbda = [lbda] if np.isscalar(ifu): ifu = [ifu] if np.isscalar(sl): sl = [sl] if np.isscalar(stack): stack = [stack] if method == 'and': kmask = np.ones(self.nrows, dtype=bool) lfunc = np.logical_and elif method == 'or': kmask = np.zeros(self.nrows, dtype=bool) lfunc = np.logical_or # Do the selection on the sky if sky is not None: lfunc(kmask, self.select_sky(sky), out=kmask) # Do the selection on wavelengths if lbda is not None: lfunc(kmask, self.select_lambda(lbda, unit=u.angstrom), out=kmask) # Do the selection on the origin column if (ifu is not None) or (sl is not None) or (stack is not None) or \ (xpix is not None) or (ypix is not None): origin = self.get_origin() if sl is not None: lfunc(kmask, self.select_slices(sl, origin=origin), out=kmask) if stack is not None: lfunc(kmask, self.select_stacks(stack, origin=origin), out=kmask) if ifu is not None: lfunc(kmask, self.select_ifus(ifu, origin=origin), out=kmask) if xpix is not None: lfunc(kmask, self.select_xpix(xpix, origin=origin), out=kmask) if ypix is not None: lfunc(kmask, self.select_ypix(ypix, origin=origin), out=kmask) origin = None # Do the selection on the exposure numbers if exp is not None: col_exp = self.get_exp() if col_exp is not None: lfunc(kmask, self.select_exp(exp, col_exp), out=kmask) # Compute the new pixtable pix = self.extract_from_mask(kmask) if pix is not None and filename is not None: pix.filename = filename pix.write(filename) return pix
[docs] def origin2ifu(self, origin): """Converts the origin value and returns the ifu number. Parameters ---------- origin : int Origin value. Returns ------- out : int """ return (origin >> 6) & 0x1f
[docs] def origin2slice(self, origin): """Converts the origin value and returns the slice number. Parameters ---------- origin : int Origin value. Returns ------- out : int """ return origin & 0x3f
[docs] def origin2ypix(self, origin): """Converts the origin value and returns the y coordinates. Parameters ---------- origin : int Origin value. Returns ------- out : float """ return ((origin >> 11) & 0x1fff) - 1
[docs] def origin2xoffset(self, origin, ifu=None, sli=None): """Converts the origin value and returns the x coordinates offset. Parameters ---------- origin : int Origin value. Returns ------- out : float """ col_ifu = ifu if ifu is not None else self.origin2ifu(origin) col_slice = sli if sli is not None else self.origin2slice(origin) key = "EXP0 IFU%02d SLICE%02d XOFFSET" if isinstance(origin, np.ndarray): ifus = np.unique(col_ifu) slices = np.unique(col_slice) offsets = np.zeros((ifus.max() + 1, slices.max() + 1), dtype=np.int32) for ifu in ifus: for sl in slices: offsets[ifu, sl] = self.get_keyword(key % (ifu, sl)) xoffset = offsets[col_ifu, col_slice] else: xoffset = self.get_keyword(key % (col_ifu, col_slice)) return xoffset
[docs] def origin2xpix(self, origin, ifu=None, sli=None): """Converts the origin value and returns the x coordinates. Parameters ---------- origin : int Origin value. Returns ------- out : float """ return (self.origin2xoffset(origin, ifu=ifu, sli=sli) + ((origin >> NIFUS) & 0x7f) - 1)
[docs] def origin2coords(self, origin): """Converts the origin value and returns (ifu, slice, ypix, xpix). Parameters ---------- origin : int Origin value. Returns ------- out : (int, int, float, float) """ ifu, sli = self.origin2ifu(origin), self.origin2slice(origin) return (ifu, sli, self.origin2ypix(origin), self.origin2xpix(origin, ifu=ifu, sli=sli))
def _get_pos_sky(self, xpos, ypos): if self.projection == 'projected': # spheric coordinates phi = xpos theta = ypos + np.pi / 2 dp = self.yc * DEG2RAD ra = np.arctan2(np.cos(theta) * np.sin(phi), np.sin(theta) * np.cos(dp) + np.cos(theta) * np.sin(dp) * np.cos(phi)) * RAD2DEG xpos_sky = self.xc + ra ypos_sky = np.arcsin(np.sin(theta) * np.sin(dp) - np.cos(theta) * np.cos(dp) * np.cos(phi)) * RAD2DEG else: if self.wcs == u.deg: # dp = self.yc * DEG2RAD xpos_sky = self.xc + xpos ypos_sky = self.yc + ypos elif self.wcs == u.rad: # dp = self.yc * DEG2RAD xpos_sky = self.xc + xpos * RAD2DEG ypos_sky = self.yc + ypos * RAD2DEG else: xpos_sky = self.xc + xpos ypos_sky = self.yc + ypos return xpos_sky, ypos_sky def _get_pos_sky_numexpr(self, xpos, ypos): pi = np.pi # NOQA xc = self.xc # NOQA yc = self.yc # NOQA if self.projection == 'projected': # spheric coordinates phi = xpos # NOQA theta = numexpr.evaluate("ypos + pi/2") dp = numexpr.evaluate("yc * pi / 180") ra = numexpr.evaluate("arctan2(cos(theta) * sin(phi), sin(theta) * cos(dp) + cos(theta) * sin(dp) * cos(phi)) * 180 / pi") xpos_sky = numexpr.evaluate("xc + ra") ypos_sky = numexpr.evaluate("arcsin(sin(theta) * sin(dp) - cos(theta) * cos(dp) * cos(phi)) * 180 / pi") else: if self.wcs == u.deg: # dp = numexpr.evaluate("yc * pi / 180") xpos_sky = numexpr.evaluate("xc + xpos") ypos_sky = numexpr.evaluate("yc + ypos") elif self.wcs == u.rad: # dp = numexpr.evaluate("yc * pi / 180") xpos_sky = numexpr.evaluate("xc + xpos * 180 / pi") ypos_sky = numexpr.evaluate("yc + ypos * 180 / pi") else: xpos_sky = numexpr.evaluate("xc + xpos") ypos_sky = numexpr.evaluate("yc + ypos") return xpos_sky, ypos_sky
[docs] def get_pos_sky(self, xpos=None, ypos=None): """Return the absolute position on the sky in degrees/pixel. Parameters ---------- xpos : numpy.array xpos values ypos : numpy.array ypos values Returns ------- xpos_sky, ypos_sky : numpy.array, numpy.array """ if xpos is None: xpos = self.get_xpos() if ypos is None: ypos = self.get_ypos() if numexpr: return self._get_pos_sky_numexpr(xpos, ypos) else: return self._get_pos_sky(xpos, ypos)
[docs] def get_keyword(self, key, default=_NOT_SET): """Return the keyword value corresponding to key, adding the keyword prefix (``'HIERARCH ESO DRS MUSE PIXTABLE'``). Parameters ---------- key : str Keyword. Returns ------- out : keyword value """ try: return self.primary_header['{} {}'.format(KEYWORD, key)] except KeyError: if default is not _NOT_SET: return default else: raise
[docs] def set_keyword(self, key, val): """Set the keyword value corresponding to key, adding the keyword prefix (``'HIERARCH ESO DRS MUSE PIXTABLE'``). Parameters ---------- key : str Keyword. val : str or int or float Value. """ self.primary_header['{} {}'.format(KEYWORD, key)] = val
[docs] def reconstruct_det_image(self, xstart=None, ystart=None, xstop=None, ystop=None): """Reconstructs the image on the detector from the pixtable. The pixtable must concerns only one IFU, otherwise an exception is raised. Returns ------- out : `~mpdaf.obj.Image` """ if self.nrows == 0: return None if self.nifu != 1: raise ValueError('Pixtable contains multiple IFU') col_data = self.get_data() col_origin = self.get_origin() ifu = np.empty(self.nrows, dtype='uint16') sl = np.empty(self.nrows, dtype='uint16') xpix = np.empty(self.nrows, dtype='uint16') ypix = np.empty(self.nrows, dtype='uint16') ifu, sl, ypix, xpix = self.origin2coords(col_origin) if len(np.unique(ifu)) != 1: raise ValueError('Pixtable contains multiple IFU') if xstart is None: xstart = xpix.min() if xstop is None: xstop = xpix.max() if ystart is None: ystart = ypix.min() if ystop is None: ystop = ypix.max() # xstart, xstop = xpix.min(), xpix.max() # ystart, ystop = ypix.min(), ypix.max() image = np.zeros((ystop - ystart + 1, xstop - xstart + 1), dtype='float') * np.NaN image[ypix - ystart, xpix - xstart] = col_data wcs = WCS(crval=(ystart, xstart)) return Image(data=image, wcs=wcs, unit=self.unit_data, copy=False)
[docs] def reconstruct_det_waveimage(self): """Reconstructs an image of wavelength values on the detector from the pixtable. The pixtable must concerns only one IFU, otherwise an exception is raised. Returns ------- out : `~mpdaf.obj.Image` """ if self.nrows == 0: return None if self.nifu != 1: raise ValueError('Pixtable contains multiple IFU') col_origin = self.get_origin() col_lambdas = self.get_lambda() ifu = np.empty(self.nrows, dtype='uint16') sl = np.empty(self.nrows, dtype='uint16') xpix = np.empty(self.nrows, dtype='uint16') ypix = np.empty(self.nrows, dtype='uint16') ifu, sl, ypix, xpix = self.origin2coords(col_origin) if len(np.unique(ifu)) != 1: raise ValueError('Pixtable contains multiple IFU') xstart, xstop = xpix.min(), xpix.max() ystart, ystop = ypix.min(), ypix.max() image = np.zeros((ystop - ystart + 1, xstop - xstart + 1), dtype='float') image[ypix - ystart, xpix - xstart] = col_lambdas wcs = WCS(crval=(ystart, xstart)) return Image(data=image, wcs=wcs, unit=self.wave, copy=False)
[docs] def mask_column(self, maskfile=None): """Compute the mask column corresponding to a mask file. Parameters ---------- maskfile : str Path to a FITS image file with WCS information, used to mask out bright continuum objects present in the FoV. Values must be 0 for the background and >0 for objects. Returns ------- out : `mpdaf.drs.PixTableMask` """ if maskfile is None: return np.zeros(self.nrows, dtype=bool) pos = np.array(self.get_pos_sky()[::-1]).T ima_mask = Image(maskfile, dtype=bool) sky = ima_mask.wcs.sky2pix(pos, nearest=True, unit=u.deg).T mask =[sky[0], sky[1]] return PixTableMask(maskfile=maskfile, maskcol=mask, pixtable=self.filename)