World coordinates

The WCS class manages spatial world-coordinates (A 2-dimensional WCS object of the pywcs package is used).

The WaveCoord class manages spectral world-coordinates (A 1-dimensional WCS object of the pywcs package is used).

Note that by convention python reverses x, y indices : (dec,ra) order is used.

Degree / sexagesimal conversion

  • deg2sexa transforms the values of n coordinates from degrees to sexagesimal.

  • sexa2deg transforms the values of n coordinates from sexagesimal to degrees.

  • deg2hms transforms a degree value to a string representation of the coordinate as hours:minutes:seconds.

  • hms2deg transforms a string representation of the coordinate as hours:minutes:seconds to a float degree value.

  • deg2dms transforms a degree value to a string representation of the coordinate as degrees:arcminutes:arcseconds.

  • dms2deg transforms a string representation of the coordinate as degrees:arcminutes:arcseconds to a float degree value.

Examples of conversions:

>>> import numpy as np
>>> from mpdaf.obj import deg2sexa,sexa2deg
>>> ac = np.array([2.5,2.5])
>>> ac2 = [ac,ac*2,ac*4]
>>> print(ac2)
[array([ 2.5,  2.5]), array([ 5.,  5.]), array([ 10.,  10.])]
>>> ac3 = deg2sexa(ac2)
>>> print(ac3)
[['02:30:00' '00:10:00']
['05:00:00' '00:20:00']
['10:00:00' '00:40:00']]
>>> ac = sexa2deg(ac3)
>>> print(ac)
[[  2.5   2.5]
 [  5.    5. ]
 [ 10.   10. ]]

Spatial world coordinates

The WCS class manages spatial world coordinates.

Some examples:

>>> from mpdaf.obj import WCS
>>> from import fits
>>> hdr = fits.Header()
>>> # creates a WCS object from data header
>>> wcs = WCS(hdr)
[INFO] spatial coord (): min:(1.0,1.0) max:(0.0,0.0) step:(1.0,1.0) rot:-0.0 deg
>>> # the reference point is the center of the image
>>> wcs = WCS(shape=(300,300))
[INFO] spatial coord (pix): min:(-148.5,-148.5) max:(150.5,150.5) step:(1.0,1.0) rot:-0.0 deg
>>> # the reference point is in decimal degree
>>> wcs = WCS(crval=(-3.11E+01,1.46E+02),cdelt=4E-04, deg=True, rot = 20, shape=(300,300))
[INFO] center:(-31:06:00,09:44:00) size in arcsec:(432.000,432.000) step in arcsec:(1.440,1.440) rot:20.0 deg

Spectral world coordinates

The WaveCoord class manages spectral world coordinates.