Source code for mpdaf.obj.spectrum

Copyright (c) 2010-2016 CNRS / Centre de Recherche Astrophysique de Lyon
Copyright (c) 2012-2016 Laure Piqueras <>
Copyright (c) 2014-2016 Simon Conseil <>
Copyright (c)      2016 Martin Shepherd <>

All rights reserved.

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from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import logging
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import types

import astropy.units as u
from scipy import integrate, interpolate, signal
from scipy.optimize import leastsq
from six.moves import range

from . import ABmag_filters
from .arithmetic import ArithmeticMixin
from .data import DataArray
from .objs import flux2mag
from import deprecated

__all__ = ('Gauss1D', 'Spectrum')

[docs]class Gauss1D(object): """This class stores 1D Gaussian parameters. Attributes ---------- cont : float Continuum value. fwhm : float Gaussian fwhm. lpeak : float Gaussian center. peak : float Gaussian peak value. flux : float Gaussian integrated flux. err_fwhm : float Estimated error on Gaussian fwhm. err_lpeak : float Estimated error on Gaussian center. err_peak : float Estimated error on Gaussian peak value. err_flux : float Estimated error on Gaussian integrated flux. chisq : float minimization process info (Chi-sqr) dof : float minimization process info (number of points - number of parameters) """ def __init__(self, lpeak, peak, flux, fwhm, cont, err_lpeak, err_peak, err_flux, err_fwhm, chisq, dof): self.cont = cont self.fwhm = fwhm self.lpeak = lpeak self.peak = peak self.flux = flux self.err_fwhm = err_fwhm self.err_lpeak = err_lpeak self.err_peak = err_peak self.err_flux = err_flux self._logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) self.chisq = chisq self.dof = dof
[docs] def copy(self): """Copy Gauss1D object in a new one and returns it.""" return Gauss1D(self.lpeak, self.peak, self.flux, self.fwhm, self.cont, self.err_lpeak, self.err_peak, self.err_flux, self.err_fwhm, self.chisq, self.dof)
[docs] def print_param(self): """Print Gaussian parameters.""" msg = 'Gaussian center = %g (error:%g)' % (self.lpeak, self.err_lpeak) msg = 'Gaussian integrated flux = %g (error:%g)' % \ (self.flux, self.err_flux) msg = 'Gaussian peak value = %g (error:%g)' % \ (self.peak, self.err_peak) msg = 'Gaussian fwhm = %g (error:%g)' % (self.fwhm, self.err_fwhm) msg = 'Gaussian continuum = %g' % self.cont
[docs]class Spectrum(ArithmeticMixin, DataArray): """Spectrum objects contain 1D arrays of numbers, optionally accompanied by corresponding variances. These numbers represent sample fluxes along a regularly spaced grid of wavelengths. The spectral pixel values and their variances, if any, are available as arrays[q that can be accessed via properties of the Spectrum object called .data and .var, respectively. These arrays are usually masked arrays, which share a boolean masking array that can be accessed via a property called .mask. In principle, these arrays can also be normal numpy arrays without masks, in which case the .mask property holds the value, However non-masked arrays are only supported by a subset of mpdaf functions at this time, so masked arrays should be used where possible. When a new Spectrum object is created, the data, variance and mask arrays can either be specified as arguments, or the name of a FITS file can be provided to load them from. Parameters ---------- filename : string An optional FITS file name from which to load the spectrum. None by default. This argument is ignored if the data argument is not None. ext : int or (int,int) or string or (string,string) The optional number/name of the data extension or the numbers/names of the data and variance extensions. wave : `mpdaf.obj.WaveCoord` The wavelength coordinates of the spectrum. unit : str or `astropy.units.Unit` The physical units of the data values. Defaults to `astropy.units.dimensionless_unscaled`. data : float array An optional 1 dimensional array containing the values of each pixel of the spectrum, stored in ascending order of wavelength (None by default). Where given, this array should be 1 dimensional. var : float array An optional 1 dimensional array containing the estimated variances of each pixel of the spectrum, stored in ascending order of wavelength (None by default). Attributes ---------- filename : string The name of the originating FITS file, if any. Otherwise None. unit : `astropy.units.Unit` The physical units of the data values. primary_header : `` The FITS primary header instance, if a FITS file was provided. data_header : `` The FITS header of the DATA extension. wave : `mpdaf.obj.WaveCoord` The wavelength coordinates of the spectrum. """ # Tell the DataArray base-class that Spectrum objects require 1 dimensional # data arrays and wavelength coordinates. _ndim_required = 1 _has_wave = True def __init__(self, filename=None, ext=None, unit=u.dimensionless_unscaled, data=None, var=None, wave=None, copy=True, dtype=float, **kwargs): super(Spectrum, self).__init__( filename=filename, ext=ext, wave=wave, unit=unit, data=data, var=var, copy=copy, dtype=dtype, **kwargs)
[docs] def subspec(self, lmin, lmax=None, unit=u.angstrom): """Return the flux at a given wavelength, or the sub-spectrum of a specified wavelength range. A single flux value is returned if the lmax argument is None (the default), or if the wavelengths assigned to the lmin and lmax arguments are both within the same pixel. The value that is returned is the value of the pixel whose wavelength is closest to the wavelength specified by the lmin argument. Parameters ---------- lmin : float The minimum wavelength of a wavelength range, or the wavelength of a single pixel if lmax is None. lmax : float or None The maximum wavelength of the wavelength range. unit : `astropy.units.Unit` The wavelength units of the lmin and lmax arguments. The default is angstroms. If unit is None, then lmin and lmax are interpreted as array indexes within the spectrum. Returns ------- out : float or `~mpdaf.obj.Spectrum` """ if self.wave is None: raise ValueError('Operation forbidden without world coordinates ' 'along the spectral direction') if lmax is None: lmax = lmin # Are lmin and lmax array indexes? if unit is None: pix_min = max(0, int(lmin + 0.5)) pix_max = min(self.shape[0], int(lmax + 0.5)) # Convert wavelengths to the nearest spectrum array indexes. else: pix_min = max(0, self.wave.pixel(lmin, nearest=True, unit=unit)) pix_max = min(self.shape[0], self.wave.pixel(lmax, nearest=True, unit=unit) + 1) # If the start and end of the wavelength range select the same pixel, # return just the value of that pixel. if (pix_min + 1) == pix_max: return self[pix_min] # Otherwise return a sub-spectrum. else: return self[pix_min:pix_max]
@deprecated('get_lambda method is deprecated in favor of subspec')
[docs] def get_lambda(self, lmin, lmax=None, unit=u.angstrom): """DEPRECATED: See `~mpdaf.obj.Spectrum.subspec` instead.""" return self.subspec(lmin, lmax=lmax, unit=unit)
[docs] def get_step(self, unit=None): """Return the wavelength step size. Parameters ---------- unit : `astropy.units.Unit` The units of the returned step-size. Returns ------- out : float The width of a spectrum pixel. """ if self.wave is not None: return self.wave.get_step(unit)
[docs] def get_start(self, unit=None): """Return the wavelength value of the first pixel of the spectrum. Parameters ---------- unit : `astropy.units.Unit` The units of the returned wavelength. Returns ------- out : float The wavelength of the first pixel of the spectrum. """ if self.wave is not None: return self.wave.get_start(unit)
[docs] def get_end(self, unit=None): """Return the wavelength of the last pixel of the spectrum. Parameters ---------- unit : `astropy.units.Unit` The units of the returned wavelength. Returns ------- out : float The wavelength of the final pixel of the spectrum. """ if self.wave is not None: return self.wave.get_end(unit)
[docs] def get_range(self, unit=None): """Return the wavelength range (Lambda_min, Lambda_max) of the spectrum. Parameters ---------- unit : `astropy.units.Unit` The units of the returned wavelengths. Returns ------- out : float array The minimum and maximum wavelengths. """ if self.wave is not None: return self.wave.get_range(unit)
[docs] def mask_region(self, lmin=None, lmax=None, inside=True, unit=u.angstrom): """Mask spectrum pixels inside or outside a wavelength range, [lmin,lmax]. Parameters ---------- lmin : float The minimum wavelength of the range, or None to choose the wavelength of the first pixel in the spectrum. lmax : float The maximum wavelength of the range, or None to choose the wavelength of the last pixel in the spectrum. unit : `astropy.units.Unit` The wavelength units of lmin and lmax. If None, lmin and lmax are assumed to be pixel indexes. inside : bool If inside is True, pixels inside the range [lmin,lmax] are masked. If inside is False, pixels outside the range [lmin,lmax] are masked. """ if self.wave is None: raise ValueError('Operation forbidden without world coordinates ' 'along the spectral direction') else: if lmin is None: pix_min = 0 else: if unit is None: pix_min = max(0, int(lmin + 0.5)) else: pix_min = max(0, self.wave.pixel(lmin, nearest=True, unit=unit)) if lmax is None: pix_max = self.shape[0] else: if unit is None: pix_max = min(self.shape[0], int(lmax + 0.5)) else: pix_max = min(self.shape[0], self.wave.pixel(lmax, nearest=True, unit=unit) + 1) if inside:[pix_min:pix_max] = else:[:pix_min] =[pix_max + 1:] =
def _wavelengths_to_slice(self, lmin, lmax, unit): """Return the slice that selects a specified wavelength range. Parameters ---------- lmin : float The minimum wavelength of a wavelength range, or the wavelength of a single pixel if lmax is None. lmax : float or None The maximum wavelength of the wavelength range. unit : `astropy.units.Unit` The wavelength units of the lmin and lmax arguments. The default is angstroms. If unit is None, then lmin and lmax are interpreted as array indexes within the spectrum. Returns ------- out : slice The slice needed to select pixels within the specified wavelength range. """ if unit is not None and self.wave is None: raise ValueError('Operation forbidden without world coordinates ' 'along the spectral direction') # Get the pixel index that corresponds to the minimum wavelength. if lmin is None: i1 = 0 else: if unit is None: i1 = max(0, int(lmin + 0.5)) else: i1 = max(0, self.wave.pixel(lmin, nearest=True, unit=unit)) # Get the pixel index that corresponds to the maximum wavelength. if lmax is None: i2 = self.shape[0] else: if unit is None: i2 = min(self.shape[0], int(lmax + 0.5)) else: i2 = min(self.shape[0], self.wave.pixel(lmax, nearest=True, unit=unit) + 1) return slice(i1, i2) def _interp(self, wavelengths, spline=False): """return the interpolated values corresponding to the wavelength array. Parameters ---------- wavelengths : array of float wavelength values unit : `astropy.units.Unit` Type of the wavelength coordinates spline : bool False: linear interpolation (`scipy.interpolate.interp1d` used), True: spline interpolation (`scipy.interpolate.splrep/splev` used). """ lbda = self.wave.coord() if self.mask is d = np.empty(self.shape + 2, dtype=float) d[1:-1] = self._data w = np.empty(self.shape + 2, dtype=float) w[1:-1] = lbda else: ksel = np.where(self.mask == False) d = np.empty(np.shape(ksel)[1] + 2, dtype=float) d[1:-1] = self._data[ksel] w = np.empty(np.shape(ksel)[1] + 2) w[1:-1] = lbda[ksel] d[0] = d[1] d[-1] = d[-2] w[0] = self.get_start() - 0.5 * self.get_step() w[-1] = self.get_end() + 0.5 * self.get_step() if spline: if self._var is not None: _weight = 1. / np.sqrt(np.abs(self.var.filled(np.inf))) if self.mask is weight = np.empty(self.shape + 2, dtype=float) weight[1:-1] = _weight else: weight = np.empty(np.shape(ksel)[1] + 2) weight[1:-1] = _weight[ksel] weight[0] = weight[1] weight[-1] = weight[-2] else: weight = None tck = interpolate.splrep(w, d, w=weight) return interpolate.splev(wavelengths, tck, der=0) else: f = interpolate.interp1d(w, d) return f(wavelengths) def _interp_data(self, spline=False): """Return data array with interpolated values for masked pixels. Parameters ---------- spline : bool False: linear interpolation (`scipy.interpolate.interp1d` used), True: spline interpolation (`scipy.interpolate.splrep/splev` used). """ if == 0: return else: lbda = self.wave.coord() ksel = np.where(self._mask == True) wnew = lbda[ksel] data = self._data.copy() data[ksel] = self._interp(wnew, spline) return data
[docs] def interp_mask(self, spline=False): """Interpolate masked pixels. Parameters ---------- spline : bool False: linear interpolation (`scipy.interpolate.interp1d` used), True: spline interpolation (`scipy.interpolate.splrep/splev` used). """ =
[docs] def rebin(self, factor, margin='center', inplace=False): """Combine neighboring pixels to reduce the size of a spectrum by an integer factor. Each output pixel is the mean of n pixels, where n is the specified reduction factor. Parameters ---------- factor : int The integer reduction factor by which the spectrum should be shrunk. margin : string in 'center'|'right'|'left'|'origin' When the dimension of the input spectrum is not an integer multiple of the reduction factor, the spectrum is truncated to remove just enough pixels that its length is a multiple of the reduction factor. This sub-spectrum is then rebinned in place of the original spectrum. The margin parameter determines which pixels of the input spectrum are truncated, and which remain. The options are: 'origin' or 'center': The start of the output spectrum is coincident with the start of the input spectrum. 'center': The center of the output spectrum is aligned with the center of the input spectrum, within one pixel. 'right': The end of the output spectrum is coincident with the end of the input spectrum. inplace : bool If False, return a rebinned copy of the spectrum (the default). If True, rebin the original spectrum in-place, and return that. Returns ------- out : Spectrum """ # Delegate the rebinning to the generic DataArray function. return self._rebin(factor, margin, inplace)
def _resample(self, step, start=None, shape=None, spline=False, notnoise=False, unit=u.angstrom): """Resample spectrum data to different wavelength step size. Uses `scipy.integrate.quad`. Parameters ---------- step : float New pixel size in spectral direction. start : float Spectral position of the first new pixel. It can be set or kept at the edge of the old first one. unit : `astropy.units.Unit` type of the wavelength coordinates shape : int Size of the new spectrum. spline : bool Linear/spline interpolation to interpolate masked values. notnoise : bool True if the noise Variance spectrum is not interpolated (if it exists). """ lrange = self.get_range(unit) if start is not None and start > lrange[1]: raise ValueError('Start value outside the spectrum range') if start is not None and start < lrange[0]: n = int((lrange[0] - start) / step) start = lrange[0] + (n + 1) * step newwave = self.wave.resample(step, start, unit) if shape is None: newshape = newwave.shape else: newshape = min(shape, newwave.shape) newwave.shape = newshape dmin = dmax = if dmin == dmax: self._data = np.ones(newshape, dtype=np.float) * dmin else: data = self._interp_data(spline) f = lambda x: data[self.wave.pixel(x, unit=unit, nearest=True)] self._data = np.empty(newshape, dtype=np.float) pix = np.arange(newshape + 1, dtype=np.float) x = (pix - newwave.get_crpix() + 1) * newwave.get_step(unit) \ + newwave.get_crval(unit) - 0.5 * newwave.get_step(unit) lbdamax = self.get_end(unit) + 0.5 * self.get_step(unit) if x[-1] > lbdamax: x[-1] = lbdamax for i in range(newshape): self._data[i] = \ integrate.quad(f, x[i], x[i + 1], full_output=1)[0] \ / newwave.get_step(unit) if self._mask is not self._mask = ~(np.isfinite(self._data)) if self._var is not None and not notnoise: dmin = np.min(self._var) dmax = np.max(self._var) if dmin == dmax: self._var = np.ones(newshape, dtype=np.float) * dmin else: f = lambda x: self._var[int(self.wave.pixel(x, unit=unit) + 0.5)] var = np.empty(newshape, dtype=np.float) for i in range(newshape): var[i] = \ integrate.quad(f, x[i], x[i + 1], full_output=1)[0] \ / newwave.get_step(unit) self._var = var if self._mask is not self._mask = self._mask | ~(np.isfinite(self._var)) | (self._var <= 0) else: self._var = None self.wave = newwave
[docs] def resample(self, step, start=None, shape=None, spline=False, notnoise=False, unit=u.angstrom, inplace=False): """Return a spectrum resampled to a different wavelength interval. Uses `scipy.integrate.quad`. Parameters ---------- step : float The new pixel size in the spectral direction. start : float The wavelength of the first new pixel. The default is None, which arranges that the minimum wavelength of the resampled spectrum is the same as the minimum wavelength of the original spectrum. unit : `astropy.units.Unit` The wavelength units of the step and start arguments. shape : int The array dimension of the new spectrum (ie. the number of spectral pixels). spline : bool If False (the default), use a linear interpolation to interpolate over masked pixels. If True, use a spline interpolation to interpolate over masked values. notnoise : bool If False (the default), resample the variances, if any. If True discard any variances. inplace : bool If False, return a resampled copy of the spectrum (the default). If True, resample the original spectrum in-place, and return that. Returns ------- out : Spectrum """ # Should we resample the spectrum in-place, or resample a copy? res = self if inplace else self.copy() # Resample the result object in-place. res._resample(step, start, shape, spline, notnoise, unit) return res
[docs] def mean(self, lmin=None, lmax=None, weight=True, unit=u.angstrom): """Compute the mean flux over a specified wavelength range. Parameters ---------- lmin : float The minimum wavelength of the range, or None to choose the wavelength of the first pixel in the spectrum. lmax : float The maximum wavelength of the range, or None to choose the wavelength of the last pixel in the spectrum. unit : `astropy.units.Unit` The wavelength units of lmin and lmax. If None, lmin and lmax are assumed to be pixel indexes. weight : bool If weight is True, compute the weighted mean, inversely weighting each pixel by its variance. Returns ------- out : float The mean flux of the specified wavelength range. """ # Don't attempt to perform a weighted mean if there are no variances. if self._var is None: weight = False # Get the slice that selects the specified wavelength range. lambda_slice = self._wavelengths_to_slice(lmin, lmax, unit) # Get the sub-spectrum of the specified wavelength range. subspe = self[lambda_slice] # Obtain the mean flux of the sub-spectrum. if weight: weights = 1.0 / subspe.var.filled(np.inf) flux =, weights=weights) else: flux = return flux
[docs] def sum(self, lmin=None, lmax=None, weight=True, unit=u.angstrom): """Obtain the sum of the fluxes within a specified wavelength range. Parameters ---------- lmin : float The minimum wavelength of the range, or None to choose the wavelength of the first pixel in the spectrum. lmax : float The maximum wavelength of the range, or None to choose the wavelength of the last pixel in the spectrum. unit : `astropy.units.Unit` The wavelength units of lmin and lmax. If None, lmin and lmax are assumed to be pixel indexes. weight : bool If weight is True, compute the weighted sum, inversely weighting each pixel by its variance. Returns ------- out : float The total flux of the specified wavelength range. """ # Get the slice that selects the specified wavelength range. lambda_slice = self._wavelengths_to_slice(lmin, lmax, unit) # Get the sub-spectrum of the wavelength range. subspe = self[lambda_slice] # Perform a weighted sum? if weight and self._var is not None: weights = 1.0 / subspe.var.filled(np.inf) # How many unmasked pixels will be averaged? nsum = # The weighted average multiplied by the number of unmasked pixels. flux = nsum *, weights=weights) else: flux = return flux
[docs] def integrate(self, lmin=None, lmax=None, unit=u.angstrom): """Integrate the flux over a specified wavelength range. The units of the integrated flux depend on the flux units of the spectrum and the wavelength units, as follows: If the flux units of the spectrum, self.unit, are something like Q per angstrom, Q per nm, or Q per um, then the integrated flux will have the units of Q. For example, if the fluxes have units of 1e-20 erg/cm2/Angstrom/s, then the units of the integration will be 1e-20 erg/cm2/s. Alternatively, if unit is not None, then the unit of the returned number will be the product of the units in self.unit and unit. For example, if the flux units are counts/s, and unit=u.angstrom, then the integrated flux will have units counts*Angstrom/s. Finally, if unit is None, then the units of the returned number will be the product of self.unit and the units of the wavelength axis of the spectrum (ie. self.wave.unit). The result of the integration is returned as an astropy Quantity, which holds the integrated value and its physical units. The units of the returned number can be determined from the .unit attribute of the return value. Alternatively the returned value can be converted to another unit, using the to() method of astropy quantities. Parameters ---------- lmin : float The minimum wavelength of the range to be integrated, or None (the default), to select the minimum wavelength of the first pixel of the spectrum. If this is below the minimum wavelength of the spectrum, the integration behaves as though the flux in the first pixel extended down to that wavelength. If the unit argument is None, lmin is a pixel index, and the wavelength of the center of this pixel is used as the lower wavelength of the integration. lmax : float The maximum wavelength of the range to be integrated, or None (the default), to select the maximum wavelength of the last pixel of the spectrum. If this is above the maximum wavelength of the spectrum, the integration behaves as though the flux in the last pixel extended up to that wavelength. If the unit argument is None, lmax is a pixel index, and the wavelength of the center of this pixel is used as the upper wavelength of the integration. unit : `astropy.units.Unit` The wavelength units of lmin and lmax, or None to indicate that lmin and lmax are pixel indexes. Returns ------- out : `astropy.units.quantity.Quantity` The result of the integration, expressed as a floating point number with accompanying units. The integrated value and its physical units can be extracted using the .value and .unit attributes of the returned quantity. The value can also be converted to different units, using the .to() method of the returned objected. """ # Get the index of the first pixel within the wavelength range, # and the minimum wavelength of the integration. if lmin is None: i1 = 0 lmin = self.wave.coord(-0.5, unit=unit) else: if unit is None: l1 = lmin lmin = self.wave.coord(max(-0.5, l1)) else: l1 = self.wave.pixel(lmin, False, unit) i1 = max(0, int(l1)) # Get the index of the last pixel within the wavelength range, plus # 1, and the maximum wavelength of the integration. if lmax is None: i2 = self.shape[0] lmax = self.wave.coord(i2 - 0.5, unit=unit) else: if unit is None: l2 = lmax lmax = self.wave.coord(min(self.shape[0] - 0.5, l2)) else: l2 = self.wave.pixel(lmax, False, unit) i2 = min(self.shape[0], int(l2) + 1) # Get the lower wavelength of each pixel, including one extra # pixel at the end of the range. d = self.wave.coord(-0.5 + np.arange(i1, i2 + 1), unit=unit) # Change the wavelengths of the first and last pixels to # truncate or extend those pixels to the starting and ending # wavelengths of the spectrum. d[0] = lmin d[-1] = lmax if unit is None: unit = self.wave.unit # Get the data of the subspectrum covered by the integration. data =[i1:i2] # If the spectrum has been calibrated, the flux units will be # per angstrom, per nm, per um etc. If these wavelength units # don't match the units of the wavelength axis of the # integration, then although the results will be correct, they # will have inconvenient units. In such cases attempt to # convert the units of the wavelength axis to match the flux # units. if unit in self.unit.bases: # The wavelength units already agree. out_unit = self.unit * unit else: try: # Attempt to determine the wavelength units of the flux density. wunit = (set(self.unit.bases) & set([, u.angstrom, u.nm,])).pop() # Scale the wavelength axis to have the same wavelength units. d *= # Get the final units of the integration. out_unit = self.unit * wunit # If the wavelength units of the flux weren't recognized, # simply return the units unchanged. except: out_unit = self.unit * unit # Integrate the spectrum by multiplying the value of each pixel # by the difference in wavelength from the start of that pixel to # the start of the next pixel. return (data * np.diff(d)).sum() * out_unit
[docs] def poly_fit(self, deg, weight=True, maxiter=0, nsig=(-3.0, 3.0), verbose=False): """Perform polynomial fit on normalized spectrum and returns polynomial coefficients. Parameters ---------- deg : int Polynomial degree. weight : bool If weight is True, the weight is computed as the inverse of variance. maxiter : int Maximum allowed iterations (0) nsig : (float,float) The low and high rejection factor in std units (-3.0,3.0) Returns ------- out : ndarray, shape. Polynomial coefficients ordered from low to high. """ if self.shape[0] <= deg + 1: raise ValueError('Too few points to perform polynomial fit') if self._var is None: weight = False if weight: vec_weight = 1.0 / np.sqrt(np.abs(self.var.filled(np.inf))) else: vec_weight = None if self._mask is d = self._data w = self.wave.coord() else: mask = np.array(1 - self._mask, dtype=bool) d = self._data.compress(mask) w = self.wave.coord().compress(mask) if weight: vec_weight = vec_weight.compress(mask) # normalize w w0 = np.min(w) dw = np.max(w) - w0 w = (w - w0) / dw p = np.polynomial.polynomial.polyfit(w, d, deg, w=vec_weight) if maxiter > 0: err = d - np.polynomial.polynomial.polyval(w, p) sig = np.std(err) n_p = len(d) for it in range(maxiter): ind = np.where((err >= nsig[0] * sig) & (np.abs(err) <= nsig[1] * sig)) if len(ind[0]) == n_p: break if len(ind[0]) <= deg + 1: raise ValueError('Too few points to perform ' 'polynomial fit') if vec_weight is not None: vec_weight = vec_weight[ind] p = np.polynomial.polynomial.polyfit(w[ind], d[ind], deg, w=vec_weight) err = d[ind] - np.polynomial.polynomial.polyval(w[ind], p) sig = np.std(err) n_p = len(ind[0]) if verbose: msg = 'Number of iteration: '\ '%d Std: %10.4e Np: %d Frac: %4.2f' \ % (it + 1, sig, n_p, 100. * n_p / self.shape[0]) return p
[docs] def poly_val(self, z): """Update in place the spectrum data from polynomial coefficients. Uses `numpy.poly1d`. Parameters ---------- z : array The polynomial coefficients, in increasing powers. data = z0 + z1(lbda-min(lbda))/(max(lbda)-min(lbda)) + ... + zn ((lbda-min(lbda))/(max(lbda)-min(lbda)))**n """ l = self.wave.coord() w0 = np.min(l) dw = np.max(l) - w0 w = (l - w0) / dw self._data = np.polynomial.polynomial.polyval(w, z) if self._mask is not self._mask = ~(np.isfinite(self._data)) self._var = None
[docs] def poly_spec(self, deg, weight=True, maxiter=0, nsig=(-3.0, 3.0), verbose=False): """Return a spectrum containing a polynomial fit. Parameters ---------- deg : int Polynomial degree. weight : bool If weight is True, the weight is computed as the inverse of variance. maxiter : int Maximum allowed iterations (0) nsig : (float,float) The low and high rejection factor in std units (-3.0,3.0) Returns ------- out : Spectrum """ z = self.poly_fit(deg, weight, maxiter, nsig, verbose) res = self.clone() res.poly_val(z) return res
[docs] def abmag_band(self, lbda, dlbda, out=1): """Compute AB magnitude corresponding to the wavelength band. Parameters ---------- lbda : float Mean wavelength in Angstrom. dlbda : float Width of the wavelength band in Angstrom. out : 1 or 2 1: the magnitude is returned, 2: the magnitude, mean flux and mean wavelength are returned. Returns ------- out : magnitude value (out=1) or float array containing magnitude, mean flux and mean wavelength (out=2). """ i1 = max(0, self.wave.pixel(lbda - dlbda / 2.0, nearest=True, unit=u.angstrom)) i2 = min(self.shape[0], self.wave.pixel(lbda + dlbda / 2.0, nearest=True, unit=u.angstrom)) if i1 == i2: return 99 else: vflux =[i1:i2 + 1].mean() vflux2 = (vflux * self.unit).to(u.Unit('')) mag = flux2mag(vflux2.value, lbda) if out == 1: return mag if out == 2: return np.array([mag, vflux, lbda])
[docs] def abmag_filter_name(self, name, out=1): """Compute AB magnitude using the filter name. Parameters ---------- name : string 'U', 'B', 'V', 'Rc', 'Ic', 'z', 'R-Johnson','F606W' out : 1 or 2 1: the magnitude is returned, 2: the magnitude, mean flux and mean wavelength are returned. Returns ------- out : magnitude value (out=1) or magnitude, mean flux and mean wavelength in angstrom (out=2). """ if name == 'U': return self.abmag_band(3663, 650, out) elif name == 'B': return self.abmag_band(4361, 890, out) elif name == 'V': return self.abmag_band(5448, 840, out) elif name == 'Rc': return self.abmag_band(6410, 1600., out) elif name == 'Ic': return self.abmag_band(7980, 1500., out) elif name == 'z': return self.abmag_band(8930, 1470., out) elif name == 'R-Johnson': (l0, lmin, lmax, tck) = ABmag_filters.mag_RJohnson() return self._filter(l0, lmin, lmax, tck, out) elif name == 'F606W': (l0, lmin, lmax, tck) = ABmag_filters.mag_F606W() return self._filter(l0, lmin, lmax, tck, out) else: pass
[docs] def abmag_filter(self, lbda, eff, out=1): """Compute AB magnitude using array filter. Parameters ---------- lbda : float array Wavelength values in Angstrom. eff : float array Efficiency values. out : 1 or 2 1: the magnitude is returned, 2: the magnitude, mean flux and mean wavelength are returned. Returns ------- out : magnitude value (out=1) or magnitude, mean flux and mean wavelength (out=2). """ lbda = np.array(lbda) eff = np.array(eff) if np.shape(lbda) != np.shape(eff): raise TypeError('lbda and eff inputs have not the same size.') l0 = np.average(lbda, weights=eff) lmin = lbda[0] lmax = lbda[-1] if np.shape(lbda)[0] > 3: tck = interpolate.splrep(lbda, eff, k=min(np.shape(lbda)[0], 3)) else: tck = interpolate.splrep(lbda, eff, k=1) return self._filter(l0, lmin, lmax, tck, out)
def _filter(self, l0, lmin, lmax, tck, out=1): """Compute AB magnitude. Parameters ---------- l0 : float Mean wavelength in Angstrom. lmin : float Minimum wavelength in Angstrom. lmax : float Maximum wavelength in Angstrom. tck : 3-tuple (t,c,k) contains the spline representation. t = the knot-points, c = coefficients and k = the order of the spline. out : 1 or 2 1: the magnitude is returned 2: the magnitude, mean flux and mean lbda are returned """ imin = self.wave.pixel(lmin, True, u.Angstrom) imax = self.wave.pixel(lmax, True, u.Angstrom) if imin == imax: if imin == 0 or imin == self.shape[0]: raise ValueError('Spectrum outside Filter band') else: raise ValueError('filter band smaller than spectrum step') lb = (np.arange(imin, imax) - self.wave.get_crpix() + 1) \ * self.wave.get_step(u.angstrom) + self.wave.get_crval(u.angstrom) w = interpolate.splev(lb, tck, der=0) vflux =[imin:imax], weights=w) vflux2 = (vflux * self.unit).to(u.Unit('')).value mag = flux2mag(vflux2, l0) if out == 1: return mag if out == 2: return np.array([mag, vflux, l0])
[docs] def truncate(self, lmin=None, lmax=None, unit=u.angstrom): """Truncate the wavelength range of a spectrum in-place. Parameters ---------- lmin : float The minimum wavelength of a wavelength range, or the wavelength of a single pixel if lmax is None. lmax : float or None The maximum wavelength of the wavelength range. unit : `astropy.units.Unit` The wavelength units of the lmin and lmax arguments. The default is angstroms. If unit is None, then lmin and lmax are interpreted as array indexes within the spectrum. """ # Get the slice that selects the specified wavelength range. lambda_slice = self._wavelengths_to_slice(lmin, lmax, unit) if lambda_slice.start == lambda_slice.stop: raise ValueError('Minimum and maximum wavelengths are equal') if lambda_slice.start > lambda_slice.stop: raise ValueError('Minimum and maximum wavelengths ' 'are outside the spectrum range') res = self[lambda_slice] self._data = res._data self._var = res._var self._mask = res._mask self.wave = res.wave
[docs] def fwhm(self, l0, cont=0, spline=False, unit=u.angstrom): """Return the fwhm of a peak. Parameters ---------- l0 : float Wavelength value corresponding to the peak position. unit : `astropy.units.Unit` Type of the wavelength coordinates. If None, inputs are in pixels. cont : int The continuum [default 0]. spline : bool Linear/spline interpolation to interpolate masked values. Returns ------- out : float """ if unit is None: k0 = int(l0 + 0.5) step = 1 else: k0 = self.wave.pixel(l0, nearest=True, unit=unit) step = self.wave.get_step(unit=unit) d = self._interp_data(spline) - cont f2 = d[k0] / 2 try: k2 = np.argwhere(d[k0:-1] < f2)[0][0] + k0 i2 = np.interp(f2, d[k2:k2 - 2:-1], [k2, k2 - 1]) k1 = k0 - np.argwhere(d[k0:-1] < f2)[0][0] i1 = np.interp(f2, d[k1:k1 + 2], [k1, k1 + 1]) fwhm = (i2 - i1) * step return fwhm except: try: k2 = np.argwhere(d[k0:-1] > f2)[0][0] + k0 i2 = np.interp(f2, d[k2:k2 - 2:-1], [k2, k2 - 1]) k1 = k0 - np.argwhere(d[k0:-1] > f2)[0][0] i1 = np.interp(f2, d[k1:k1 + 2], [k1, k1 + 1]) fwhm = (i2 - i1) * step return fwhm except: raise ValueError('Error in fwhm estimation')
[docs] def gauss_fit(self, lmin, lmax, lpeak=None, flux=None, fwhm=None, cont=None, peak=False, spline=False, weight=True, plot=False, plot_factor=10, unit=u.angstrom): """Perform a Gaussian fit. Uses `scipy.optimize.leastsq` to minimize the sum of squares. Parameters ---------- lmin : float or (float,float) Minimum wavelength value or wavelength range used to initialize the gaussian left value (in angstrom) lmax : float or (float,float) Maximum wavelength or wavelength range used to initialize the gaussian right value (in angstrom) lpeak : float Input gaussian center (in angstrom), if None it is estimated with the wavelength corresponding to the maximum value in [max(lmin), min(lmax)] unit : `astropy.units.Unit` Type of the wavelength coordinates. If None, inputs are in pixels. flux : float Integrated gaussian flux or gaussian peak value if peak is True. fwhm : float Input gaussian fwhm (in angstrom), if None it is estimated. peak : bool If true, flux contains the gaussian peak value . cont : float Continuum value, if None it is estimated by the line through points (max(lmin),mean(data[lmin])) and (min(lmax),mean(data[lmax])). spline : bool Linear/spline interpolation to interpolate masked values. weight : bool If weight is True, the weight is computed as the inverse of variance. plot : bool If True, the Gaussian is plotted. plot_factor : double oversampling factor for the overplotted fit Returns ------- out : `mpdaf.obj.Gauss1D` """ # truncate the spectrum and compute right and left gaussian values if np.isscalar(lmin): fmin = None else: lmin = np.array(lmin, dtype=float) fmin = self.mean(lmin[0], lmin[1], unit=unit) lmin = (lmin[0] + lmin[1]) / 2. if np.isscalar(lmax): fmax = None else: lmax = np.array(lmax, dtype=float) fmax = self.mean(lmax[0], lmax[1], unit=unit) lmax = (lmax[0] + lmax[1]) / 2. # spec = self.truncate(lmin, lmax) spec = self.subspec(lmin, lmax, unit=unit) data = spec._interp_data(spline) if unit is None: l = np.arange(self.shape, dtype=float) else: l = spec.wave.coord(unit=unit) d = data lmin = l[0] lmax = l[-1] if fmin is None: fmin = d[0] if fmax is None: fmax = d[-1] # initial gaussian peak position if lpeak is None: lpeak = l[d.argmax()] # continuum value if cont is None: cont0 = ((fmax - fmin) * lpeak + lmax * fmin - lmin * fmax) / (lmax - lmin) else: cont0 = cont # initial sigma value if fwhm is None: try: fwhm = spec.fwhm(lpeak, cont0, spline, unit=unit) except: lpeak2 = l[d.argmin()] fwhm = spec.fwhm(lpeak2, cont0, spline, unit=unit) sigma = fwhm / (2. * np.sqrt(2. * np.log(2.0))) # initial gaussian integrated flux if flux is None: if unit is None: pixel = int(lpeak + 0.5) else: pixel = spec.wave.pixel(lpeak, nearest=True, unit=unit) peak = d[pixel] - cont0 flux = peak * np.sqrt(2 * np.pi * (sigma ** 2)) elif peak is True: peak = flux - cont0 flux = peak * np.sqrt(2 * np.pi * (sigma ** 2)) else: pass # 1d gaussian function if cont is None: gaussfit = lambda p, x: \ ((fmax - fmin) * x + lmax * fmin - lmin * fmax) \ / (lmax - lmin) + p[0] \ * (1 / np.sqrt(2 * np.pi * (p[2] ** 2))) \ * np.exp(-(x - p[1]) ** 2 / (2 * p[2] ** 2)) else: gaussfit = lambda p, x: \ cont + p[0] * (1 / np.sqrt(2 * np.pi * (p[2] ** 2))) \ * np.exp(-(x - p[1]) ** 2 / (2 * p[2] ** 2)) # 1d Gaussian fit if spec.var is not None and weight: wght = 1.0 / np.sqrt(np.abs(spec.var)), copy=False, fill_value=0) else: wght = np.ones(spec.shape) e_gauss_fit = lambda p, x, y, w: w * (gaussfit(p, x) - y) # inital guesses for Gaussian Fit v0 = [flux, lpeak, sigma] # Minimize the sum of squares v, covar, info, mesg, success = leastsq(e_gauss_fit, v0[:], args=(l, d, wght), maxfev=100000, full_output=1) # calculate the errors from the estimated covariance matrix chisq = sum(info["fvec"] * info["fvec"]) dof = len(info["fvec"]) - len(v) if covar is not None: err = np.array([np.sqrt(np.abs(covar[i, i])) * np.sqrt(np.abs(chisq / dof)) for i in range(len(v))]) else: err = None # plot if plot: xxx = np.arange(l[0], l[-1], (l[1] - l[0]) / plot_factor) ccc = gaussfit(v, xxx) plt.plot(xxx, ccc, 'r--') # return a Gauss1D object flux = v[0] lpeak = v[1] sigma = np.abs(v[2]) fwhm = sigma * 2 * np.sqrt(2 * np.log(2)) peak = flux / np.sqrt(2 * np.pi * (sigma ** 2)) if err is not None: err_flux = err[0] err_lpeak = err[1] err_sigma = err[2] err_fwhm = err_sigma * 2 * np.sqrt(2 * np.log(2)) err_peak = np.abs(1. / np.sqrt(2 * np.pi) * (err_flux * sigma - flux * err_sigma) / sigma / sigma) else: err_flux = np.NAN err_lpeak = np.NAN err_sigma = np.NAN err_fwhm = np.NAN err_peak = np.NAN return Gauss1D(lpeak, peak, flux, fwhm, cont0, err_lpeak, err_peak, err_flux, err_fwhm, chisq, dof)
[docs] def add_gaussian(self, lpeak, flux, fwhm, cont=0, peak=False, unit=u.angstrom): """Add a gaussian on spectrum in place. Parameters ---------- lpeak : float Gaussian center. flux : float Integrated gaussian flux or gaussian peak value if peak is True. fwhm : float Gaussian fwhm. cont : float Continuum value. peak : bool If true, flux contains the gaussian peak value unit : `astropy.units.Unit` Type of the wavelength coordinates. If None, inputs are in pixels. """ gauss = lambda p, x: cont \ + p[0] * (1 / np.sqrt(2 * np.pi * (p[2] ** 2))) \ * np.exp(-(x - p[1]) ** 2 / (2 * p[2] ** 2)) sigma = fwhm / (2. * np.sqrt(2. * np.log(2.0))) if peak is True: flux = flux * np.sqrt(2 * np.pi * (sigma ** 2)) lmin = lpeak - 5 * sigma lmax = lpeak + 5 * sigma if unit is None: imin = int(lmin + 0.5) imax = int(lmax + 0.5) else: imin = self.wave.pixel(lmin, nearest=True, unit=unit) imax = self.wave.pixel(lmax, nearest=True, unit=unit) if imin == imax: if imin == 0 or imin == self.shape[0]: raise ValueError('Gaussian outside spectrum wavelength range') if unit is None: wave = np.arange(imin, imax, dtype=float) else: wave = self.wave.coord(unit=unit)[imin:imax] v = [flux, lpeak, sigma][imin:imax] =[imin:imax] \ + gauss(v, wave)
[docs] def gauss_dfit(self, lmin, lmax, wratio, lpeak_1=None, flux_1=None, fratio=1., fwhm=None, cont=None, peak=False, spline=False, weight=True, plot=False, plot_factor=10, unit=u.angstrom): """Truncate the spectrum and fit it as a sum of two gaussian functions. Returns the two gaussian functions as `mpdaf.obj.Gauss1D` objects. From Johan Richard and Vera Patricio. Parameters ---------- lmin : float or (float,float) Minimum wavelength value or wavelength range used to initialize the gaussian left value. lmax : float or (float,float) Maximum wavelength or wavelength range used to initialize the gaussian right value. wratio : float Ratio between the two gaussian centers lpeak_1 : float Input gaussian center of the first gaussian. if None it is estimated with the wavelength corresponding to the maximum value in [max(lmin), min(lmax)] flux_1 : float Integrated gaussian flux or gaussian peak value if peak is True. fratio : float Ratio between the two integrated gaussian fluxes. fwhm : float Input gaussian fwhm, if None it is estimated. peak : bool If true, flux contains the gaussian peak value . cont : float Continuum value, if None it is estimated by the line through points (max(lmin),mean(data[lmin])) and (min(lmax),mean(data[lmax])). spline : bool Linear/spline interpolation to interpolate masked values. weight : bool If weight is True, the weight is computed as the inverse of variance. plot : bool If True, the resulted fit is plotted. plot_factor : double oversampling factor for the overplotted fit unit : `astropy.units.Unit` Type of the wavelength coordinates. If None, inputs are in pixels. Returns ------- out : `mpdaf.obj.Gauss1D`, `mpdaf.obj.Gauss1D` """ if np.isscalar(lmin): fmin = None else: lmin = np.array(lmin, dtype=float) fmin = self.mean(lmin[0], lmin[1], weight=False, unit=unit) lmin = lmin[1] if np.isscalar(lmax): fmax = None else: lmax = np.array(lmax, dtype=float) fmax = self.mean(lmax[0], lmax[1], weight=False, unit=unit) lmax = lmax[0] # spec = self.truncate(lmin, lmax) spec = self.subspec(lmin, lmax, unit=unit) data = spec._interp_data(spline) if unit is None: l = np.arange(self.shape, dtype=float) else: l = spec.wave.coord(unit=unit) d = data lmin = l[0] lmax = l[-1] if fmin is None: fmin = d[0] if fmax is None: fmax = d[-1] # initial gaussian peak position if lpeak_1 is None: lpeak_1 = l[d.argmax()] # continuum value if cont is None: cont0 = ((fmax - fmin) * lpeak_1 + lmax * fmin - lmin * fmax) / (lmax - lmin) else: cont0 = cont # initial sigma value if fwhm is None: try: fwhm = spec.fwhm(lpeak_1, cont0, spline, unit=unit) except: lpeak_1 = l[d.argmin()] fwhm = spec.fwhm(lpeak_1, cont0, spline, unit=unit) sigma = fwhm / (2. * np.sqrt(2. * np.log(2.0))) # initial gaussian integrated flux if flux_1 is None: if unit is None: pixel = int(lpeak_1 + 0.5) else: pixel = spec.wave.pixel(lpeak_1, nearest=True, unit=unit) peak_1 = d[pixel] - cont0 flux_1 = peak_1 * np.sqrt(2 * np.pi * (sigma ** 2)) elif peak is True: peak_1 = flux_1 - cont0 flux_1 = peak_1 * np.sqrt(2 * np.pi * (sigma ** 2)) else: pass flux_2 = fratio * flux_1 # 1d gaussian function # p[0]: flux 1, p[1]:center 1, p[2]: fwhm, p[3] = peak 2 gaussfit = lambda p, x: cont0 + p[0] * (1 / np.sqrt(2 * np.pi * (p[2] ** 2))) * np.exp(-(x - p[1]) ** 2 / (2 * p[2] ** 2)) \ + p[3] * (1 / np.sqrt(2 * np.pi * (p[2] ** 2))) * np.exp(-(x - (p[1] * wratio)) ** 2 / (2 * p[2] ** 2)) # 1d gaussian fit if spec.var is not None and weight: wght = 1.0 / np.sqrt(np.abs(spec.var)), copy=False, fill_value=0) else: wght = np.ones(spec.shape) e_gauss_fit = lambda p, x, y, w: w * (gaussfit(p, x) - y) # inital guesses for Gaussian Fit v0 = [flux_1, lpeak_1, sigma, flux_2] # Minimize the sum of squares v, covar, info, mesg, success = leastsq(e_gauss_fit, v0[:], args=(l, d, wght), maxfev=100000, full_output=1) # Gauss Fit # calculate the errors from the estimated covariance matrix chisq = sum(info["fvec"] * info["fvec"]) dof = len(info["fvec"]) - len(v) if covar is not None: err = np.array([np.sqrt(np.abs(covar[i, i])) * np.sqrt(np.abs(chisq / dof)) for i in range(len(v))]) else: err = None # plot if plot: xxx = np.arange(l[0], l[-1], (l[1] - l[0]) / plot_factor) ccc = gaussfit(v, xxx) plt.plot(xxx, ccc, 'r--') # return a Gauss1D object flux_1 = v[0] flux_2 = v[3] lpeak_1 = v[1] lpeak_2 = lpeak_1 * wratio sigma = np.abs(v[2]) fwhm = sigma * 2 * np.sqrt(2 * np.log(2)) peak_1 = flux_1 / np.sqrt(2 * np.pi * (sigma ** 2)) peak_2 = flux_2 / np.sqrt(2 * np.pi * (sigma ** 2)) if err is not None: err_flux_1 = err[0] err_flux_2 = err[3] err_lpeak_1 = err[1] err_lpeak_2 = err[1] * wratio err_sigma = err[2] err_fwhm = err_sigma * 2 * np.sqrt(2 * np.log(2)) err_peak_1 = np.abs(1. / np.sqrt(2 * np.pi) * (err_flux_1 * sigma - flux_1 * err_sigma) / sigma / sigma) err_peak_2 = np.abs(1. / np.sqrt(2 * np.pi) * (err_flux_2 * sigma - flux_2 * err_sigma) / sigma / sigma) else: err_flux_1 = np.NAN err_flux_2 = np.NAN err_lpeak_1 = np.NAN err_lpeak_2 = np.NAN err_sigma = np.NAN err_fwhm = np.NAN err_peak_1 = np.NAN err_peak_2 = np.NAN return Gauss1D(lpeak_1, peak_1, flux_1, fwhm, cont0, err_lpeak_1, err_peak_1, err_flux_1, err_fwhm, chisq, dof), \ Gauss1D(lpeak_2, peak_2, flux_2, fwhm, cont0, err_lpeak_2, err_peak_2, err_flux_2, err_fwhm, chisq, dof)
[docs] def gauss_asymfit(self, lmin, lmax, lpeak=None, flux=None, fwhm=None, cont=None, peak=False, spline=False, weight=True, plot=False, plot_factor=10, unit=u.angstrom): """Truncate the spectrum and fit it with an asymetric gaussian function. Returns the two gaussian functions (right and left) as `mpdaf.obj.Gauss1D` objects. From Johan Richard and Vera Patricio, modified by Jeremy Blaizot. Parameters ---------- lmin : float or (float,float) Minimum wavelength value or wavelength range used to initialize the gaussian left value. lmax : float or (float,float) Maximum wavelength or wavelength range used to initialize the gaussian right value. lpeak : float Input gaussian center. if None it is estimated with the wavelength corresponding to the maximum value in ``[max(lmin), min(lmax)]``. flux : float Integrated gaussian flux or gaussian peak value if peak is True. fwhm : float Input gaussian fwhm, if None it is estimated. peak : bool If true, flux contains the gaussian peak value . cont : float Continuum value, if None it is estimated by the line through points (max(lmin),mean(data[lmin])) and (min(lmax),mean(data[lmax])). spline : bool Linear/spline interpolation to interpolate masked values. weight : bool If weight is True, the weight is computed as the inverse of variance. unit : `astropy.units.Unit` type of the wavelength coordinates. If None, inputs are in pixels. plot : bool If True, the resulted fit is plotted. plot_factor : double oversampling factor for the overplotted fit Returns ------- out : `mpdaf.obj.Gauss1D`, `mpdaf.obj.Gauss1D` Left and right Gaussian functions. """ if np.isscalar(lmin): fmin = None else: lmin = np.array(lmin, dtype=float) fmin = self.mean(lmin[0], lmin[1], weight=False, unit=unit) lmin = lmin[1] if np.isscalar(lmax): fmax = None else: lmax = np.array(lmax, dtype=float) fmax = self.mean(lmax[0], lmax[1], weight=False, unit=unit) lmax = lmax[0] spec = self.subspec(lmin, lmax, unit=unit) data = spec._interp_data(spline) if unit is None: l = np.arange(self.shape, dtype=float) else: l = spec.wave.coord(unit=unit) d = data lmin = l[0] lmax = l[-1] if fmin is None: fmin = d[0] if fmax is None: fmax = d[-1] # initial gaussian peak position if lpeak is None: lpeak = l[d.argmax()] # continuum value if cont is None: cont0 = ((fmax - fmin) * lpeak + lmax * fmin - lmin * fmax) / (lmax - lmin) else: cont0 = cont # initial sigma value if fwhm is None: try: fwhm = spec.fwhm(lpeak, cont0, spline, unit=unit) except: lpeak = l[d.argmin()] fwhm = spec.fwhm(lpeak, cont0, spline, unit=unit) sigma = fwhm / (2. * np.sqrt(2. * np.log(2.0))) # initial gaussian integrated flux if flux is None: if unit is None: pixel = int(lpeak + 0.5) else: pixel = spec.wave.pixel(lpeak, nearest=True, unit=unit) peak = d[pixel] - cont0 flux = peak * np.sqrt(2 * np.pi * (sigma ** 2)) elif peak is True: peak = flux - cont0 flux = peak * np.sqrt(2 * np.pi * (sigma ** 2)) else: pass # Asymetric gaussian function (p[0]: flux of the right-hand side if it was full... ; p[1]: lambda peak; p[2]:sigma_right; p[3]: sigma_left) asymfit = lambda p, x: np.where(x > p[1], cont0 + p[0] / np.sqrt(2 * np.pi) / p[2] * np.exp(-(x - p[1]) ** 2 / (2. * p[2] ** 2)), cont0 + p[0] * p[3] / p[2] / np.sqrt(2 * np.pi) / p[3] * np.exp(-(x - p[1]) ** 2 / (2. * p[3] ** 2))) #cont + p[0] / np.sqrt(2*np.pi)/p[2] * np.exp(-(x-p[1])**2/(2.*p[2]**2)) if x > p[1] else cont + p[0] * p[3]/p[2] / np.sqrt(2*np.pi)/p[3] * np.exp(-(x-p[1])**2/(2.*p[3]**2)) # 1d Gaussian fit if spec.var is not None and weight: wght = 1.0 / np.sqrt(np.abs(spec.var)), copy=False, fill_value=0) else: wght = np.ones(spec.shape) e_asym_fit = lambda p, x, y, w: w * (asymfit(p, x) - y) # inital guesses for Gaussian Fit v0 = [peak, lpeak, sigma, sigma] # Minimize the sum of squares v, covar, info, mesg, success = leastsq(e_asym_fit, v0[:], args=(l, d, wght), maxfev=100000, full_output=1) # calculate the errors from the estimated covariance matrix chisq = sum(info["fvec"] * info["fvec"]) dof = len(info["fvec"]) - len(v) if covar is not None: err = np.array([np.sqrt(np.abs(covar[i, i])) * np.sqrt(np.abs(chisq / dof)) for i in range(len(v))]) else: err = None # plot if plot: xxx = np.arange(l[0], l[-1], (l[1] - l[0]) / plot_factor) # Same wavelenght grid as input spectrum ccc = asymfit(v, xxx) plt.plot(xxx, ccc, 'm--', label='Asymmetric') # return a Gauss1D object sigma_right = np.abs(v[2]) sigma_left = np.abs(v[3]) flux_right = 0.5 * v[0] flux_left = flux_right * sigma_left / sigma_right flux = flux_right + flux_left fwhm_right = sigma_right * 2 * np.sqrt(2 * np.log(2)) fwhm_left = sigma_left * 2 * np.sqrt(2 * np.log(2)) lpeak = v[1] peak = flux_right / np.sqrt(2 * np.pi * sigma_right ** 2) if err is not None: err_flux = err[0] err_lpeak = err[1] err_sigma_right = err[2] err_sigma_left = err[3] err_fwhm_right = err_sigma_right * 2 * np.sqrt(2 * np.log(2)) err_fwhm_left = err_sigma_left * 2 * np.sqrt(2 * np.log(2)) err_peak = np.abs(1. / np.sqrt(2 * np.pi) * (err_flux * sigma_right - flux * err_sigma_right) / sigma_right / sigma_right) else: err_flux = np.NAN err_lpeak = np.NAN err_sigma_right = np.NAN err_sigma_left = np.NAN err_fwhm_right = np.NAN err_fwhm_left = np.NAN err_peak = np.NAN return Gauss1D(lpeak, peak, flux_left, fwhm_left, cont0, err_lpeak, err_peak, err_flux / 2, err_fwhm_left, chisq, dof), \ Gauss1D(lpeak, peak, flux_right, fwhm_right, cont0, err_lpeak, err_peak, err_flux / 2, err_fwhm_right, chisq, dof)
[docs] def add_asym_gaussian(self, lpeak, flux, fwhm_right, fwhm_left, cont=0, peak=False, unit=u.angstrom): """Add an asymetric gaussian on spectrum in place. Parameters ---------- lpeak : float Gaussian center. flux : float Integrated gaussian flux or gaussian peak value if peak is True. fwhm_right : float Gaussian fwhm on the right (red) side fwhm_left : float Gaussian fwhm on the right (red) side cont : float Continuum value. peak : bool If true, flux contains the gaussian peak value. unit : `astropy.units.Unit` Type of the wavelength coordinates. If None, inputs are in pixels. """ asym_gauss = lambda p, x: np.where(x > p[1], cont + p[0] / np.sqrt(2 * np.pi) / p[2] * np.exp(-(x - p[1]) ** 2 / (2. * p[2] ** 2)), cont + p[0] * p[3] / p[2] / np.sqrt(2 * np.pi) / p[3] * np.exp(-(x - p[1]) ** 2 / (2. * p[3] ** 2))) sigma_left = fwhm_left / (2. * np.sqrt(2. * np.log(2.0))) sigma_right = fwhm_right / (2. * np.sqrt(2. * np.log(2.0))) # if peak is True: # right_norm = flux * np.sqrt(2. * np.pi * sigma_right ** 2) # else: # right_norm = 2. * flux / (1. + sigma_left / sigma_right) lmin = lpeak - 5 * sigma_left lmax = lpeak + 5 * sigma_right if unit is None: imin = int(lmin + 0.5) imax = int(lmax + 0.5) else: imin = self.wave.pixel(lmin, True, unit=unit) imax = self.wave.pixel(lmax, True, unit=unit) if imin == imax: if imin == 0 or imin == self.shape[0]: raise ValueError('Gaussian outside spectrum wavelength range') if unit is None: wave = np.arange(imin, imax, dtype=float) else: wave = self.wave.coord(unit=unit)[imin:imax] v = [flux, lpeak, sigma_right, sigma_left][imin:imax] =[imin:imax] + asym_gauss(v, wave)
[docs] def line_gauss_fit(self, lpeak, lmin, lmax, flux=None, fwhm=None, cont=None, peak=False, spline=False, weight=True, plot=False, plot_factor=10, unit=u.angstrom): """Perform a Gaussian fit on a line (fixed Gaussian center). Uses `scipy.optimize.leastsq` to minimize the sum of squares. Parameters ---------- lmin : float or (float,float) Minimum wavelength value or wavelength range used to initialize the gaussian left value. lmax : float or (float,float) Maximum wavelength or wavelength range used to initialize the gaussian right value. lpeak : float Input gaussian center, if None it is estimated with the wavelength corresponding to the maximum value in [max(lmin), min(lmax)] flux : float Integrated gaussian flux or gaussian peak value if peak is True. fwhm : float Input gaussian fwhm, if None it is estimated. peak : bool If true, flux contains the gaussian peak value . cont : float Continuum value, if None it is estimated by the line through points (max(lmin),mean(data[lmin])) and (min(lmax),mean(data[lmax])). spline : bool Linear/spline interpolation to interpolate masked values. weight : bool If weight is True, the weight is computed as the inverse of variance. plot : bool If True, the Gaussian is plotted. plot_factor : double oversampling factor for the overplotted fit Returns ------- out : `mpdaf.obj.Gauss1D` """ # truncate the spectrum and compute right and left gaussian values if np.isscalar(lmin): fmin = None else: lmin = np.array(lmin, dtype=float) fmin = self.mean(lmin[0], lmin[1]) lmin = (lmin[0] + lmin[1]) / 2. if np.isscalar(lmax): fmax = None else: lmax = np.array(lmax, dtype=float) fmax = self.mean(lmax[0], lmax[1]) lmax = (lmax[0] + lmax[1]) / 2. # spec = self.truncate(lmin, lmax) spec = self.subspec(lmin, lmax, unit=unit) data = spec._interp_data(spline) l = spec.wave.coord(unit=unit) d = data lmin = l[0] lmax = l[-1] if fmin is None: fmin = d[0] if fmax is None: fmax = d[-1] # continuum value if cont is None: cont0 = ((fmax - fmin) * lpeak + lmax * fmin - lmin * fmax) / (lmax - lmin) else: cont0 = cont # initial sigma value if fwhm is None: try: fwhm = spec.fwhm(lpeak, cont0, spline, unit=unit) except: lpeak = l[d.argmin()] fwhm = spec.fwhm(lpeak, cont0, spline, unit=unit) sigma = fwhm / (2. * np.sqrt(2. * np.log(2.0))) # initial gaussian integrated flux if flux is None: pixel = spec.wave.pixel(lpeak, nearest=True, unit=unit) peak = d[pixel] - cont0 flux = peak * np.sqrt(2 * np.pi * (sigma ** 2)) elif peak is True: peak = flux - cont0 flux = peak * np.sqrt(2 * np.pi * (sigma ** 2)) else: pass # 1d gaussian function if cont is None: gaussfit = lambda p, x: \ ((fmax - fmin) * x + lmax * fmin - lmin * fmax) \ / (lmax - lmin) + np.abs(p[0]) \ * (1 / np.sqrt(2 * np.pi * (p[1] ** 2))) \ * np.exp(-(x - lpeak) ** 2 / (2 * p[1] ** 2)) else: gaussfit = lambda p, x: \ cont + np.abs(p[0]) * (1 / np.sqrt(2 * np.pi * (p[1] ** 2))) \ * np.exp(-(x - lpeak) ** 2 / (2 * p[1] ** 2)) # 1d Gaussian fit if spec.var is not None and weight: wght = 1.0 / np.sqrt(np.abs(spec.var)), copy=False, fill_value=0) else: wght = np.ones(spec.shape) e_gauss_fit = lambda p, x, y, w: w * (gaussfit(p, x) - y) # inital guesses for Gaussian Fit v0 = [flux, sigma] # Minimize the sum of squares v, covar, info, mesg, success = leastsq(e_gauss_fit, v0[:], args=(l, d, wght), maxfev=100000, full_output=1) # calculate the errors from the estimated covariance matrix chisq = sum(info["fvec"] * info["fvec"]) dof = len(info["fvec"]) - len(v) if covar is not None: err = np.array([np.sqrt(np.abs(covar[i, i])) * np.sqrt(np.abs(chisq / dof)) for i in range(len(v))]) else: err = None # plot if plot: xxx = np.arange(l[0], l[-1], (l[1] - l[0]) / plot_factor) ccc = gaussfit(v, xxx) plt.plot(xxx, ccc, 'r--') # return a Gauss1D object flux = np.abs(v[0]) sigma = np.abs(v[1]) fwhm = sigma * 2 * np.sqrt(2 * np.log(2)) peak = flux / np.sqrt(2 * np.pi * (sigma ** 2)) if err is not None: err_flux = np.abs(err[0]) err_lpeak = 0 err_sigma = err[1] err_fwhm = err_sigma * 2 * np.sqrt(2 * np.log(2)) err_peak = np.abs(1. / np.sqrt(2 * np.pi) * (err_flux * sigma - flux * err_sigma) / sigma / sigma) else: err_flux = np.NAN err_lpeak = np.NAN err_sigma = np.NAN err_fwhm = np.NAN err_peak = np.NAN return Gauss1D(lpeak, peak, flux, fwhm, cont0, err_lpeak, err_peak, err_flux, err_fwhm, chisq, dof)
def _convolve(self, other): """Convolve the spectrum with a other spectrum or an array. Uses `scipy.signal.convolve`. self and other must have the same size. Parameters ---------- other : 1d-array or Spectrum Second spectrum or 1d-array. """ try: if isinstance(other, Spectrum): if self.shape != other.shape: raise IOError('Operation forbidden for spectra ' 'with different sizes') else: data = other._data if self.unit != other.unit: data = (data * other.unit).to(self.unit).value self._data = signal.convolve(self._data, data, mode='same') if self._var is not None: self._var = signal.convolve(self._var, data, mode='same') except IOError as e: raise e except: try: self._data = signal.convolve(self._data, other, mode='same') if self._var is not None: self._var = signal.convolve(self._var, other, mode='same') except: raise IOError('Operation forbidden') return None
[docs] def convolve(self, other, inplace=False): """Return the convolution of the spectrum with a other spectrum or an array. Uses `scipy.signal.convolve`. self and other must have the same size. Parameters ---------- other : 1d-array or Spectrum Second spectrum or 1d-array. inplace : bool If False, return a convolved copy of the spectrum (the default). If True, convolve the original spectrum in-place, and return that. Returns ------- out : Spectrum """ # Should we convolve the spectrum in-place, or convolve a copy? res = self if inplace else self.copy() # Convolve the result object in-place. res._convolve(other) return res
def _fftconvolve(self, other): """Convolve the spectrum with a other spectrum or an array using fft. Uses `scipy.signal.fftconvolve`. self and other must have the same size. Parameters ---------- other : 1d-array or Spectrum Second spectrum or 1d-array. """ try: if isinstance(other, Spectrum): if self.shape != other.shape: raise IOError('Operation forbidden ' 'for spectra with different sizes') else: data = other._data if self.unit != other.unit: data = (data * other.unit).to(self.unit).value self._data = signal.fftconvolve(self._data, data, mode='same') if self._var is not None: self._var = signal.fftconvolve(self._var, data, mode='same') except IOError as e: raise e except: try: self._data = signal.fftconvolve(self._data, other, mode='same') if self._var is not None: self._var = signal.fftconvolve(self._var, other, mode='same') except: raise IOError('Operation forbidden')
[docs] def fftconvolve(self, other, inplace=False): """Return the convolution of the spectrum with a other spectrum or an array using fft. Uses `scipy.signal.fftconvolve`. self and other must have the same size. Parameters ---------- other : 1d-array or Spectrum Second spectrum or 1d-array. inplace : bool If False, return a convolved copy of the spectrum (the default). If True, convolve the original spectrum in-place, and return that. Returns ------- out : Spectrum """ # Should we convolve the spectrum in-place, or convolve a copy? res = self if inplace else self.copy() # Convolve the result object in-place. res._fftconvolve(other) return res
def _correlate(self, other): """Cross-correlate the spectrum with a other spectrum or an array. Uses `scipy.signal.correlate`. self and other must have the same size. Parameters ---------- other : 1d-array or Spectrum Second spectrum or 1d-array. """ try: if isinstance(other, Spectrum): if self.shape != other.shape: raise IOError('Operation forbidden for spectra ' 'with different sizes') else: data = other._data if self.unit != other.unit: data = (data * other.unit).to(self.unit).value self._data = signal.correlate(self._data, data, mode='same') if self._var is not None: self._var = signal.correlate(self._var, data, mode='same') except IOError as e: raise e except: try: self._data = signal.correlate(self._data, other, mode='same') if self._var is not None: self._var = signal.correlate(self._var, other, mode='same') except: raise IOError('Operation forbidden')
[docs] def correlate(self, other, inplace=False): """Return the cross-correlation of the spectrum with a other spectrum or an array. Uses `scipy.signal.correlate`. self and other must have the same size. Parameters ---------- other : 1d-array or Spectrum Second spectrum or 1d-array. inplace : bool If False, return the correlation in a new spectrum object (default). If True, replace the input spectrum with the correlation. Returns ------- out : Spectrum """ # Should we perform the correlation in-place, or to a copy of the spectrum? res = self if inplace else self.copy() # Perform the correlation in-place. res._correlate(other) return res
def _fftconvolve_gauss(self, fwhm, nsig=5, unit=u.angstrom): """Convolve the spectrum with a Gaussian using fft. Parameters ---------- fwhm : float Gaussian fwhm in angstrom nsig : int Number of standard deviations. unit : `astropy.units.Unit` Type of the wavelength coordinates. If None, inputs are in pixels. """ from scipy import special sigma = fwhm / (2. * np.sqrt(2. * np.log(2.0))) if unit is None: s = sigma else: s = sigma / self.get_step(unit=unit) n = nsig * int(s + 0.5) n = int(n / 2) * 2 d = np.arange(-n, n + 1) kernel = special.erf((1 + 2 * d) / (2 * np.sqrt(2) * s)) \ + special.erf((1 - 2 * d) / (2 * np.sqrt(2) * s)) kernel /= kernel.sum() self._data = signal.correlate(self._data, kernel, mode='same') if self._var is not None: self._var = signal.correlate(self._var, kernel, mode='same')
[docs] def fftconvolve_gauss(self, fwhm, nsig=5, unit=u.angstrom, inplace=False): """Return the convolution of the spectrum with a Gaussian using fft. Parameters ---------- fwhm : float Gaussian fwhm. nsig : int Number of standard deviations. unit : `astropy.units.Unit` type of the wavelength coordinates inplace : bool If False, return a convolved copy of the spectrum (the default). If True, convolve the original spectrum in-place, and return that. Returns ------- out : Spectrum """ # Should we convolve the spectrum in-place, or convolve a copy? res = self if inplace else self.copy() # Convolve the result object in-place. res._fftconvolve_gauss(fwhm, nsig, unit) return res
[docs] def LSF_convolve(self, lsf, size, **kwargs): """Convolve spectrum with LSF. Parameters ---------- lsf : python function `mpdaf.MUSE.LSF` object or function f describing the LSF. The first three parameters of the function f must be lbda (wavelength value in A), step (in A) and size (odd integer). f returns an np.array with shape=2*(size/2)+1 and centered in lbda Example: from mpdaf.MUSE import LSF size : odd int size of LSF in pixels. kwargs : kwargs it can be used to set function arguments. Returns ------- out : `~mpdaf.obj.Spectrum` """ res = self.clone() if self._data.sum() == 0: return res step = self.get_step(u.angstrom) lbda = self.wave.coord(u.angstrom) if size % 2 == 0: raise ValueError('Size must be an odd number') else: k = size // 2 if isinstance(lsf, types.FunctionType): f = lsf else: try: f = getattr(lsf, 'get_LSF') except: raise ValueError('lsf parameter is not valid') data = np.empty(len(self._data) + 2 * k) data[k:-k] = self._data data[:k] = self._data[k:0:-1] data[-k:] = self._data[-2:-k - 2:-1] res._data = np.array([(f(lbda[i], step, size, **kwargs) * data[i:i + size]).sum() for i in range(self.shape[0])]) res._mask = self._mask if self._var is None: res._var = None else: res._var = np.array([(f(lbda[i], step, size, **kwargs) * data[i:i + size]).sum() for i in range(self.shape[0])]) return res
[docs] def plot(self, max=None, title=None, noise=False, snr=False, lmin=None, lmax=None, ax=None, stretch='linear', unit=u.angstrom, noise_kwargs=None, **kwargs): """Plot the spectrum. By default, the matplotlib drawstyle option is set to 'steps-mid'. The reason for this is that in MPDAF integer pixel indexes correspond to the centers of their pixels, and the floating point pixel indexes of a pixel extend from half a pixel below the integer central position to half a pixel above it. Parameters ---------- max : float If max is not None (the default), it should be a floating point value. The plotted data will be renormalized such that the peak in the plot has this value. title : string The title to give the figure (None by default). noise : bool If noise is True, colored extensions above and below the plotted points indicate the square-root of the variances of each pixel (if any). snr : bool If snr is True, data/sqrt(var) is plotted. lmin : float The minimum wavelength to be plotted, or None (the default) to start the plot from the minimum wavelength in the spectrum. lmax : float The maximum wavelength to be plotted, or None (the default) to start the plot from the maximum wavelength in the spectrum. ax : matplotlib.Axes The Axes instance in which the spectrum is drawn, or None (the default), to request that an Axes object be created internally. unit : `astropy.units.Unit` The wavelength units of the lmin and lmax arguments, or None to indicate that lmin and lmax are floating point pixel indexes. noise_kwargs : dict Properties for the noise plot (if ``noise=True``). Default to ``color='0.75', facecolor='0.75', alpha=0.5``. kwargs : dict kwargs can be used to set properties of the plot such as: line label (for auto legends), linewidth, anitialising, marker face color, etc. """ # Create an Axes instance for the plot? if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() # If a sub-set of the spectrum's wavelengths have been # specified, get a truncated copy of the spectrum that just # contains this range. res = self.copy() if lmin is not None or lmax is not None: res.truncate(lmin, lmax, unit) # Get the wavelengths to be plotted along the X axis, # preferably in the units specified for lmin and lmax, # if any. If the specified units can't be used, use # the native wavelength units of the spectrum. try: x = res.wave.coord(unit=unit) except u.UnitConversionError: unit = res.wave.unit x = res.wave.coord(unit=unit) # Get the pixel values to be plotted. data = # Disable the noise and snr options if no variances # are available. if res.var is None: noise = False snr = False # Compute the SNR? if snr: data /= np.sqrt(res.var) # Renormalize to make the peak value equal to max? if max is not None: data = data * max / data.max() # Set the default plot arguments. kwargs.setdefault('drawstyle', 'steps-mid') # Plot the data with a linear or logarithmic Y axis. if stretch == 'linear': ax.plot(x, data, **kwargs) elif stretch == 'log': ax.semilogy(x, data, **kwargs) else: raise ValueError("Unknow stretch '{}'".format(stretch)) # Plot extensions above and below the points to represent # their uncertainties? if noise: sigma = np.sqrt(res.var) noisekw = dict(color='0.75', facecolor='0.75', alpha=0.5) if noise_kwargs is not None: noisekw.update(noise_kwargs) ax.fill_between(x, data + sigma, data - sigma, **noisekw) # Label the plot. if title is not None: ax.set_title(title) if unit is not None: ax.set_xlabel(r'$\lambda$ (%s)' % unit) if res.unit is not None: ax.set_ylabel(res.unit) # Arrange for cursor motion events to display corresponding # coordinates and values below the plot. self._fig = plt.get_current_fig_manager() self._unit = unit plt.connect('motion_notify_event', self._on_move) self._plot_id = len(ax.lines) - 1
@deprecated('log_plot method is deprecated in favor of plot')
[docs] def log_plot(self, **kwargs): """DEPRECATED: See `~mpdaf.obj.Spectrum.log_plot` instead.""" self.plot(stretch='log', **kwargs)
def _on_move(self, event): """print xc,yc,k,lbda and data in the figure toolbar.""" if event.inaxes is not None: xc, yc = event.xdata, event.ydata try: i = self.wave.pixel(xc, True) x = self.wave.coord(i, unit=self._unit) val =[i] s = 'xc= %g yc=%g k=%d lbda=%g data=%g' % (xc, yc, i, x, val) self._fig.toolbar.set_message(s) except: pass @deprecated('rebin_mean method is deprecated in favor of rebin')
[docs] def rebin_mean(self, factor, margin='center'): """DEPRECATED: See `~mpdaf.obj.Spectrum.rebin` instead.""" return self.rebin(factor, margin)
@deprecated('rebin_median method is deprecated in favor of rebin')
[docs] def rebin_median(self, factor, margin='center'): """DEPRECATED: See `~mpdaf.obj.Spectrum.rebin` instead.""" return self.rebin(factor, margin)