
mpdaf.obj.moffat_image(shape=(101, 101), wcs=<mpdaf.obj.coords.WCS object>, factor=1, moffat=None, center=None, flux=1.0, fwhm=(1.0, 1.0), peak=False, n=2, rot=0.0, cont=0, unit_center=Unit("deg"), unit_fwhm=Unit("arcsec"), unit=Unit(dimensionless))[source]

Create a new image from a 2D Moffat function.


shape : int or (int,int)

Lengths of the image in Y and X with python notation: (ny,nx). (101,101) by default. If wcs object contains dimensions, shape is ignored and wcs dimensions are used.

wcs : mpdaf.obj.WCS

World coordinates.

factor : int

If factor<=1, moffat value is computed in the center of each pixel. If factor>1, for each pixel, moffat value is the sum of the moffat values on the factor*factor pixels divided by the pixel area.

moffat : mpdaf.obj.Moffat2D

object that contains all moffat parameters. If it is present, following parameters are not used.

center : (float,float)

Peak center (x_peak, y_peak). The unit is genven byt the parameter unit_center (degrees by default). If None the center of the image is used.

flux : float

Integrated gaussian flux or gaussian peak value

if peak is True.

fwhm : (float,float)

Gaussian fwhm (fwhm_y,fwhm_x). The unit is given by the parameter unit_fwhm (arcseconds by default)

peak : bool

If true, flux contains a gaussian peak value.

n : int

Atmospheric scattering coefficient. 2 by default.

rot : float

Angle position in degree.

cont : float

Continuum value. 0 by default.

unit_center : astropy.units.Unit

type of the center and position coordinates. Degrees by default (use None for coordinates in pixels).

unit_fwhm : astropy.units.Unit

FWHM unit. Arcseconds by default (use None for radius in pixels)


out : Image