Sources Detection (mpdaf.sdetect)

The mpdaf.sdetect package contains different methods to detect sources.



mpdaf.sdetect Package


compute_optimal_spectrum(cube, mask, psf) Compute a spectrum for a cube by summing along the spatial axis.
compute_spectrum(cube, weights) Compute a spectrum for a cube by summing along the spatial axis.
crackz(nlines, wl, flux, eml[, zguess]) Method to estimate the best redshift matching a list of emission lines.
findCentralDetection(images, iyc, ixc[, …]) Determine which image has a detection close to the centre.
findSkyMask(images) Loop over all segmentation images and use the region where no object is detected in any segmentation map as our sky image.
get_emlines([iden, z, vac, lbrange, margin, …]) Return list of emission lines
intersection(seg) Return the intersection of a list of boolean arrays.
mask_creation(source, maps)
matchlines(nlines, wl, z, eml) Try to match all the lines given.
muselet(cubename[, step, delta, fw, radius, …]) MUSELET (for MUSE Line Emission Tracker) is a simple SExtractor-based python tool to detect emission lines in a datacube.
segmentation(source, tags, DIR, remove) segmentation by running sextractor
union(seg) Return the union of a list of boolean arrays.


Catalog(*args, **kwargs) This class inherits from astropy.table.Table.
Source(header[, lines, mag, z, spectra, …]) This class contains a Source object.
SourceList Handles a list of mpdaf.sdetect.Source objects.

Class Inheritance Diagram

Inheritance diagram of mpdaf.sdetect.catalog.Catalog, mpdaf.sdetect.source.Source, mpdaf.sdetect.source.SourceList