Source code for mpdaf.MUSE.fsf

import astropy.units as u
import logging
import numpy as np
import warnings
from import fits
from astropy.modeling.models import Moffat2D as astMoffat2D
from astropy.stats import sigma_clip

from ..obj import Cube, WCS, Image
from import all_subclasses

__all__ = ['Moffat2D', 'FSFModel', 'OldMoffatModel', 'MoffatModel2']

def find_model_cls(hdr):
    for cls in all_subclasses(FSFModel):
        if cls.model == hdr['FSFMODE']:
        raise ValueError('FSFMODE {} is not implemented'

    return cls

def norm_lbda(lbda, lb1, lb2):
    nlbda = (lbda - lb1) / (lb2 - lb1) - 0.5
    return nlbda

[docs]def Moffat2D(fwhm, beta, shape, center=None, normalize=True): """Compute Moffat for a value or array of values of FWHM and beta. Parameters ---------- fwhm : float or array of float Moffat fwhm in pixels. beta : float or array of float Power index of the Moffat. shape : tuple Spatial dimension of the FSF. center : tuple Center in pixel (if None the image center is used) normalize : bool If True, normalize the Moffat. Returns ------- PSF_Moffat : array (Nz, size, size) MUSE PSF """ # alpha coefficient in pixel alpha = fwhm / (2 * np.sqrt(2**(1 / beta) - 1)) amplitude = (beta - 1) * (np.pi * alpha**2) if center is None: x0, y0 = np.array(shape) / 2 else: x0, y0 = center xx, yy = np.mgrid[:shape[0], :shape[1]] if np.isscalar(alpha) and np.isscalar(beta): model = astMoffat2D(amplitude, x0, y0, alpha, beta) moffat = model(xx, yy) # Normalization if normalize: moffat /= np.sum(moffat) else: if np.isscalar(beta): Nz = alpha.shape[0] beta = [beta] * Nz elif np.isscalar(alpha): Nz = beta.shape[0] alpha = [alpha] * Nz else: Nz = alpha.shape[0] if beta.shape[0] != Nz: raise ValueError('alpha and beta must have the same dimension') model = astMoffat2D(amplitude, [x0] * Nz, [y0] * Nz, alpha, beta, n_models=Nz) moffat = model(xx, yy, model_set_axis=False) # Normalization if normalize: moffat /= np.sum(moffat, axis=(1, 2))[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis] return moffat
def get_images(cube, pos, size=5.0, nslice=20): # TODO: skip slice with masked value for the notch filter (in AO case) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logger.debug('getting %d images around object ra:%f dec:%f', nslice, *pos) l1, l2 = cube.wave.get_range() lb1, dl = np.linspace(l1, l2, nslice, endpoint=False, retstep=True) subc = cube.subcube(pos, size) imalist = [subc.get_image((l1, l1 + dl), method='mean') for l1 in lb1] white = subc.mean(axis=0) return white, lb1 + 0.5 * dl, imalist def fit_poly(x, y, deg, reject=3.0): logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) pol = np.polyfit(x, y, deg) yp = np.polyval(pol, x) err = yp - y if reject > 0: err_masked = sigma_clip(err, sigma=reject) xx = x[~err_masked.mask] if len(xx) < len(x): logger.debug('%d points rejected in polynomial fit', len(x) - len(xx)) yy = y[~err_masked.mask] pol = np.polyfit(xx, yy, deg) yp = np.polyval(pol, x) err = yp - y return (pol, yp, err) class FSFMultiModel(list): """Class to manage multiple FSF models.""" @classmethod def from_header(cls, hdr, pixstep, nfields=99): self = cls() klass = find_model_cls(hdr) self.model = klass.model for field in range(1, nfields + 1): self.append(klass.from_header(hdr, pixstep, field=field)) return self
[docs]class FSFModel: """Base class for FSF models.""" def __init__(self): self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs] @classmethod def read(cls, cube, field=None, pixstep=None): """Read the FSF model from a file, cube, or header. Parameters ---------- cube : str, `mpdaf.obj.Cube`, or `` Must contain a header with a FSF model. field : int Field number to read, otherwise all models are read. """ if isinstance(cube, str): # filename cube = Cube(cube) if isinstance(cube, Cube): wcs = cube.wcs hdr = cube.primary_header elif isinstance(cube, fits.Header): hdr = cube wcs = WCS(hdr=hdr) if 'FSFMODE' not in hdr: raise ValueError('FSFMODE keyword not found') nfields = 1 if field is not None else hdr.get('NFIELDS', 1) if pixstep is None: try: pixstep = wcs.get_step(unit=u.arcsec)[0] except u.core.UnitConversionError: warnings.warn('could not find use pixstep from the header', UserWarning) pixstep = None if nfields > 1: return FSFMultiModel.from_header(hdr, pixstep, nfields=nfields) else: klass = find_model_cls(hdr) if field is None: field = 0 try: return klass.from_header(hdr, pixstep, field=field) except ValueError: return klass.from_header(hdr, pixstep, field=99)
[docs] @classmethod def from_header(cls, hdr, pixstep, field=0): """Read FSF parameters from a FITS header""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @classmethod def from_psfrec(cls, rawfilename): """Compute FSF parameters from GLAO MUSE PSF reconstruction""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @classmethod def from_starfit(cls, cube, pos, **kwargs): """Compute FSF by fitting a point source on a datacube""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @classmethod def from_hstconv(cls, cube, hstimages, lbrange=(5000, 9000), **kwargs): """Compute FSF by convolution of HST images""" raise NotImplementedError
def __repr__(self): return "<{}(model={})>".format(self.__class__.__name__, self.model)
[docs] def to_header(self, hdr=None): """Write FSF parameters to a FITS header""" if hdr is None: hdr = fits.Header() hdr['FSFMODE'] = (self.model, return hdr
[docs] def get_fwhm(self, lbda): """Return FWHM for the given wavelengths.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_beta(self, lbda): """Return beta for the given wavelengths.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_2darray(self, lbda, shape, center=None): """Return FSF 2D array at the given wavelength.""" if not np.isscalar(lbda): raise ValueError return Moffat2D(self.get_fwhm(lbda, unit='pix'), self.get_beta(lbda), shape, center)
[docs] def get_image(self, lbda, wcs, center=None): """Return FSF image at the given wavelength.""" if not np.isscalar(lbda): raise ValueError data = self.get_2darray(lbda, (wcs.naxis2, wcs.naxis1), center) return Image(wcs=wcs, data=data)
[docs] def get_3darray(self, lbda, shape, center=None): """Return FSF cube at the given wavelengths.""" return Moffat2D(self.get_fwhm(lbda, unit='pix'), self.get_beta(lbda), shape, center)
[docs] def get_cube(self, wave, wcs, center=None): """Return FSF cube at the given wavelengths.""" lbda = wave.coord() data = self.get_3darray(lbda, (wcs.naxis2, wcs.naxis1), center) return Cube(wcs=wcs, wave=wave, data=data)
[docs]class OldMoffatModel(FSFModel): """Moffat FSF with fixed beta and FWHM varying with wavelength.""" name = 'Old model with a fixed beta' model = 'MOFFAT1' def __init__(self, a, b, beta, pixstep, field=0): super().__init__() self.a = a self.b = b self.beta = beta self.pixstep = pixstep self.field = field
[docs] @classmethod def from_header(cls, hdr, pixstep, field=0): if 'FSF%02dBET' % field not in hdr: raise ValueError('FSF%02dBET not found in header' % field) beta = hdr['FSF%02dBET' % field] a = hdr['FSF%02dFWA' % field] b = hdr['FSF%02dFWB' % field] return cls(a, b, beta, pixstep, field=field)
[docs] def info(self):'Model %s Beta %f FWHM a %f b %f Step %f', self.model, self.beta, self.a, self.b, self.pixstep)
[docs] def to_header(self, hdr=None, field_idx=0): hdr = super().to_header(hdr=hdr) hdr['FSF%02dBET' % field_idx] = np.around(self.beta, decimals=2) hdr['FSF%02dFWA' % field_idx] = np.around(self.a, decimals=3) hdr['FSF%02dFWB' % field_idx] = float('%.3e' % self.b) return hdr
[docs] def get_fwhm(self, lbda, unit='arcsec'): fwhm = self.a + self.b * lbda if unit == 'pix': fwhm /= self.pixstep return fwhm
[docs] def get_beta(self, lbda): return self.beta
[docs] def to_model2(self): """Convert the model to a model=2 one.""" l1, l2 = 5000, 9000 a = self.b * (l2 - l1) b = self.a + a * (l1 / (l2 - l1) + 0.5) fwhm_pol = [a, b] return MoffatModel2(fwhm_pol, [self.beta], (l1, l2), self.pixstep)
[docs]class MoffatModel2(FSFModel): name = "Circular MOFFAT beta=poly(lbda) fwhm=poly(lbda)" model = 2 def __init__(self, fwhm_pol, beta_pol, lbrange, pixstep, field=0): super().__init__() self.fwhm_pol = fwhm_pol self.beta_pol = beta_pol self.lbrange = lbrange self.pixstep = pixstep self.field = field
[docs] @classmethod def from_header(cls, hdr, pixstep, field=0): if 'FSFLB1' not in hdr or 'FSFLB2' not in hdr: raise ValueError('Missing FSFLB1/FSFLB2 keywords in file header') lbrange = (hdr['FSFLB1'], hdr['FSFLB2']) if lbrange[1] <= lbrange[0]: raise ValueError('Wrong FSF lambda range') if 'FSF%02dFNC' % field not in hdr: raise ValueError('FSF%02dFNC not found in header' % field) ncf = hdr['FSF%02dFNC' % field] fwhm_pol = [hdr['FSF%02dF%02d' % (field, k)] for k in range(ncf)] ncb = hdr['FSF%02dBNC' % field] beta_pol = [hdr['FSF%02dB%02d' % (field, k)] for k in range(ncb)] return cls(fwhm_pol, beta_pol, lbrange, pixstep, field=field)
[docs] def to_header(self, hdr=None, field_idx=0): hdr = super().to_header(hdr=hdr) hdr['FSFLB1'] = (self.lbrange[0], 'FSF Blue Ref Wave (A)') hdr['FSFLB2'] = (self.lbrange[1], 'FSF Red Ref Wave (A)') hdr['FSF%02dFNC' % field_idx] = ( len(self.fwhm_pol), 'FSF{:02d} FWHM Poly Ncoef'.format(field_idx)) for k, coef in enumerate(self.fwhm_pol): hdr['FSF%02dF%02d' % (field_idx, k)] = ( coef, 'FSF{:02d} FWHM Poly C{:02d}'.format(field_idx, k)) hdr['FSF%02dBNC' % field_idx] = ( len(self.beta_pol), 'FSF{:02d} BETA Poly Ncoef'.format(field_idx)) for k, coef in enumerate(self.beta_pol): hdr['FSF%02dB%02d' % (field_idx, k)] = ( coef, 'FSF{:02d} BETA Poly C{:02d}'.format(field_idx, k)) return hdr
[docs] @classmethod def from_psfrec(cls, rawfilename): # Try to import muse-psfr, if not available raise an error from muse_psfr import psfrec logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logger.debug('Computing PSF from Sparta data file %s', rawfilename) res = psfrec.compute_psf_from_sparta(rawfilename) data = res['FIT_MEAN'].data lbda, fwhm, beta = (data['lbda'], data['fwhm'][:, 0], data['n']) logger.debug('Fitting polynomial on FWHM (lbda) and Beta(lbda)') res = psfrec.fit_psf_with_polynom(lbda, fwhm, beta, output=0) fsf = cls(lbrange=(res['lbda_lim'][0] * 10, res['lbda_lim'][1] * 10), fwhm_pol=res['fwhm_pol'], beta_pol=res['beta_pol'], pixstep=0.2) return fsf
[docs] @classmethod def from_starfit(cls, cube, pos, size=5, nslice=20, fwhmdeg=3, betadeg=3, lbrange=(5000, 9000)): """ Fit a FSF model on a point source cube: input datacube pos: (dec,ra) location of the source in deg size: size of region to extract around the source in arcsec nslice: number of wavelength slices to used fwhmdeg: degre for polynomial fit of FWHM(lbda) betadeg: degre for polynomial fit of Beta(lbda) lbdarange: (lbda1,lbda2) tuple of reference wavelength for normalisation return an FSF object and intermediate fitting results as .fit attribute """ dec, ra = pos logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)'FSF from star fit at Ra: %.5f Dec: %.5f Size %.1f ' 'Nslice %d FWHM poly deg %d BETA poly deg %d', pos[1], pos[0], size, nslice, fwhmdeg, betadeg) white, lbda, imalist = get_images(cube, pos, size=size, nslice=nslice) lbdanorm = norm_lbda(lbda, lbrange[0], lbrange[1]) logger.debug('-- First fit on white light image') fit1 = white.moffat_fit(fwhm=(0.8, 0.8), n=2.5, circular=True, fit_back=True, verbose=False) logger.debug('RA: %.5f DEC: %.5f FWHM %.2f BETA %.2f PEAK %.1f ' 'BACK %.1f',[1],[0], fit1.fwhm[0], fit1.n, fit1.peak, fit1.cont) logger.debug('-- Second fit on all images') fit2 = [] for k, ima in enumerate(imalist): f2 = ima.moffat_fit(fwhm=fit1.fwhm[0], n=fit1.n,, fit_n=True, circular=True, fit_back=True, verbose=False) logger.debug('%d RA: %.5f DEC: %.5f FWHM %.2f BETA %.2f PEAK %.1f ' 'BACK %.1f', k + 1,[1],[0], f2.fwhm[0], f2.n, f2.peak, f2.cont) fit2.append(f2) logger.debug('-- Third fit on all images') fit3 = [] beta_fit = np.array([f.n for f in fit2]) logger.debug('-- Polynomial fit of BETA(lbda)') beta_pol, beta_pval, beta_err = fit_poly(lbdanorm, beta_fit, betadeg) logger.debug('BETA poly {}'.format(beta_pol)) for k, ima in enumerate(imalist): f2 = ima.moffat_fit(fwhm=fit1.fwhm[0], n=beta_pval[k],, fit_n=False, circular=True, fit_back=True, verbose=False) logger.debug('RA: %.5f DEC: %.5f FWHM %.2f BETA %.2f PEAK %.1f ' 'BACK %.1f',[1],[0], f2.fwhm[0], f2.n, f2.peak, f2.cont) fit3.append(f2) fwhm_fit = np.array([f.fwhm[0] for f in fit3]) logger.debug('-- Polynomial fit of FWHM(lbda)') fwhm_pol, fwhm_pval, fwhm_err = fit_poly(lbdanorm, fwhm_fit, fwhmdeg) logger.debug('FWHM poly {}'.format(fwhm_pol)) logger.debug('-- return FSF model') fsf = cls(lbrange=lbrange, fwhm_pol=fwhm_pol, beta_pol=beta_pol, pixstep=cube.get_step()[0]) = {'center': np.array([ for f in fit3]), 'wave': lbda, 'fwhmfit': fwhm_fit, 'fwhmpol': fwhm_pval, 'fwhmerr': fwhm_err, 'betafit': beta_fit, 'betapol': beta_pval, 'betaerr': beta_err, 'center0':, 'fwhm0': fit1.fwhm[0], 'beta0': fit1.n, 'ima': imalist} return fsf
[docs] def info(self):'Wavelength range: %s-%s', self.lbrange[0], self.lbrange[1])'FWHM Poly: %s', self.fwhm_pol) fwhm = self.get_fwhm(np.array(self.lbrange))'FWHM (arcsec): %.2f-%.2f', fwhm[0], fwhm[1])'Beta Poly: %s', self.beta_pol) beta = self.get_beta(np.array(self.lbrange))'Beta values: %.2f-%.2f', beta[0], beta[1])
[docs] def get_fwhm(self, lbda, unit='arcsec'): lb = norm_lbda(lbda, self.lbrange[0], self.lbrange[1]) fwhm = np.polyval(self.fwhm_pol, lb) if unit == 'pix': fwhm /= self.pixstep return fwhm
[docs] def get_beta(self, lbda): lb = norm_lbda(lbda, self.lbrange[0], self.lbrange[1]) return np.polyval(self.beta_pol, lb)
# class EllipticalMoffatModel(FSFModel): # model = 3 # name = "Elliptical MOFFAT beta=poly(lbda) fwhmx,y=polyx,y(lbda) pa=cste"