Source code for mpdaf.obj.cube

Copyright (c) 2010-2018 CNRS / Centre de Recherche Astrophysique de Lyon
Copyright (c) 2012-2017 Laure Piqueras <>
Copyright (c) 2014-2018 Simon Conseil <>
Copyright (c)      2016 Martin Shepherd <>
Copyright (c) 2016-2018 Roland Bacon <>
Copyright (c)      2018 Yannick Roehlly <>

All rights reserved.

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modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:

1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
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import astropy.units as u
import multiprocessing
import numpy as np
import os.path
import sys
import time
import types
import warnings

from import fits
from numpy import ma
from scipy import interpolate, signal, ndimage as ndi

from .arithmetic import ArithmeticMixin
from .data import DataArray
from .image import Image
from .objs import bounding_box, is_number
from .spectrum import Spectrum
from import add_mpdaf_method_keywords, MpdafWarning

__all__ = ('iter_spe', 'iter_ima', 'Cube')

[docs]def iter_spe(cube, index=False): """An iterator over the spectra of successive image pixels in a Cube Each call to the iterator as the spectrum of one pixel of the image. The first spectrum to be returned, is the spectrum of image pixel 0,0. Thereafter the X-axis pixel index is incremented by one at each call (modulus the length of the X-axis), and the Y-axis pixel index is incremented by one each time that the X-axis index wraps back to zero. The return value of iter_spe() is a python generator that can be used in loops, such as in the following example:: from mpdaf.obj import iter_spe for sp,(y,x) in iter_spe(mycube, index=True): print("Peak flux in pixel [%d,%d] = %g" % (y, x, Parameters ---------- cube : `~mpdaf.obj.Cube` The cube that contains the spectra to be returned. index : bool If False, return just a spectrum at each iteration. If True, return both a spectrum and the pixel index of that spectrum in the image (a tuple of image-array indexes along the axes (y,x)). Returns ------- out : generator A python generator object, suitable for using in a loop. """ if index: for y, x in np.ndindex(*cube.shape[1:]): yield cube[:, y, x], (y, x) else: for y, x in np.ndindex(*cube.shape[1:]): yield cube[:, y, x]
[docs]def iter_ima(cube, index=False): """An iterator over the images of successive spectral pixels in a Cube Each call to the iterator returns the image of the next spectral pixel of the cube. The first image to be returned, is the image of spectral pixel 0, followed, on the next call, by the image of spectral pixel 1 etc. The return value of iter_ima() is a python generator that can be used in loops, such as in the following example:: from mpdaf.obj import iter_ima for im,channel in iter_ima(mycube, index=True): print("Total flux in channel %d = %g" % (channel, Parameters ---------- cube : `~mpdaf.obj.Cube` The cube that contains the images to be returned. index : bool If False, return just an image at each iteration. If True, return both an image and the index of that image along the wavelength axis of the cube. Returns ------- out : generator A python generator object, suitable for using in a loop. """ if index: for l in range(cube.shape[0]): yield cube[l, :, :], l else: for l in range(cube.shape[0]): yield cube[l, :, :]
class _MultiprocessReporter: """ A class that is used by loop_ima_multiprocessing and loop_spe_multiprocessing to make periodic completion reports to the terminal while tasks are being performed by external processes. """ def __init__(self, ntask, interval=5.0): """Prepare to report the progress of a multi-process job. Parameters ---------- ntask : int The number of tasks to be completed. interval : float The interval between reports (seconds). """ # Record the configuration parameters. self.interval = interval self.ntask = ntask # Record the approximate start time of the multiple processes. self.start_time = time.time() # The number of reports so far. self.reports = 0 # The number of tasks completed so far. self.completed = 0 # Calculate the time of the first report. self._update_report_time() def countdown(self): """Obtain the remaining time before the next report is due.""" return self.report_time - time.time() def note_completed_task(self): """Tell the reporter that another task has been completed.""" self.completed += 1 # Once all tasks have been completed, if any reports have been # made, erase the progress line. if self.completed == self.ntask and self.reports > 0: sys.stdout.write("\r\x1b[K") sys.stdout.flush() def report_if_needed(self): """Report the progress of the tasks if the time for the next report has been reached.""" # Have we reached the time for the next report? now = time.time() if now >= self.report_time and self.completed < self.ntask: # Count the number of reports made, and calculate the time of # of the next report. self.reports += 1 self._update_report_time() # Inform the user of the progress through the task list. output = "\r Completed %d of %d tasks (%d%%) in %.1fs" % ( self.completed, self.ntask, self.completed * 100.0 / self.ntask, now - self.start_time ) sys.stdout.write("\r\x1b[K" + output.__str__()) sys.stdout.flush() def _update_report_time(self): """Calculate the time at which the next report should be made.""" self.report_time = self.start_time + (self.reports + 1) * self.interval
[docs]class Cube(ArithmeticMixin, DataArray): """This class manages Cube objects, which contain images at multiple wavelengths. The images are stored in 3D numpy.ndarray arrays. The axes of these arrays are, image wavelength, image y-axis, image x-axis. For MUSE images, the y-axis is typically aligned with the declination axis on the sky, but in general the y and x axes are not aligned with either declination or right-ascension. The actual orientation can be queried via the get_rot() method. The 3D cube of images is contained in a property of the cube called .data. There is also a .var member. When variances are available, .var is a 3D array that contains the variances of each pixel in the .data array. When variances have not been provided, the .var member is given the value, None. The .data and the .var are either numpy masked arrays or numpy ndarrays. When they are masked arrays, their shared mask can also be accessed separately via the .mask member, which holds a 3D array of bool elements. When .data and .var are normal numpy.ndarrays, the .mask member is given the value When a new Cube object is created, the data, variance and mask arrays can either be specified as arguments, or the name of a FITS file can be provided to load them from. Parameters ---------- filename : str An optional FITS file name from which to load the cube. None by default. This argument is ignored if the data argument is not None. ext : int or (int,int) or str or (str,str) The optional number/name of the data extension or the numbers/names of the data and variance extensions. wcs : `mpdaf.obj.WCS` The world coordinates of the image pixels. wave : `mpdaf.obj.WaveCoord` The wavelength coordinates of the spectral pixels. unit : str or `astropy.units.Unit` The physical units of the data values. Defaults to `astropy.units.dimensionless_unscaled`. data : numpy.ndarray or list An optional array containing the values of each pixel in the cube (None by default). Where given, this array should be 3 dimensional, and the python ordering of its axes should be (wavelength,image_y,image_x). var : float array An optional array containing the variances of each pixel in the cube (None by default). Where given, this array should be 3 dimensional, and the python ordering of its axes should be (wavelength,image_y,image_x). copy : bool If true (default), then the data and variance arrays are copied. dtype : numpy.dtype The type of the data (int, float) Attributes ---------- filename : str The name of the originating FITS file, if any. Otherwise None. primary_header : `` The FITS primary header instance, if a FITS file was provided. data_header : `` The FITS header of the DATA extension. wcs : `mpdaf.obj.WCS` The world coordinates of the image pixels. wave : `mpdaf.obj.WaveCoord` The wavelength coordinates of the spectral pixels. unit : `astropy.units.Unit` The physical units of the data values. dtype : numpy.dtype The type of the data (int, float) """ # Tell the DataArray base class that cubes require 3 dimensional # data arrays, image world coordinates and wavelength coordinates. _ndim_required = 3 _has_wcs = True _has_wave = True
[docs] def mask_region(self, center, radius, lmin=None, lmax=None, inside=True, unit_center=u.deg, unit_radius=u.arcsec, unit_wave=u.angstrom, posangle=0.0): """Mask values inside or outside a circular or rectangular region. Parameters ---------- center : (float,float) Center (y,x) of the region, where y,x are usually celestial coordinates along the Y and X axes of the image, but are interpretted as Y,X array-indexes if unit_center is changed to None. radius : float or (float,float) The radius of a circular region, or the half-width and half-height of a rectangular region, respectively. lmin : float The minimum wavelength of the region. lmax : float The maximum wavelength of the region. inside : bool If inside is True, pixels inside the region are masked. If inside is False, pixels outside the region are masked. unit_wave : `astropy.units.Unit` The units of the lmin and lmax wavelength coordinates (Angstroms by default). If None, the units of the lmin and lmax arguments are assumed to be pixels. unit_center : `astropy.units.Unit` The units of the coordinates of the center argument (degrees by default). If None, the units of the center argument are assumed to be pixels. unit_radius : `astropy.units.Unit` The units of the radius argument (arcseconds by default). If None, the units are assumed to be pixels. posangle : float When the region is rectangular, this is the counter-clockwise rotation angle of the rectangle in degrees. When posangle is 0.0 (the default), the X and Y axes of the rectangle are along the X and Y axes of the image. """ # If the radius argument is a scalar value, this requests # that a circular region be masked. Delegate this to mask_ellipse(). if np.isscalar(radius): return self.mask_ellipse(center=center, radius=radius, lmin=lmin, lmax=lmax, inside=inside, posangle=0.0, unit_center=unit_center, unit_radius=unit_radius, unit_wave=unit_wave) # Convert the central position to a floating-point pixel index. if unit_center is not None: center = self.wcs.sky2pix(center, unit=unit_center)[0] else: center = np.asarray(center) # Get the image pixel sizes in the units of the radius argument. if unit_radius is None: step = np.array([1.0, 1.0]) # Pixel counts else: step = self.wcs.get_step(unit=unit_radius) # Treat rotated rectangles as polygons. if not np.isclose(posangle, 0.0): c = np.cos(np.radians(posangle)) s = np.sin(np.radians(posangle)) hw = radius[0] hh = radius[1] poly = np.array([[-hw * s - hh * c, -hw * c + hh * s], [-hw * s + hh * c, -hw * c - hh * s], [+hw * s + hh * c, +hw * c - hh * s], [+hw * s - hh * c, +hw * c + hh * s]]) / step + center return self.mask_polygon(poly, lmin, lmax, unit_poly=None, unit_wave=unit_wave, inside=inside) # Get the minimum wavelength in the specified units. if lmin is None: lmin = 0 elif unit_wave is not None: lmin = self.wave.pixel(lmin, nearest=True, unit=unit_wave) # Get the maximum wavelength in the specified units. if lmax is None: lmax = self.shape[0] elif unit_wave is not None: lmax = self.wave.pixel(lmax, nearest=True, unit=unit_wave) # Get Y-axis and X-axis slice objects that bound the rectangular area. [sy, sx], _, _ = bounding_box( form="rectangle", center=center, radii=radius, shape=self.shape[1:], step=step) # Mask pixels inside the region. if inside:[lmin:lmax, sy, sx] = ma.masked # Mask pixels outside the region. else:[:lmin, :, :] = ma.masked[lmax:, :, :] = ma.masked[lmin:lmax, 0:sy.start, :] =[lmin:lmax, sy.stop:, :] =[lmin:lmax, sy, 0:sx.start] =[lmin:lmax, sy, sx.stop:] =
[docs] def mask_ellipse(self, center, radius, posangle, lmin=None, lmax=None, inside=True, unit_center=u.deg, unit_radius=u.arcsec, unit_wave=u.angstrom): """Mask values inside or outside an elliptical region. Parameters ---------- center : (float,float) Center (y,x) of the region, where y,x are usually celestial coordinates along the Y and X axes of the image, but are interpretted as Y,X array-indexes if unit_center is changed to None. radius : (float,float) The radii of the two orthogonal axes of the ellipse. When posangle is zero, radius[0] is the radius along the X axis of the image-array, and radius[1] is the radius along the Y axis of the image-array. posangle : float The counter-clockwise position angle of the ellipse in degrees. When posangle is zero, the X and Y axes of the ellipse are along the X and Y axes of the image. lmin : float The minimum wavelength of the region. lmax : float The maximum wavelength of the region. inside : bool If inside is True, pixels inside the region are masked. If inside is False, pixels outside the region are masked. unit_wave : `astropy.units.Unit` The units of the lmin and lmax wavelength coordinates (Angstroms by default). If None, the units of the lmin and lmax arguments are assumed to be pixels. unit_center : `astropy.units.Unit` The units of the coordinates of the center argument (degrees by default). If None, the units of the center argument are assumed to be pixels. unit_radius : `astropy.units.Unit` The units of the radius argument (arcseconds by default). If None, the units are assumed to be pixels. """ # Convert the central position to floating-point pixel indexes. center = np.array(center) if unit_center is not None: center = self.wcs.sky2pix(center, unit=unit_center)[0] # Get the pixel sizes in the units of the radius argument. if unit_radius is None: step = np.array([1.0, 1.0]) # Pixel counts else: step = self.wcs.get_step(unit=unit_radius) # Get the two radii in the form of a numpy array. if np.isscalar(radius): radii = np.array([radius, radius]) else: radii = np.asarray(radius) # Get the minimum wavelength in the specified units. if lmin is None: lmin = 0 elif unit_wave is not None: lmin = self.wave.pixel(lmin, nearest=True, unit=unit_wave) # Get the maximum wavelength in the specified units. if lmax is None: lmax = self.shape[0] elif unit_wave is not None: lmax = self.wave.pixel(lmax, nearest=True, unit=unit_wave) # Obtain Y and X axis slice objects that select the rectangular # region that just encloses the rotated ellipse. [sy, sx], _, center = bounding_box( form="ellipse", center=center, radii=radii, shape=self.shape[1:], posangle=posangle, step=step) # Precompute the sine and cosine of the position angle. cospa = np.cos(np.radians(posangle)) sinpa = np.sin(np.radians(posangle)) # When the position angle is zero, such that the # xe and ye axes of the ellipse are along the X and Y axes # of the image-array, the equation of the ellipse is: # # (xe / rx)**2 + (ye / ry)**2 = 1 # # Before we can use this equation with the rotated ellipse, we # have to rotate the pixel coordinates clockwise by the # counterclockwise position angle of the ellipse to align the # rotated axes of the ellipse along the image X and Y axes: # # xp = | cos(pa), sin(pa)| |x| # yp |-sin(pa), cos(pa)| |y| # # The value of k returned by the following equation will then # be < 1 for pixels inside the ellipse, == 1 for pixels on the # ellipse and > 1 for pixels outside the ellipse. # # k = (xp / rx)**2 + (yp / ry)**2 x, y = np.meshgrid( (np.arange(sx.start, sx.stop) - center[1]) * step[1], (np.arange(sy.start, sy.stop) - center[0]) * step[0]) ksel = (((x * cospa + y * sinpa) / radii[0]) ** 2 + ((y * cospa - x * sinpa) / radii[1]) ** 2) if inside: grid3d = np.resize(ksel < 1, (lmax - lmin, ) + ksel.shape)[lmin:lmax, sy, sx][grid3d] = ma.masked else:[:lmin, :, :] = ma.masked[lmax:, :, :] = ma.masked[lmin:lmax, :sy.start, :] = ma.masked[lmin:lmax, sy.stop:, :] = ma.masked[lmin:lmax, :, :sx.start] = ma.masked[lmin:lmax, :, sx.stop:] = ma.masked grid3d = np.resize(ksel > 1, (lmax - lmin, ) + ksel.shape)[lmin:lmax, sy, sx][grid3d] = ma.masked
[docs] def mask_polygon(self, poly, lmin=None, lmax=None, unit_poly=u.deg, unit_wave=u.angstrom, inside=True): """Mask values inside or outside a polygonal region. Parameters ---------- poly : (float, float) An array of (float,float) containing a set of (p,q) or (dec,ra) values for the polygon vertices. lmin : float The minimum wavelength of the region. lmax : float The maximum wavelength of the region. unit_poly : `astropy.units.Unit` The units of the polygon coordinates (degrees by default). Use unit_poly=None for polygon coordinates in pixels. unit_wave : `astropy.units.Unit` The units of the wavelengths lmin and lmax (angstrom by default). inside : bool If inside is True, pixels inside the polygonal region are masked. If inside is False, pixels outside the polygonal region are masked. """ # Convert DEC,RA (deg) values coming from poly into Y,X value (pixels) if unit_poly is not None: poly = np.array([ [self.wcs.sky2pix((val[0], val[1]), unit=unit_poly)[0][0], self.wcs.sky2pix((val[0], val[1]), unit=unit_poly)[0][1]] for val in poly]) P, Q = np.meshgrid(list(range(self.shape[1])), list(range(self.shape[2]))) b = np.dstack([P.ravel(), Q.ravel()]) # Use a matplotlib method to create a path, which is the polygon we # want to use. from matplotlib.path import Path polymask = Path(poly) # Go through all pixels in the image to see if they are within the # polygon. The ouput is a boolean table. c = polymask.contains_points(b[0]) # Invert the boolean table to mask pixels outside the polygon? if not inside: c = ~np.array(c) # Convert the boolean table into a matrix. c = c.reshape(self.shape[2], self.shape[1]) c = c.T # Convert the minimum wavelength to a spectral pixel index. if lmin is None: lmin = 0 elif unit_wave is not None: lmin = self.wave.pixel(lmin, nearest=True, unit=unit_wave) # Convert the maximum wavelength to a spectral pixel index. if lmax is None: lmax = self.shape[0] elif unit_wave is not None: lmax = self.wave.pixel(lmax, nearest=True, unit=unit_wave) # Combine the previous mask with the new one between lmin and lmax. self._mask[lmin:lmax, :, :] |= c # When masking pixels outside the region, mask all pixels # outside the specified wavelength range. if not inside:[:lmin, :, :] = ma.masked[lmax:, :, :] = ma.masked return poly
def __getitem__(self, item): """Return the corresponding object: cube[k,p,k] = value cube[k,:,:] = spectrum cube[:,p,q] = image cube[:,:,:] = sub-cube """ obj = super(Cube, self).__getitem__(item) if isinstance(obj, DataArray): if obj.ndim == 3: return obj elif obj.ndim == 1: cls = Spectrum elif obj.ndim == 2: cls = Image return cls.new_from_obj(obj) else: return obj
[docs] def select_lambda(self, lbda_min, lbda_max=None, unit_wave=u.angstrom): """Return the image or sub-cube corresponding to a wavelength range. Parameters ---------- lbda_min : float The minimum wavelength to be selected. lbda_max : float The maximum wavelength to be selected, or None to just select one image close to lbda_min. unit_wave : `astropy.units.Unit` The wavelength units of lbda_min and lbda_max. The value, None, can be used to indicate that lbda_min and lbda_max are in pixel-index units. The default unit is angstrom. Returns ------- out : `mpdaf.obj.Cube` or `mpdaf.obj.Image` If more than one spectral channel is selected, then a Cube object is returned that contains just the images of those channels. If a single channel is selected, then an Image object is returned, containing just the image of that channel. """ # Select just the image that is closest to lbda_min? if lbda_max is None: lbda_max = lbda_min # If the wavelength limits are in pixels, round them to # the nearest integer values. if unit_wave is None: pix_min = max(0, int(lbda_min + 0.5)) pix_max = min(self.shape[0], int(lbda_max + 0.5)) # If wavelengths have been specified, then we need wavelength # world-coordinates to convert them to pixel indexes. elif self.wave is None: raise ValueError('Operation impossible without world coordinates ' 'along the spectral direction') # Convert wavelength limits to the nearest pixels. else: pix_min = max(0, int(self.wave.pixel(lbda_min, unit=unit_wave))) pix_max = min(self.shape[0], int(self.wave.pixel(lbda_max, unit=unit_wave)) + 1) # When just one channel is selected, return an Image. When # multiple channels are selected, return a sub-cube. if (pix_min + 1) == pix_max: return self[pix_min, :, :] else: return self[pix_min:pix_max, :, :]
[docs] def get_step(self, unit_wave=None, unit_wcs=None): """Return the cube steps [dlbda,dy,dx]. Parameters ---------- unit_wave : `astropy.units.Unit` The wavelength units of the returned wavelength step. unit_wcs : `astropy.units.Unit` The angular units of the returned spatial world-coordinate steps. Returns ------- out : [dlbda, dy, dx] Where, dlbda is the size of pixels along the wavelength axis, and dy and dx are the sizes of pixels along the Y and X axes of the image, respectively. """ step = np.empty(3) step[0] = self.wave.get_step(unit_wave) step[1:] = self.wcs.get_step(unit_wcs) return step
[docs] def get_range(self, unit_wave=None, unit_wcs=None): """Return the range of wavelengths, declinations and right ascensions in the cube. The minimum and maximum coordinates are returned as an array in the following order: [lbda_min, dec_min, ra_min, lbda_max, dec_max, ra_max] Note that when the rotation angle of the image on the sky is not zero, dec_min, ra_min, dec_max and ra_max are not at the corners of the image. Parameters ---------- unit_wave : `astropy.units.Unit` The wavelengths units. unit_wcs : `astropy.units.Unit` The angular units of the returned sky coordinates. Returns ------- out : numpy.ndarray The range of right ascensions declinations and wavelengths, arranged as [lbda_min, dec_min, ra_min, lbda_max, dec_max, ra_max]. """ wcs_range = self.wcs.get_range(unit_wcs) wave_range = self.wave.get_range(unit_wave) return np.array([wave_range[0], wcs_range[0], wcs_range[1], wave_range[1], wcs_range[2], wcs_range[3]])
[docs] def get_start(self, unit_wave=None, unit_wcs=None): """Return [lbda,y,x] at the center of pixel (0,0,0). Parameters ---------- unit_wave : `astropy.units.Unit` The wavelenth units to use for the starting wavelength. The default value, None, selects the intrinsic wavelength units of the cube. unit_wcs : `astropy.units.Unit` The world coordinates units to use for the spatial starting position. The default value, None, selects the intrinsic world coordinates of the cube. """ start = np.empty(3) start[0] = self.wave.get_start(unit_wave) start[1:] = self.wcs.get_start(unit_wcs) return start
[docs] def get_end(self, unit_wave=None, unit_wcs=None): """Return [lbda,y,x] at the center of pixel (-1,-1,-1). Parameters ---------- unit_wave : `astropy.units.Unit` The wavelenth units to use for the starting wavelength. The default value, None, selects the intrinsic wavelength units of the cube. unit_wcs : `astropy.units.Unit` The world coordinates units to use for the spatial starting position. The default value, None, selects the intrinsic world coordinates of the cube. """ end = np.empty(3) end[0] = self.wave.get_end(unit_wave) end[1:] = self.wcs.get_end(unit_wcs) return end
[docs] def get_rot(self, unit=u.deg): """Return the rotation angle of the images of the cube, defined such that a rotation angle of zero aligns north along the positive Y axis, and a positive rotation angle rotates north away from the Y axis, in the sense of a rotation from north to east. Note that the rotation angle is defined in a flat map-projection of the sky. It is what would be seen if the pixels of the image were drawn with their pixel widths scaled by the angular pixel increments returned by the get_axis_increments() method. Parameters ---------- unit : `astropy.units.Unit` The unit to give the returned angle (degrees by default). Returns ------- out : float The angle between celestial north and the Y axis of the image, in the sense of an eastward rotation of celestial north from the Y-axis. """ return self.wcs.get_rot(unit)
[docs] def sum(self, axis=None, weights=None): """Return a weighted or unweighted sum over a given axis or axes. If the weights option is None, the variance is the sum of variances. Otherwise the weighted sum is computed with the `Cube.mean` method, whose result is multiplied by the number of elements. Parameters ---------- axis : None or int or tuple of ints Axis or axes along which a sum is performed: - The default (axis = None) performs a sum over all the dimensions of the cube and returns a float. - axis = 0 performs a sum over the wavelength dimension and returns an image. - axis = (1,2) performs a sum over the (X,Y) axes and returns a spectrum. weights : ndarray,, float When an array of weights is provided via this argument, it used to perform a weighted sum. This involves obtaining a weighted mean using the Cube.mean() function, then scaling this by the number of points that were averaged along the specified axes. The number of points that is used to scale the mean to a sum, is the total number of points along the averaged axes, not the number of unmasked points that had finite weights. As a result, the sum behaves as though all pixels along the averaged axes had values equal to the mean, regardless of whether any of these were masked or had zero weight. The weights array can have the same shape as the cube, or they can be 1-D if axis=(1,2), or 2-D if axis=0. If weights=None, then all non-masked data points are given a weight equal to one. Finally, if a scalar float is given, then the data are all weighted equally. This can be used to get an unweighted sum that behaves as though masked pixels in the input cube had been filled with the mean along the averaged axes before the sum was performed. If the Cube provides an array of variances for each data-point, then a good choice for the array of weights is the reciprocal of this array, (ie. weights=1.0/cube.var). However note that not all data-sets provide variance information, so check that cube.var is not None before trying this. Any weight elements that are masked, infinite or nan, are replaced with zero. As a result, if the weights are specified as 1.0/cube.var, then any zero-valued variances will not produce infinite weights. """ # Should a weighted sum be performed? doweight = weights is not None if doweight and is_number(weights): weights = None # This requests unit weights. # Sum all pixels to yield a single value? if axis is None: if doweight: return self.mean(axis=axis, weights=weights) * else: return # Sum along the spectral axis to yield an image? elif axis == 0: if doweight: return self.mean(axis=axis, weights=weights) * self.shape[0] else: data = ma.sum(, axis=0) if self._var is not None: var = ma.sum(self.var, axis=0) else: var = None return Image.new_from_obj(self, data=data, var=var) # Sum along the image X and Y axes to yield a spectrum? elif axis == (1, 2): if doweight: return self.mean(axis=axis, weights=weights) *[1:]) else: data = ma.sum(ma.sum(, axis=1), axis=1) if self._var is not None: var = ma.sum(ma.sum(self.var, axis=1), axis=1).filled(np.inf) else: var = None return Spectrum(wave=self.wave, unit=self.unit, data=data, var=var, copy=False) else: raise ValueError('Invalid axis argument')
[docs] def mean(self, axis=None, weights=None): """Return a weighted or unweighted mean over a given axis or axes. The mean is computed as follows. Note that weights of 1.0 are implicitly used for each data-point if the weights option is None. Given N data points of values, d[i], with weights, w[i], the weighted mean of d[0..N-1] is given by:: mean = Sum(d[i] * w[i]) / Sum(w[i]) for i=0..N-1 If data point d[i] has a variance of v[i], then the variance of the mean is given by:: variance = Sum(v[i] * w[i]**2) / Sum(w[i])**2 for i=0..N-1 Note that if one substitutes 1/v[i] for w[i] in this equation, the result is a variance of 1/Sum(1/v[i]). If all the variances, v[i], happen to have the same value, v, then this further simplifies to v / N, which is equivalent to a standard deviation of sigma/sqrt(N). This is the familiar result that the signal-to-noise ratio of a mean of N samples increases as sqrt(N). Parameters ---------- axis : None or int or tuple of ints The axis or axes along which the mean is to be performed. The default (axis = None) performs a mean over all the dimensions of the cube and returns a float. axis = 0 performs a mean over the wavelength dimension and returns an image. axis = (1,2) performs a mean over the (X,Y) axes and returns a spectrum. weights : numpy.ndarray or When an array of weights is provided via this argument, it used to perform a weighted mean, as described in the introductory documentation above. The weights array can have the same shape as the cube, or they can be 1-D if axis=(1,2), or 2-D if axis=0. If weights is None then all non-masked data points are given a weight equal to one. If the Cube provides an array of variances for each data-point, then a good choice for the array of weights is the reciprocal of this array, (ie. weights=1.0/cube.var). However beware that not all data-sets provide variance information. """ if weights is not None: # Convert the weights array to a non-masked array with # masked, infinite and nan values replaced with zero weights. if isinstance(weights, ma.MaskedArray): weights = weights.filled(0.0) weights = np.where(np.isfinite(weights), weights, 0.0) # If the dimensions of the weights array does not match # the dimensions of the data, remedy this if possible using # the rules given in the description of the weights argument. if not np.array_equal(weights.shape, self.shape): msg = 'Wrong dimensions for the weights (%s) (should be (%s))' if weights.ndim == 3: raise ValueError(msg % (weights.shape, self.shape)) elif weights.ndim == 2: if np.array_equal(weights.shape, self.shape[1:]): weights = np.tile(weights, (self.shape[0], 1, 1)) else: raise ValueError(msg % (weights.shape, self.shape[1:])) elif weights.ndim == 1: if weights.shape[0] == self.shape[0]: weights = (np.ones_like(self._data) * weights[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis]) else: raise ValueError(msg % (weights.shape[0], self.shape[0])) else: raise ValueError(msg % (None, self.shape)) if axis is None: return ma.average(, weights=weights) data = var = None if self._var is None else self.var # To average over the two dimensions of an image, it is # necessary to combine the two image dimensions into a single # dimension and average over that axis, because # can only average along one axis. if axis == (1, 2) or axis == [1, 2]: shape = (self.shape[0], self.shape[1] * self.shape[2]) data = data.reshape(shape) if weights is not None: weights = weights.reshape(shape) if var is not None: var = var.reshape(shape) axis = 1 # Average the data over the specified axis. Note that the # wsum return value holds the sum of weights for each of the # returned data points. When weights=None, this is the # number of unmasked points that contributed to the average. data, wsum = ma.average(data, axis=axis, weights=weights, returned=True) if var is not None: # Compute the variance of each averaged data-point, # using the equation given in the docstring of # this function. When weights=None, the effective # weights are all unity, so we don't need to multiply # the data by the square of the weights in that case. if weights is None: var = ma.sum(var, axis=axis) / wsum**2 else: var = ma.sum(var * weights**2, axis=axis) / wsum**2 if axis is None: return data elif axis == 0: return Image.new_from_obj(self, data=data, var=var) elif axis == 1: return Spectrum.new_from_obj(self, data=data, var=var) else: raise ValueError('Invalid axis argument')
[docs] def median(self, axis=None): """Return the median over a given axis. Beware that if the pixels of the cube have associated variances, these are discarded by this function, because there is no way to estimate the effects of a median on the variance. Parameters ---------- axis : None or int or tuple of ints The axis or axes along which a median is performed. The default (axis = None) performs a median over all the dimensions of the cube and returns a float. axis = 0 performs a median over the wavelength dimension and returns an image. axis = (1,2) performs a median over the (X,Y) axes and returns a spectrum. """ if axis is None: return elif axis == 0: # return an image data =, axis) return Image.new_from_obj(self, data=data, var=False, copy=False) elif axis == (1, 2): # return a spectrum data =, axis=1), axis=1) return Spectrum.new_from_obj(self, data=data, var=False, copy=False) else: raise ValueError('Invalid axis argument')
[docs] def max(self, axis=None): """Return the maximum over a given axis. Beware that if the pixels of the cube have associated variances, these are discarded by this function, because there is no way to estimate the effects of a maximum on the variance. Parameters ---------- axis : None or int or tuple of ints The axis or axes along which the maximum is computed. The default (axis = None) computes the maximum over all the dimensions of the cube and returns a float. axis = 0 computes the maximum over the wavelength dimension and returns an image. axis = (1,2) computes the maximum over the (X,Y) axes and returns a spectrum. """ if axis is None: return elif axis == 0: # return an image data =, axis) return Image.new_from_obj(self, data=data, var=False, copy=False) elif axis == (1, 2): # return a spectrum data =, axis=1), axis=1) return Spectrum.new_from_obj(self, data=data, var=False, copy=False) else: raise ValueError('Invalid axis argument')
[docs] def min(self, axis=None): """Return the minimum over a given axis. Beware that if the pixels of the cube have associated variances, these are discarded by this function, because there is no way to estimate the effects of a minimum on the variance. Parameters ---------- axis : None or int or tuple of ints The axis or axes along which the minimum is computed. The default (axis = None) computes the minimum over all the dimensions of the cube and returns a float. axis = 0 computes the minimum over the wavelength dimension and returns an image. axis = (1,2) computes the minimum over the (X,Y) axes and returns a spectrum. """ if axis is None: return elif axis == 0: # return an image data =, axis) return Image.new_from_obj(self, data=data, var=False, copy=False) elif axis == (1, 2): # return a spectrum data =, axis=1), axis=1) return Spectrum.new_from_obj(self, data=data, var=False, copy=False) else: raise ValueError('Invalid axis argument')
[docs] def truncate(self, coord, mask=True, unit_wave=u.angstrom, unit_wcs=u.deg): """Return a sub-cube bounded by specified wavelength and spatial world-coordinates. Note that unless unit_wcs is None, the y-axis and x-axis boundary coordinates are along sky axes such as declination and right-ascension, which may not be parallel to the image array-axes. When they are not parallel, the returned image area will contain some pixels that are outside the requested range. These are masked by default. To prevent them from being masked, pass False to the mask argument. Parameters ---------- coord : array The coordinate boundaries, arranged into an array as follows: [lbda_min, y_min, x_min, lbda_max, y_max, x_max] Note that this is the order of the values returned by mpdaf.obj.cube.get_range(), so when these functions are used together, then can be used to extract a subcube whose bounds match those of an existing smaller cube. mask : bool If True, pixels outside [y_min,y_max] and [x_min,x_max] are masked. This can be useful when the world-coordinate X and Y axis are not parallel with the image array-axes. unit_wave : `astropy.units.Unit` The wavelength units of lbda_min and lbda_max elements of the coord array. If None, lbda_min and lbda_max are interpretted as pixel indexes along the wavelength axis. unit_wcs : `astropy.units.Unit` The wavelength units of x_min,x_max,y_min and y_max elements of the coord array. If None, these values are interpretted as pixel indexes along the image axes. Returns ------- out : `mpdaf.obj.Cube` A Cube object that contains the requested sub-cube. """ lmin, ymin, xmin, lmax, ymax, xmax = coord # Get the coordinates of the corners of the requested # sub-image, ordered as though sequentially drawing the lines # of a polygon. skycrd = [[ymin, xmin], [ymax, xmin], [ymax, xmax], [ymin, xmax]] # Convert corner coordinates to pixel indexes. if unit_wcs is None: pixcrd = np.array(skycrd) else: pixcrd = self.wcs.sky2pix(skycrd, unit=unit_wcs) # Round the corners to the integer center of the containing pixel. pixcrd = np.floor(pixcrd + 0.5).astype(int) # Obtain the range of Y-axis pixel-indexes of the region. imin = max(np.min(pixcrd[:, 0]), 0) imax = min(np.max(pixcrd[:, 0]), self.shape[1] - 1) # Obtain the range of X-axis pixel-indexes of the region. jmin = max(np.min(pixcrd[:, 1]), 0) jmax = min(np.max(pixcrd[:, 1]), self.shape[2] - 1) # Convert the wavelength range to floating-point pixel indexes. if unit_wave is not None: lmin = self.wave.pixel(lmin, unit=unit_wave) lmax = self.wave.pixel(lmax, unit=unit_wave) # Round the wavelength limits to the integer center of the # containing wavelength pixel. kmin = max(np.floor(lmin + 0.5).astype(int), 0) kmax = min(np.floor(lmax + 0.5).astype(int), self.shape[0] - 1) # Complain if the truncation would leave nothing. if imin > imax or jmin > jmax or kmin > kmax: raise ValueError('The requested area is not within the cube.') # Extract the requested part of the cube. res = self[kmin:kmax + 1, imin:imax + 1, jmin:jmax + 1] # Mask pixels outside the specified ranges? This is only pertinent # to regions that are specified in world coordinates. if mask and unit_wcs is not None: res.mask_polygon(pixcrd - np.array([imin, jmin]), unit_poly=None, inside=False) return res
[docs] def rebin(self, factor, margin='center', inplace=False): """Combine neighboring pixels to reduce the size of a cube by integer factors along each axis. Each output pixel is the mean of n pixels, where n is the product of the reduction factors in the factor argument. Parameters ---------- factor : int or (int,int,int) The integer reduction factors along the wavelength, z array axis, and the image y and x array axes, respectively. Python notation: (nz,ny,nx). margin : 'center'|'right'|'left'|'origin' When the dimensions of the input cube are not integer multiples of the reduction factor, the cube is truncated to remove just enough pixels that its dimensions are multiples of the reduction factor. This subcube is then rebinned in place of the original cube. The margin parameter determines which pixels of the input cube are truncated, and which remain. The options are: 'origin' or 'center': The starts of the axes of the output cube are coincident with the starts of the axes of the input cube. 'center': The center of the output cube is aligned with the center of the input cube, within one pixel along each axis. 'right': The ends of the axes of the output cube are coincident with the ends of the axes of the input cube. inplace : bool If False, return a rebinned copy of the cube (the default). If True, rebin the original cube in-place, and return that. """ factor = np.asarray(factor) return self._rebin(factor, margin, inplace)
[docs] def loop_spe_multiprocessing(self, f, cpu=None, verbose=True, **kargs): """Use multiple processes to run a function on each spectrum of a cube. The provided function must accept a Spectrum object as its first argument, such as a method function of the Spectrum class. There are three options for the return value of the function. 1. The return value of the provided function can be another Spectrum, in which case loop_spe_multiprocessing() returns a Cube of the processed spectra. 2. Alternatively if each call to the function returns a scalar number, then these numbers are assembled into an Image that has the same world coordinates as the Cube. This Cube is returned by loop_spe_multiprocessing(). 3. Finally, if each call to the provided function returns a value that can be stored as an element of a numpy array, then a numpy array of these values is returned. This array has the shape of the images in the cube, such that pixel of [i,j] of the returned array contains the result of processing the spectrum of pixel [i,j] in the cube. Parameters ---------- f : function or `~mpdaf.obj.Spectrum` method The function to be applied to each spectrum of the cube. This function must either be a method of the Spectrum class, or it must be a top-level function that accepts an Spectrum object as its first argument. It should return either an Spectrum, a number, or a value that can be recorded as an element of a numpy array. Note that the function must not be a lambda function, or a function that is defined within another function. cpu : int The desired number of CPUs to use, or None to select the number of available CPUs. By default, the available number of CPUs is equal to the number of CPU cores on the computer, minus 1 CPU for the main process. However the variable, `mpdaf.CPU` can be assigned a smaller number by the user to limit the number that are available to MPDAF. verbose : bool If True, a progress report is printed every 5 seconds. kargs : kargs An optional list of arguments to be passed to the function f(). The datatypes of all of the arguments in this list must support python pickling. Returns ------- out : `~mpdaf.obj.Cube` if f returns `~mpdaf.obj.Spectrum`, out : `~mpdaf.obj.Image` if f returns a float or int, out : np.array(dtype=object) for all others cases. """ return _loop_multiprocessing(self, f, 'spe', cpu=cpu, verbose=verbose, **kargs)
[docs] def loop_ima_multiprocessing(self, f, cpu=None, verbose=True, **kargs): """Use multiple processes to run a function on each image of a cube. The provided function must accept an Image object as its first argument, such as a method function of the Image class. There are three options for the return value of the function. 1. The return value of the provided function can be another Image, in which case loop_ima_multiprocessing() returns a Cube of the processed images. 2. Alternatively if each call to the function returns a scalar number, then these numbers are assembled into a Spectrum that has the same spectral coordinates as the Cube. This Cube is returned by loop_ima_multiprocessing(). 3. Finally, if each call to the provided function returns a value that can be stored as an element of a numpy array, then a numpy array of these values is returned, ordered such that element k of the array contains the return value for spectral channel k of the cube. Parameters ---------- f : function or `~mpdaf.obj.Image` method The function to be applied to each image of the cube. This function must either be a method of the Image class, or it must be a top-level function that accepts an Image object as its first argument. It should return either an Image, a number, or a value that can be recorded as an element of a numpy array. Note that the function must not be a lambda function, or a function that is defined within another function. cpu : int The desired number of CPUs to use, or None to select the number of available CPUs. By default, the available number of CPUs is equal to the number of CPU cores on the computer, minus 1 CPU for the main process. However the variable, `mpdaf.CPU` can be assigned a smaller number by the user to limit the number that are available to MPDAF. verbose : bool If True, a progress report is printed every 5 seconds. kargs : kargs An optional list of arguments to be passed to the function f(). The datatypes of all of the arguments in this list must support python pickling. Returns ------- out : `~mpdaf.obj.Cube` if f returns `~mpdaf.obj.Image`, out : `~mpdaf.obj.Spectrum` if f returns a float or int. out : np.array(dtype=object) for all others cases. """ return _loop_multiprocessing(self, f, 'ima', cpu=cpu, verbose=verbose, **kargs)
[docs] def get_image(self, wave, is_sum=False, subtract_off=False, margin=10., fband=3., unit_wave=u.angstrom, method="mean"): """Generate an image aggregating over a wavelength range. This method creates an image aggregating all the slices between a wavelength range. Parameters ---------- wave : (float, float) The (lbda1,lbda2) interval of wavelength in angstrom. unit_wave : `astropy.units.Unit` The wavelength units of the lbda1, lbda2 and margin arguments (angstrom by default). If None, lbda1, lbda2, and margin should be in pixels. is_sum : bool If True, compute the sum of the images. Deprecated, use "sum" as aggregation method. subtract_off : bool If True, subtract off a background image that is estimated from combining some images from both below and above the chosen wavelength range. If the number of images between lbda1 and lbda2 is denoted, N, then the number of background images taken from below and above the wavelength range are:: nbelow = nabove = (fband * N) / 2 [rounded up to an integer] where fband is a parameter of this function. The wavelength ranges of the two groups of background images below and above the chosen wavelength range are separated from lower and upper edges of the chosen wavelength range by a value, margin, which is an argument of this function. This scheme was developed by Jarle Brinchmann ( The background is removed from the wavelength region of interest before aggregating it. margin : float The wavelength or pixel offset of the centers of the ranges of background images below and above the chosen wavelength range. This has the units specified by the unit_wave argument. The zero points of the margin are one pixel below and above the chosen wavelength range. The default value is 10 angstroms. fband : float The ratio of the number of images used to form a background image and the number of images that are being combined. The default value is 3.0. method: str Name of the Cube method used to aggregate the data. This method must accept the axis=0 parameter and return an image. Example: mean, sum, max. Returns ------- out : `~mpdaf.obj.Image` """ if is_sum: warnings.warn( "The 'is_sum' parameter is deprecated. Use method='sum' " "instead. Aggregation function set to sum.", MpdafWarning) method = "sum" # Convert the wavelength range to pixel indexes. if unit_wave is None: k1, k2 = wave else: k1, k2 = np.rint(self.wave.pixel(wave, unit=unit_wave)).astype(int) # Clip the wavelength range to the available range of pixels. k1 = max(k1, 0) k2 = min(k2, self.shape[0] - 1) # Obtain the effective wavelength range of the chosen # wavelength pixels. l1 = self.wave.coord(k1 - 0.5) l2 = self.wave.coord(k1 + 0.5) # Sub-cube on the wavelength range data_cube = self[k1:k2 + 1, :, :] # Subtract off a background image? if subtract_off: # Convert the margin to a number of pixels. if unit_wave is not None: margin = np.rint( margin / self.wave.get_step(unit=unit_wave)).astype(int) # How many images were combined above? nim = k2 + 1 - k1 # Calculate the indexes of the last pixel of the lower range # of background images and the first pixel of the upper range # of background images. lower_maxpix = max(k1 - 1 - margin, 0) upper_minpix = min(k2 + 1 + margin, self.shape[0]) # Calculate the number of images to separately select from # below and above the chosen wavelength range. nhalf = np.ceil(nim * fband / 2.0).astype(int) # Start by assuming that we will be combining equal numbers # of images from below and above the chosen wavelength range. nabove = nhalf nbelow = nhalf # If the chosen wavelength range is too close to one edge of # the cube's wavelength range, reduce the number to fit. if lower_maxpix - nbelow < 0: nbelow = lower_maxpix elif upper_minpix + nabove > self.shape[0]: nabove = self.shape[0] - upper_minpix # If there was too little room both below and above the # chosen wavelength range to compute the background, give up. if(lower_maxpix - nbelow < 0 or upper_minpix + nabove > self.shape[0]): raise ValueError('Insufficient space outside the wavelength ' 'range to estimate a background') # Calculate slices that select the wavelength pixels below # and above the chosen wavelength range. below = slice(lower_maxpix - nbelow, lower_maxpix) above = slice(upper_minpix, upper_minpix + nabove) # The background is the mean of the background below and the # background above (may be different of the mean of above and # below pixels if the number of pixels is different above and # below). background = (self[below, :, :].mean(axis=0) + self[above, :, :].mean(axis=0)) / 2 # Adding and Image to a Cube takes care of variance propagation. data_cube = data_cube - background # Aggregating using the Cube method takes care of the variance # propagation. ima = getattr(data_cube, method)(axis=0) # add input in header unit = 'pix' if unit_wave is None else str(unit_wave) f = '' if self.filename is None else os.path.basename(self.filename) add_mpdaf_method_keywords( ima.primary_header, "cube.get_image", ['cube', 'lbda1', 'lbda2', 'method', 'subtract_off', 'margin', 'fband'], [f, l1, l2, method, subtract_off, margin, fband], ['cube', 'min wavelength (%s)' % str(unit), 'max wavelength (%s)' % str(unit), 'aggregation method', 'subtracting off nearby data', 'off-band margin', 'off_band size'] ) return ima
[docs] def get_band_image(self, name): """Generate an image using a known filter. Parameters ---------- name : str Filter name. Must exist in the filter file taken from the MUSE DRS (`lib/mpdaf/obj/filters/filter_list.fits`). Available filters: Johnson_B, Johnson_V, Cousins_R, Cousins_I, SDSS_u, SDSS_g, SDSS_r, SDSS_i, SDSS_z, ACS_F475W, ACS_F550M, ACS_F555W, ACS_F606W, ACS_F625W, ACS_F775W, ACS_F814W, WFPC2_F555W, WFPC2_F675W, WFPC2_F814W, WFC3_F502N, WFC3_F555W, WFC3_F606W, WFC3_F625W, WFC3_F656N, WFC3_F775W, WFC3_F814W, Kron_V """ FILTERS = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), 'filters', 'filter_list.fits') with as hdul: if name not in hdul: filter_names = ', '.join( for hdu in hdul[1:]) raise ValueError("requested filter '{}' not found. Available " "filters: {}".format(name, filter_names)) wave = hdul[name].data['lambda'] throughput = hdul[name].data['throughput'] im = self.bandpass_image(wave, throughput, unit_wave=u.angstrom, interpolation="linear") # as we use the DRS filters, add the same keyword allowing to find # which filter was used. key = 'HIERARCH ESO DRS MUSE FILTER NAME' im.primary_header[key] = (name, 'filter name used') add_mpdaf_method_keywords(im.primary_header, "cube.get_band_image", ['name'], [name], ['filter name used']) return im
[docs] def bandpass_image(self, wavelengths, sensitivities, unit_wave=u.angstrom, interpolation="linear"): """Given a cube of images versus wavelength and the bandpass filter-curve of a wide-band monochromatic instrument, extract an image from the cube that has the spectral response of the monochromatic instrument. For example, this can be used to create a MUSE image that has the same spectral characteristics as an HST image. The MUSE image can then be compared to the HST image without having to worry about any differences caused by different spectral sensitivities. For each channel n of the cube, the filter-curve is integrated over the width of that channel to obtain a weight, w[n]. The output image is then given by the following weighted mean:: output_image = sum(w[n] * cube_image[n]) / sum(w[n]) In practice, to accomodate masked pixels, the w[n] array is expanded into a cube w[n,y,x], and the weights of individual masked pixels in the cube are zeroed before the above equation is applied. If the wavelength axis of the cube only partly overlaps the bandpass of the filter-curve, the filter curve is truncated to fit within the bounds of the wavelength axis. A warning is printed to stderr if this occurs, because this results in an image that lacks flux from some of the wavelengths of the requested bandpass. Parameters ---------- wavelengths : numpy.ndarray An array of the wavelengths of the filter curve, listed in ascending order of wavelength. Outside the listed wavelengths the filter-curve is assumed to be zero. sensitivities : numpy.ndarray The relative flux sensitivities at the wavelengths in the wavelengths array. These sensititivies will be normalized, so only their relative values are important. unit_wave : `astropy.units.Unit` The units used in the array of wavelengths. The default is angstroms. To specify pixel units, pass None. interpolation : str The form of interpolation to use to integrate over the filter curve. This should be one of:: "linear" : Linear interpolation "cubic" : Cubic spline interpolation (very slow) The default is linear interpolation. If the filter curve is well sampled and its sampling interval is narrower than the wavelength pixels of the cube, then this should be sufficient. Alternatively, if the sampling interval is significantly wider than the wavelength pixels of the cube, then cubic interpolation should be used instead. Beware that cubic interpolation is much slower than linear interpolation. Returns ------- out : `~mpdaf.obj.Image` An image formed from the filter-weighted mean of channels in the cube that overlap the bandpass of the filter curve. """ from scipy import integrate wavelengths = np.asarray(wavelengths, dtype=float) sensitivities = np.asarray(sensitivities, dtype=float) if (wavelengths.ndim != 1 or sensitivities.ndim != 1 or len(wavelengths) != len(sensitivities)): raise ValueError('The wavelengths and sensititivies arguments' ' should be 1D arrays of equal length') if unit_wave is None: pixels = wavelengths.copy() else: pixels = self.wave.pixel(wavelengths, unit=unit_wave) # Get the integer indexes of the pixels that contain the above # floating point pixel indexes. indexes = np.rint(pixels).astype(int) # If there is no overlap between the bandpass filter curve # and the wavelength coverage of the cube, complain. if indexes[0] >= self.shape[0] or indexes[-1] < 0: raise ValueError("The filter curve does not overlap the " "wavelength coverage of the cube.") # To correctly reproduce an image taken through a specified # filter, the bandpass curve should be completely encompassed # by the wavelength axis of the cube. If the overlap is # incomplete, emit a warning, then truncate the bandpass curve # to the edge of the wavelength range of the cube. if indexes[0] < 0 or indexes[-1] >= self.shape[0]: # Work out the start and stop indexes of the slice needed # to truncate the arrays of the bandpass filter curve. if indexes[0] < 0: start = np.searchsorted(indexes, 0, 'left') else: start = 0 if indexes[-1] >= self.shape[0]: stop = np.searchsorted(indexes, self.shape[0], 'left') else: stop = indexes.shape[0] # Integrate the overal bandpass filter curve. total = integrate.trapz(sensitivities, wavelengths) # Also integrate over just the truncated parts of the curve. lost = 0.0 if start > 0: s = slice(0, start) lost += integrate.trapz(sensitivities[s], wavelengths[s]) if stop < indexes.shape[0]: s = slice(stop, indexes.shape[0]) lost += integrate.trapz(sensitivities[s], wavelengths[s]) # Compute the fraction of the integrated bandpass response # that has been truncated. lossage = lost / total # Truncate the bandpass filter curve. indexes = indexes[start:stop] pixels = pixels[start:stop] sensitivities = sensitivities[start:stop] # Report the loss if it is over 0.5%. if lossage > 0.005: self._logger.warning( "%.2g%% of the integrated " % (lossage * 100.0) + "filter curve is beyond the edges of the cube.") # Get the range of indexes along the wavelength axis that # encompass the filter bandpass within the cube. kmin = indexes[0] kmax = indexes[-1] # Obtain an interpolator of the bandpass curve. spline = interpolate.interp1d(x=pixels, y=sensitivities, kind=interpolation) # Integrate the bandpass over the range of each spectral pixel # to determine the weights of each pixel. For the moment skip # the first and last pixels, which need special treatment. # Integer pixel indexes refer to the centers of pixels, # so for integer pixel index k, we need to integrate from # k-0.5 to k+0.5. w = np.empty((kmax + 1 - kmin)) for k in range(kmin + 1, kmax): w[k - kmin], err = integrate.quad(spline, k - 0.5, k + 0.5) # Start the integration of the weight of the first channel # from the lower limit of the bandpass. w[0], err = integrate.quad(spline, pixels[0], kmin + 0.5) # End the integration of the weight of the final channel # at the upper limit of the bandpass. w[-1], err = integrate.quad(spline, kmax - 0.5, pixels[-1]) # Normalize the weights. w /= w.sum() # Create a sub-cube of the selected channels. subcube = self[kmin:kmax + 1, :, :] # To accomodate masked pixels, create a cube of the above # weights, but with masked pixels given zero weight. if subcube._mask is ma.nomask: wcube = w[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis] * np.ones(subcube.shape) else: wcube = w[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis] * ~subcube._mask # Get an image which is the sum of the weights along the spectral axis. wsum = wcube.sum(axis=0) # The output image is the weighted mean of the selected # channels. For each map pixel perform the following # calculation over spectral channels, k. # # mean = sum(weights[k] * data[k]) / sum(weights[k] data = * wcube, axis=0) / wsum # The variance of a weighted means is: # # var = sum(weights[k]**2 * var[k]) / (sum(weights[k]))**2 if subcube._var is not None: var = * wcube**2, axis=0) / wsum**2 else: var = False return Image.new_from_obj(subcube, data=data, var=var)
[docs] def subcube(self, center, size, lbda=None, unit_center=u.deg, unit_size=u.arcsec, unit_wave=u.angstrom): """Return a subcube view around a position and for a wavelength range. Note: as this is a view on the original cube, both the cube and the sub-cube will be modified at the same time. If you need to make changes only to the sub-cube, copy it before. Parameters ---------- center : (float,float) Center (y, x) of the aperture. size : float The size to extract. It corresponds to the size along the delta axis and the image is square. lbda : (float, float) or None If not None, tuple giving the wavelength range. unit_center : `astropy.units.Unit` Type of the center coordinates (degrees by default) unit_size : `astropy.units.Unit` unit of the size value (arcseconds by default) unit_wave : `astropy.units.Unit` Wavelengths unit (angstrom by default) If None, inputs are in pixels Returns ------- out : `~mpdaf.obj.Cube` """ # If only the width is given, give the height the same size. if np.isscalar(size): size = np.array([size, size]) else: size = np.asarray(size) if size[0] <= 0.0 or size[1] <= 0.0: raise ValueError('Size must be positive') # Get the central position in pixels. center = np.asarray(center) if unit_center is not None: center = self.wcs.sky2pix(center, unit=unit_center)[0] # Get the image pixel steps in the units of the size argument. if unit_size is None: step = np.array([1.0, 1.0]) # Pixel counts else: step = self.wcs.get_step(unit=unit_size) # Select the whole wavelength range? if lbda is None: lmin = 0 lmax = self.shape[0] - 1 else: # Get the wavelength range. lmin, lmax = lbda # Convert the minimum wavelength to a wavelength pixel-index. if unit_wave is not None: lmin = self.wave.pixel(lmin, nearest=True, unit=unit_wave) # Convert the maximum wavelength to a wavelength pixel-index. if unit_wave is not None: lmax = self.wave.pixel(lmax, nearest=True, unit=unit_wave) # Check that the wavelength bounds are usable and in ascending # order. if lmin >= self.shape[0] or lmax <= 0: raise ValueError("Wavelength range not in cube") elif lmin > lmax: lmin, lmax = lmax, lmin # Create a slice that selects the above wavelength range, # clipped to the extent of the cube. sl = slice(lmin if lmin >= 0 else 0, lmax + 1 if lmax < self.shape[0] else self.shape[0]) # Get Y-axis and X-axis slice objects that bound the rectangular area. [sy, sx], [uy, ux], center = bounding_box( form="rectangle", center=center, radii=size / 2.0, shape=self.shape[1:], step=step) if (sx.start >= self.shape[2] or sx.stop < 0 or sx.start == sx.stop or sy.start >= self.shape[1] or sy.stop < 0 or sy.start == sy.stop): raise ValueError('Sub-cube boundaries are outside the cube') # Extract the requested part of the cube. res = self[sl, sy, sx] # If the image region was not clipped by the edges of the # parent cube, then return the subcube. if sy == uy and sx == ux: return res # Since the subcube is smaller than requested, due to clipping, # create new data and variance arrays of the required size. shape = (sl.stop - sl.start, uy.stop - uy.start, ux.stop - ux.start) data = np.zeros(shape, dtype=self.dtype) var = None if self._var is None else np.zeros(shape, dtype=self.dtype) # Create the mask (ignoring nomask) as we need it to mask the regions # outside of the subcube mask = np.ones(shape, dtype=bool) # Calculate the slices where the clipped subcube should go in # the new arrays. slices = (slice(0, shape[0]), slice(sy.start - uy.start, sy.stop - uy.start), slice(sx.start - ux.start, sx.stop - ux.start)) # Copy the clipped subcube into unclipped arrays. data[slices] = res._data[:] if var is not None: var[slices] = res._var[:] if res._mask is not ma.nomask: mask[slices] = res._mask[:] else: mask[slices] = False # Create a new WCS object for the unclipped subcube. wcs = res.wcs wcs.set_crpix1(wcs.wcs.wcs.crpix[0] + slices[2].start) wcs.set_crpix2(wcs.wcs.wcs.crpix[1] + slices[1].start) wcs.naxis1 = shape[2] wcs.naxis2 = shape[1] # Create a new wavelength description object. wave = self.wave[sl] # Create the new unclipped sub-cube. return Cube(wcs=wcs, wave=wave, unit=self.unit, copy=False, data=data, var=var, mask=mask, data_header=fits.Header(self.data_header), primary_header=fits.Header(self.primary_header), filename=self.filename)
[docs] def subcube_circle_aperture(self, center, radius, lbda=None, unit_center=u.deg, unit_radius=u.arcsec, unit_wave=u.angstrom): """Extract a sub-cube that encloses a circular aperture of a specified radius and for a given wavelength range. Pixels outside the circle are masked. Parameters ---------- center : (float,float) The center of the aperture (y,x) radius : float The radius of the aperture. lbda : (float, float) or None If not None, tuple giving the wavelength range. unit_center : `astropy.units.Unit` The units of the center coordinates (degrees by default) The special value, None, indicates that the center is a 2D array index. unit_radius : `astropy.units.Unit` The units of the radius argument (arcseconds by default) The special value, None, indicates that the radius is specified in pixels. unit_wave : `astropy.units.Unit` Wavelengths unit (angstrom by default) If None, inputs are in pixels Returns ------- out : `~mpdaf.obj.Cube` """ subcub = self.subcube(center, radius * 2, unit_center=unit_center, lbda=lbda, unit_size=unit_radius, unit_wave=unit_wave).copy() # Mask the region outside the circle. Work on a copy to avoid modifying # the original cube. center = np.array(subcub.shape[1:]) / 2.0 subcub.mask_region(center, radius, inside=False, unit_center=None, unit_radius=unit_radius) return subcub
[docs] def aperture(self, center, radius, unit_center=u.deg, unit_radius=u.arcsec, is_sum=True): """Extract the spectrum of a circular aperture of given radius. A spectrum is formed by summing/averaging the pixels within a specified circular region of each wavelength image. This yields a spectrum that has the same length as the wavelength axis of the cube. Parameters ---------- center : (float,float) The center of the aperture (y,x). radius : float The radius of the aperture. If the radius is None, or <= 0, the spectrum of the nearest image pixel to the specified center is returned. unit_center : `astropy.units.Unit` The units of the center coordinates (degrees by default) The special value, None, indicates that center is a 2D pixel index. unit_radius : `astropy.units.Unit` The units of the radius argument (arcseconds by default) The special value, None, indicates that the radius is specified in pixels. is_sum : bool If True, compute the sum of the pixels, otherwise compute the arithmetic mean of the pixels. Returns ------- out : `~mpdaf.obj.Spectrum` """ # Sum over multiple image pixels? if radius is not None and radius > 0: cub = self.subcube_circle_aperture(center, radius, unit_center=unit_center, unit_radius=unit_radius) if is_sum: spec = cub.sum(axis=(1, 2)) else: spec = cub.mean(axis=(1, 2))'%d spaxels used', cub.shape[1] * cub.shape[2]) # Sum over a single image pixel? else: if unit_center is not None: center = self.wcs.sky2pix(center, unit=unit_center)[0] else: center = np.array(center) spec = self[:, int(center[0] + 0.5), int(center[1] + 0.5)]'returning spectrum at nearest spaxel') return spec
[docs] def convolve(self, other, inplace=False): """Convolve a Cube with a 3D array or another Cube, using the discrete convolution equation. This function, which uses the discrete convolution equation, is usually slower than Cube.fftconvolve(). However it can be faster when is small, and it always uses much less memory, so it is sometimes the only practical choice. Masked values in and self.var are replaced with zeros before the convolution is performed, but they are masked again after the convolution. If self.var exists, the variances are propagated using the equation:: result.var = self.var (*) other**2 where (*) indicates convolution. This equation can be derived by applying the usual rules of error-propagation to the discrete convolution equation. The speed of this function scales as O(Nd x No) where and Uses `scipy.signal.convolve`. Parameters ---------- other : Cube or np.ndarray The 3D array with which to convolve the cube in This can be an 3D array of the same size as self, or it can be a smaller array, such as a small 3D gaussian to use to smooth the larger cube. When ``other`` contains a symmetric filtering function, such as a 3-dimensional gaussian, the center of the function should be placed at the center of pixel: ``(other.shape - 1) // 2`` If other is an MPDAF Cube object, note that only its data array is used. Masked values in this array are treated as zero, and any variances found in other.var are ignored. inplace : bool If False (the default), return the results in a new Cube. If True, record the result in self and return that. Returns ------- out : `~mpdaf.obj.Cube` """ return self._convolve(signal.convolve, other=other, inplace=inplace)
[docs] def fftconvolve(self, other, inplace=False): """Convolve a Cube with a 3D array or another Cube, using the Fourier convolution theorem. This function, which performs the convolution by multiplying the Fourier transforms of the two arrays, is usually much faster than Cube.convolve(), except when is small. However it uses much more memory, so Cube.convolve() is sometimes a better choice. Masked values in and self.var are replaced with zeros before the convolution is performed, but they are masked again after the convolution. If self.var exists, the variances are propagated using the equation:: result.var = self.var (*) other**2 where (*) indicates convolution. This equation can be derived by applying the usual rules of error-propagation to the discrete convolution equation. The speed of this function scales as O(Nd x log(Nd)) where It temporarily allocates a pair of arrays that have the sum of the shapes of self.shape and other.shape, rounded up to a power of two along each axis. This can involve a lot of memory being allocated. For this reason, when other.shape is small, Cube.convolve() may be more efficient than Cube.fftconvolve(). Uses `scipy.signal.fftconvolve`. Parameters ---------- other : Cube or np.ndarray The 3D array with which to convolve the cube in This array can be the same size as self, or it can be a smaller array, such as a small 3D gaussian to use to smooth the larger cube. When ``other`` contains a symmetric filtering function, such as a 3-dimensional gaussian, the center of the function should be placed at the center of pixel: ``(other.shape - 1) // 2`` If ``other`` is an MPDAF Cube object, note that only its data array is used. Masked values in this array are treated as zero, and any variances found in other.var are ignored. inplace : bool If False (the default), return the results in a new Cube. If True, record the result in self and return that. Returns ------- out : `~mpdaf.obj.Cube` """ return self._convolve(signal.fftconvolve, other=other, inplace=inplace)
[docs] def spatial_erosion(self, npixels, inplace=False): """Remove n pixels around the masked white image. Parameters ---------- npixels : integer Erosion width in pixels inplace : bool If False (the default), return the results in a new Cube. If True, record the result in self and return that. """ # Change the input cube or change a copy of it? res = self if inplace else self.copy() white = self.sum(axis=0) mask = ~ndi.binary_erosion(white._data, mask=~white._mask, iterations=npixels) res._mask = (np.resize(mask, self.shape) | self._mask) return res
def _is_method(func, cls): """Check if func is a method of cls. The previous way to do this using isinstance(types.MethodType) is not compatible with Python 3 (which no more has unbound methods). So one way to do this is to check if func is an attribute of cls, and has a __name__ attribute. """ try: getattr(cls, func.__name__) except AttributeError: return False else: return True def _multiproc_worker(arglist): """Worker process for loop_{spe/ima}_multiprocessing""" try: pos, f, obj, kwargs = arglist # If the function is an Spectrum method, attach it to the spectrum # object that we are processing and execute this. if isinstance(f, types.FunctionType): return pos, f(obj, **kwargs) else: return pos, getattr(obj, f)(**kwargs) except Exception as inst: raise inst.__class__( '{}\n The error occurred while processing {} {}' .format(str(inst), obj.__class__.__name__, pos)) def _loop_multiprocessing(self, f, loop_type, cpu=None, verbose=True, **kargs): # Determine the number of processes: # - default: all CPUs except one. # - mdaf.CPU # - cpu_count parameter from mpdaf import CPU cpu_count = multiprocessing.cpu_count() - 1 if CPU > 0 and CPU < cpu_count: cpu_count = CPU if cpu is not None and cpu < cpu_count: cpu_count = cpu pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=cpu_count) # If the provided function is an Image or Spectru method, get its name if (loop_type == 'ima' and _is_method(f, Image)) or \ (loop_type == 'spe' and _is_method(f, Spectrum)): f = f.__name__ if loop_type == 'ima': # There will be one task per image processlist = [(k, f, self[k, :, :], kargs) for k in range(self.shape[0])] elif loop_type == 'spe': # There will be one task per spectrum processlist = [((p, q), f, self[:, p, q], kargs) for p, q in np.ndindex(self.shape[1:])] else: raise ValueError('unsupported way to slice the cube') # Start passing tasks to the worker processes. The return # value is an iterator that will hereafter return a new value # each time that a worker process finishes one task. results = pool.imap_unordered(_multiproc_worker, processlist) # Tell the worker pool that no more tasks will be passed to it. pool.close() # How many images are there to be processed as individual tasks? ntasks = len(processlist) # Report what is being done. if verbose:'loop_%s_multiprocessing (%s): %i tasks', loop_type, f, ntasks) reporter = _MultiprocessReporter(ntask=ntasks) # Wait for the results from each task and collect them into the appropriate # object. If verbose, also emit a progress report every few seconds. init = True while True: try: # Wait for the next result. When verbose=True, interrupt # this wait every few seconds to allow a progress-report # to be written to the user's terminal. if verbose: k, out = reporter.note_completed_task() else: k, out = if isinstance(out, (Image, Spectrum)): # If the function returns images or spectra, make a cube if init: if loop_type == 'ima': cshape = (self.shape[0], out.shape[0], out.shape[1]) wcs = out.wcs wave = self.wave elif loop_type == 'spe': cshape = (out.shape[0], self.shape[1], self.shape[2]) wcs = self.wcs wave = out.wave result = Cube( wcs=wcs, wave=wave, data=np.zeros(cshape), unit=out.unit, data_header=self.data_header.copy(), primary_header=self.primary_header.copy() ) if self.var is not None: result._var = np.zeros(cshape) init = False if loop_type == 'ima': result[k, :, :] = out elif loop_type == 'spe': p, q = k result[:, p, q] = out elif is_number(out): # If it returns numbers, assemble these into a spectrum/image if init: if loop_type == 'ima': result = Spectrum(wave=self.wave, unit=self.unit, data=np.zeros(self.shape[0], dtype=type(out))) elif loop_type == 'spe': result = Image(wcs=self.wcs, unit=self.unit, data=np.zeros(self.shape[1:], dtype=type(out))) init = False result[k] = out else: # If the function returns anything else, make a numpy array if init: if loop_type == 'ima': result = np.empty(self.shape[0], dtype=type(out)) elif loop_type == 'spe': result = np.empty(self.shape[1:], dtype=type(out)) init = False result[k] = out except multiprocessing.TimeoutError: # Is it time for a new report to be made to the terminal? pass except StopIteration: break if verbose: # If the time for the next report has been reached, report # the progress through the tasks to the terminal. reporter.report_if_needed() return result