Operations along one or more axes
In Cube objects, the sum
, mean
methods return the sum, mean and median values along
a given axis or axes of the cube:
In [1]: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
In [2]: from mpdaf.obj import Cube
In [3]: cube = Cube('sdetect/minicube.fits')
In [4]:
[INFO] 3681 x 40 x 40 Cube (sdetect/minicube.fits)
[INFO] .data(3681 x 40 x 40) (1e-20 erg / (Angstrom s cm2)), .var(3681 x 40 x 40)
[INFO] center:(10:27:56.39623411,04:13:25.35875899) size:(8.000",8.000") step:(0.200",0.200") rot:-0.0 deg frame:FK5
[INFO] wavelength: min:4749.89 max:9349.89 step:1.25 Angstrom
In [5]: spe = cube.mean(axis=(1,2))
In [6]:
[INFO] 3681 Spectrum (sdetect/minicube.fits)
[INFO] .data(3681) (1e-20 erg / (Angstrom s cm2)), .var(3681)
[INFO] wavelength: min:4749.89 max:9349.89 step:1.25 Angstrom
In [7]: spe.plot()
# white image
In [8]: ima = cube.sum(axis=0)
In [9]:
[INFO] 40 x 40 Image (sdetect/minicube.fits)
[INFO] .data(40 x 40) (1e-20 erg / (Angstrom s cm2)), .var(40 x 40)
[INFO] center:(10:27:56.39623411,04:13:25.35875899) size:(8.000",8.000") step:(0.200",0.200") rot:-0.0 deg frame:FK5
In [10]: plt.figure()
Out[10]: <Figure size 640x480 with 0 Axes>
In [11]: ima.plot()
Out[11]: <matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x7f8ee4fcffd0>
In [12]: spe.sum(7100,7200)
Out[12]: (3344.121536058322, 1.6975161139416672)
In [13]: spe.integrate(7100, 7200)
(<Quantity 4436.30591051 1e-20 erg / (s cm2)>,
<Quantity 2.11729934 1e-20 erg / (s cm2)>)
The Spectrum.mean
and Spectrum.sum
methods compute the mean and total flux
value over a given wavelength range. Similarly, Spectrum.integrate
integrates the flux value over a given
wavelength range.
Arithmetic Operations between objects
Arithmetic operations can be performed between MPDAF objects and
scalar numbers, numpy arrays, masked arrays or other MPDAF
objects. When an operation is performed between an MPDAF object
and an array, their dimensions must either match, or be broadcastable
to the same dimensions via the usual numpy rules.
When an operation is performed between two MPDAF objects, it requires the
objects to have identical WCS properties, equivalent units, and identical shapes.
Variances are propagated, although correlated errors are not supported.
If data are detected to be correlated, a warning is issued. Values masked in
either object before the operation are masked in the resulting object.
The broadcasting rules make it possible to perform arithmetic
operations between a Cube
and an Image
or a
, assuming that they have compatible spatial and
spectral world-coordinates.
The following demonstration shows a cube being multiplied by an image that has the same spatial dimensions and world-coordinates as the cube, and also being divided by a spectrum that has the same spectral dimensions and wavelengths as the spectral axis of the cube.
In [14]: cube2 = cube * ima / spe
In [15]:
[INFO] 3681 x 40 x 40 Cube (sdetect/minicube.fits)
[INFO] .data(3681 x 40 x 40) (1e-20 erg / (Angstrom cm2 s)), .var(3681 x 40 x 40)
[INFO] center:(10:27:56.3962,04:13:25.3588) size in arcsec:(8.000,8.000) step in arcsec:(0.200,0.200) rot:-0.0 deg
[INFO] wavelength: min:4749.89 max:9349.89 step:1.25 Angstrom
Generic object arithmetic:
Cube, Image and Spectrum objects are all derived from a base class
called DataArray
. This class implements a couple of
arithmetic functions that operate on the data and variance arrays of
these objects:
In [16]: ima2 = ima.sqrt()
In [17]: ima2.plot()
Out[17]: <matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x7f8ee1defd90>