class mpdaf.MUSE.FSF(typ='MOFFAT1')[source]

Bases: object

This class offers Field Spread Function (FSF) models for MUSE.

The only supported model currently is “MOFFAT1”.

MOFFAT1: Moffat function with a FWHM which varies linearly with the wavelength. Parameters:

  • beta (float) Power index of the Moffat.
  • a (float) constant in arcsec which defined the FWHM (fwhm=a+b*lbda)
  • b (float) constant which defined the FWHM (fwhm=a+b*lbda)
typ : str

FSF type. Only “MOFFAT1” is supported currently.

Methods Summary

get_FSF(lbda, step, size, **kwargs) Return an array containing the FSF for a given wavelength.
get_FSF_cube(cube, size, **kargs) Return a cube of FSFs corresponding to the MUSE data cube given as input: a FSF per MUSE spectral pixels, the step of the FSF pixel is equal to the spatial step of the MUSE data cube.

Methods Documentation

get_FSF(lbda, step, size, **kwargs)[source]

Return an array containing the FSF for a given wavelength.

lbda : float or array of float

Wavelength value in A.

step : float

Size of the pixel in arcsec.

size : int

Number of pixels.

kwargs : dict

Additional arguments are passed to the FSF function (e.g. MOFFAT1).

FSF : array (size, size)


fwhm_pix : float

fwhm of the FSF in pixels

fwhm_arcsec : array

fwhm of the FSF in arcsec

get_FSF_cube(cube, size, **kargs)[source]

Return a cube of FSFs corresponding to the MUSE data cube given as input: a FSF per MUSE spectral pixels, the step of the FSF pixel is equal to the spatial step of the MUSE data cube.

cube : mpdaf.obj.Cube

MUSE data cube

size : int

FSF size in pixels.

kargs : dict

kargs can be used to set FSF parameters.

FSF : array (cube.shape[0], size, size)

Cube containing MUSE FSF (one per wavelength)

fwhm_pix : array(cube.shape[0])

fwhm of the FSF in pixels

fwhm_arcsec : array(cube.shape[0])

fwhm of the FSF in arcsec